

【作者】 吴冠文

【导师】 章培恒;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 与唐诗的研究盛况相比,魏晋南北朝诗歌研究并未得到研究者应有的重视——在很大程度上这是由于研究者尚未充分认识到这一时期的诗歌创作在中国诗歌发展史上的重要地位。而目前为止已有的关于此期诗歌创作的个体研究中,研究者的目光又主要集中于并不能代表这个时期文学风尚的陶渊明身上,对于诗歌由汉魏晋到宋齐梁陈的转变中具有关键性的桥梁作用的谢灵运,迄今为止已有的研究与其在诗歌史上实际所处的地位明显不成比例。因此,若要全面确切地了解中国诗歌发展史,就必须对魏晋南北朝的诗歌发展作较深入的研究,而对谢灵运诗歌进行充分且准确的阐发,正是其中极其重要的一方面。鉴于此,本文试图立足于诗歌史发展的角度,探讨谢灵运在魏晋南北朝诗歌史,乃至整个中国古代诗歌发展史上的地位,将是非常必要的。本文将联系刘宋文学实是魏晋南北朝文学发展史上的一个转捩点这一几乎被公认的事实,在承认谢诗上承魏晋、下启宋齐梁陈这一诗歌史地位的前提下,对谢灵运诗歌作一综合的探讨。全文除绪论和附录外,由三部分组成。绪论主要介绍对谢灵运诗歌作出进一步研究的意义和目前的研究概况。第一部分主要探讨谢灵运生平思想以及他的生平思想与他诗歌创作的关系。本篇论文的中心是探讨谢灵运的诗歌,但谢诗总体风貌的形成,即谢诗鲜明的个性特色的形成——大谢之所以为大谢,实源于他不一般的人格特征,而他不一般的人格特征又正是他的家世、所处的社会背景等所造成。因此,本文试图对与谢客的文学创作相关的生平思想作一较深入的探讨。如形成谢诗高傲、高洁等特色的家世和建安以来、经正始至晋末宋初的整个社会思想的发展,又如形成谢诗热爱生命特色的谢客的宗教思想背景,等等。关于谢灵运生平思想及其与诗歌创作特色之间关系的探讨,本文试图较全面地梳理相关史料记载,在对形成谢诗主体风貌的家世生平、社会背景、宗教思想倾向等作出较详细的分析的基础之上,对这些生平思想具体形成了谢诗哪些相应的总体风貌作出阐述。第二部分具体分析谢诗艺术特色。本文试图先着力于探讨谢诗几个较突出的总体艺术风貌,即“高世绝俗”、“富艳难踪”、“风流自然”等。在此基础之上,再分析形成谢诗总体风貌的客观因素,即谢诗在意象、炼字、琢句、用典,乃至谋篇布局等方面的与众不同之处。谢诗所营构的意象的个性特点,如撷取意象时“大必笼天海,细不遗草树”、运用传统意象时“自具炉锤,取象则如化工”、经营意象时极力追求生新等,均是构成谢诗总体艺术风貌的因素,而这些又是他通过一些具体的炼字琢句、谋篇布局等创作手法表现出来的。第三部分主要探讨谢灵运诗歌在中国诗歌发展史上的地位和影响。对谢诗继承与发展前代文学遗产——如揣摩学习前代优秀的诗歌创作技法并予以发展、师他体文学,从中汲取描摹景物、传情达意等方面的表现手法等,对谢诗在南朝的地位和影响以及谢诗在后代(限于篇幅,本文选取唐代)的地位和影响等方面,通过具体批评资料的考察和与后世作家作品的具体比较等手段,试图作出翔实的探究。附录部分包括四个部分。由于目前为止对谢灵运作品所作的搜集、校勘、注释等方面均尚存在不尽如人意之处,本文在较全面地调查谢灵运集版本的基础之上,完成“附录一:谢灵运诗文现存版本考”、“附录二:谢灵运诗校勘”;在小到细读谢灵运诗歌每一个字,大到认真探究谢诗谋篇布局的基础之上,对一些谢诗的释义进行辨正,初步完成了“附录三:谢诗释义辨正举隅”。另外,研究者在对谢诗作系年时,失误不少,尤其是在对谢灵运的乐府诗作编年这个问题上,可商榷之处甚多。鉴于此,本文所附的“附录四:关于谢灵运乐府诗系年与他生平思想关系等相关问题的探讨”试图对有些问题作出较客观的理解。

【Abstract】 Comparing with the flourishing situation of the research of Tang poetry, the researchers have not devoted much attention to the poetry of Wei, Jin, the Northern and Southern Dynasties. To a great extent, it is because the importance of these periods in the history of Chinese poetry has not been realized sufficiently. The case studies up to now on the poetry of these periods are mainly about Tao Yuan-ming, whose poems did not really represent the distinguishing features of his days, rather than about Xie Iing-yun, the important figure in the transition of the type and style of the poetry from Han, Wei and Jin to the Southern Dynasties. It is quite evident that the researches on Xie’s poems are in disproportion at all with his factual status in the history of Chinese poetry.From the viewpoint of the phylogeny of Chinese poetry, the dissertation intends to make a comprehensive study on Xie Ling-yun’s poems. With the consideration of the largely accepted fact that Liu-Song period is the turning point in the literary history of Wei, Jin, the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and also with the understanding that Xie Ling-yun’s poems are the bridge that links the poetry of Wei and Jin and those of the Southern Dynasties, the dissertation also hopes to bring to light Xie Ling-yun’s function not only in the poetic history of Wei, Jin, the Northern and Southern dynasties, but also in the whole history of Chinese poetry.Besides the introduction and four addenda, the dissertation includes three parts. The general situation of the study on Xie Ling-Yun’s poems and significance of farther discussions is presented in the introduction.What made Xie’s poems different from other poems is because of his unique personality that results in his family and the social background, so I make an investigation of his life and thoughts, the relationship between both his life and thoughts and his poetic writing in the first part of the dissertation. Arranging relative historical records and making an analyze in detail, I emphasize some outstanding traits of Xie’s poems, such as "lordly", "noble-minded" that resorted from his family background and the development of social thoughts from Jian’an through Zhengshi to the early days of Liu-song period, his passion for life that came from his religion context, and so on.In the second part, I analyze concretely the artistic characteristics of Xie Ling-yun’s poems. I discuss some prominent general features, such as "free fromvulgarity", "carved and euphuistic without traces", and "elegant and factitious", etc. I also analyze the external elements that make up of the general features of Xie’s poems, viz. the larruping features of images, choosing words, literary quotations, and composition. The personal features of the images created by Xie Ling-yun, such as choosing images from as huge as the sky and the sea, to as small as grass and tree, making use of archaic images with creative adjustment, and constructing fire-new images, constitute the general artistic style and features of Xie Ling-yun’s poems, and behave themselves by idiographic writing skills such as choosing exact words, carving decent sentences, and composing sections and chapters.In the third part, I discuss the status and influence of Xie Ling-yun’s poems in the history of Chinese poetry. Xie inherited and improved the literary heritages of ancient times by imitating learning and improving some writing skills of ancient poets, using for reference expressing technique of ancient poems to depict scenery and express emotions. Xie takes an important status and have a remarkable influence in the following periods (Limited to the length of the dissertation, I only take Tang dynasty as an example) as well as during the Southern dynasty. By researching concrete critical materials and comparing Xie’s poems with those of the poets of the following dynasties, I try to make a full and accurate discussion on these aspects.There are four addenda attach to the dissertation. Base on the thorough investigation of the editions of Xie’s work, I have accomplished addendum 1: Research on the Existent Editions of Xie Ling-yun’s Poems and Essays, and addendum 2: Annotation of Xie Ling-yun’s Poems. By close reading of Xie’s poems and studying in detail the art of composition of his poems, I accomplish addendum 3: The Examples of Correcting of the Paraphrase of Xie’s Poems. There were also some mistakes about the dating of Xie’s poems, especially of his Yuefu poems, so I try to provide my understanding of these in addendum 4: The Relationship between the dating of Xie’s Yuefu Poems and his Life and Thoughts.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】2558