

【作者】 叶晓璐

【导师】 吴晓明;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 法兰克福学派是20世纪西方马克思主义中最主要的流派之一,也是当代哲学中很有影响力的思想流派之一。这个学派所创立的“社会批判理论”到今天仍然对现代性的批判具有重要的借鉴作用。本文作者把法兰克福学派的“社会批判理论”主要定位为“意识形态批判”,即通过对晚近资本主义社会生活状况本身的意识形态性质进行批判,清除生活世界中的意识形态遮蔽,以此来探索新的感性意识出现的可能性。由于法兰克福学派具有这样一种理论性质,本文作者认为该学派的社会批判理论不是向青年黑格尔派的简单返回,即从自我意识的立场出发的理性批判,而主要是依循实践批判原则的定向,即揭示生活世界自身的批判维度。马克思通过政治经济学批判揭示了私有财产的秘密和本质来历以及其运动的必然过程,从而发现扬弃资本的辩证法;法兰克福学派则通过对发达资本主义社会意识形态的批判来揭示出当代文化意识的前提与界限,以探讨新的感性意识出现的可能性。因此,法兰克福学派的意识形态批判是马克思的批判维度在当代的体现。另外,法兰克福学派的意识形态批判也是对20世纪哲学基本主题——意识本身的异化——的一种继承;而西方马克思主义创始人的意识形态理论启发法兰克福学派把意识形态批判的落脚点放在了对意识形态的批判和对无产阶级感性意识的探求上。上述三者构成了法兰克福学派意识形态批判的理论语境。法兰克福学派意识形态批判包括对实证主义、启蒙精神、科学技术、大众文化这四个方面内容的意识形态性质的揭示。这四个方面的内容既相互独立,每一方面都有其自身独特的内容;又彼此关联,它们都是当代人自我异化的一种表现形式。因此,探求人的自我异化的根源并寻求克服异化的道路成了本论文最后一部分论述的内容。导致人的自我异化的根源有三个:同一性对非同一性的压制、理性对本能和感性的压抑以及目的理性活动对交往行为的遮蔽。在此基础上,分别论述了否定的辩证法、本能解放和交往合理性对人的自我异化的扬弃以及对新的感性意识的探求,并结合马克思发动哲学革命后所展露出来的新的存在论境域,对法兰克福学派上述三条扬弃异化的道路进行存在论视域的考察,以此阐明法兰克福学派意识形态批判的得与失,以及对我们的启发意义。

【Abstract】 Frankfurt School, the primary school of Western Marxism in the 20th century, is one of the most influential schools of thought in contemporary philosophy. The social critical theory founded by Frankfurt School still plays an important role for criticizing modernity till now.Primarily regarded as ideology criticism, the social critical theory clears the ideology veil away so as to explore the possibility of the rise of new sensuous awareness through criticizing the ideological nature of the late capitalist social life. The social critical theory is not a simply return to young Hegelism which is a rational criticism based upon self-awareness, but a kind of criticism to reveal life world itself in terms of practical criticism.Marx discovered the dialectic of capital sublation through plutonomy criticism to disclose the secret, history and its process of private property, while Frankfurt School disclosed the precondition and its limit of contemporary culture consciousness through criticism of developed capitalism society to discuss the possibility of the rise of new sensuous awareness. As a result, the ideology criticism of Frankfurt School is the embodiment of Marx’s spirit of criticism at the present age, meanwhile it inherits the basic philosophy theme of 20th century, ie. alienation of ideology itself. Frankfurt School was enlightened to probe into the sensuous awareness of proletariat in the light of the ideological theory of those Western Marxist founders. Above three aspects constitute the theoretic context of the ideology criticism of Frankfurt School.The ideology criticism of Frankfurt School includes the disclosure of ideological nature of positivism, enlightenment spirit, science and technology and the mass culture. On the one hand, each aspect is separate which has its own unique content; on the other hand, each interrelates which is one of the manifestation of self-alienation of modern man. The last section of the dissertation discusses how to probe into the root of self-alienation of modern man and look after the way to overcome self-alienation. The root of self-alienation comes from three aspects, ie, the suppression of identity from nonidentity, the suppression of instinct and sensuousness from reason, the veil of communicative action from labour. The paper dissertates the sublation of self-alienation of modern man and probe into the sensuous awareness from negative dialectics, instinct liberation and interactive rationality. Compared with the new ontology horizon of Marx’s philosophy revolution, it also explores the ontology horizon of three ways of alienation sublation to illustrate gain and loss of the ideology criticism of Frankfurt School and illumination and significance for us.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】B516
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】2753