

On Marcuse’s Critical Reason and New Sensibility Thought

【作者】 范晓丽

【导师】 余源培;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本论文试图从概念的辩证运动与历史自身否定过程的分析中,直抵人类生存的实际境遇,依此解读马尔库塞关于理性与感性范畴内涵、关系的逻辑演变,以及与之相关的现代性问题。通过诠释马尔库塞批判的理性与新感性的矛盾展开及协同统一,深入到对当代工业社会技术理性、异化感性存在的批判层面,考察其思想的文化心理、社会根基和理论基础,把握马尔库塞理论批判的视角和方式,阐述其思想在西方马克思主义和当代社会批判理论中的独特地位以及马克思主义实践哲学批判的重要意义,力求对马克思主义哲学有所解读,有所评说,有所发展。具体要点如下:1、理性、感性成为当代哲学中重要关系范畴的原因及意义。马尔库塞理性、感性思想的当代价值首先在于以马克思关于人的全面发展和人类解放理论为目标,回溯到古希腊哲学和黑格尔哲学,从逻各斯和奴斯的运动中,厘清理性、感性概念裂变与对抗的历史性、真实性,把它们置于马克思关于现代社会异化劳动以及弗洛伊德的爱欲本能理论之中,对理性、感性的理解与整个现代西方哲学的转变,与人类当代乍存方式的理解联系起来,使之成为解读现代文明危机的切入点和立足点。作为胡塞尔的学生和海德格尔的弟子,有着几次重大理论转折的马尔库塞不是多元的,其思想呈现出三方面的特点:历史的优先性;个体生存的根基性;否定(批判)式的叙事和分析方式。2、从历史性和真实历史运动内在统一的纬度对马尔库塞批判的理性和新感性内容、价值和启示进行了梳理、研究。论文指出马尔库塞通过多层面的批判,把理性本义看作一种与自由同义的生存理性,是批判的、革命的、否定的和进步的历史力量,感性则是人生存的历史性此在方式。现代社会中,技术理性是理性的异化表现,感性成为丧失了真实感的异化存在,理性与感性之间存在着生存论意义上的分裂和对抗,启蒙时代以来的文化或文明危机是理性的危机。唯有构建重视和平、和谐的自然关系的新科技观,特别是塑造指向历史满足的合理性的新感性,才能找回遗失了的世界。马尔库塞批判的理性和新感性理论是其后期批判理论的一个主要生长点。3、肯定马尔库塞感性和理性“和解”理论的审美和政治价值。接受康德和席勒的美学思想,以及海德格尔的艺术真理观,马尔库塞指出在感性和道德性,即人的存在的两极之间,“审美之维”占据着中心地位,作为实践的人的心灵能力,想像力对感性和理性有着调和与解放的功能;审美的形式、自律和真理是一致的,艺术不仅具有意识形态的功能,更具有批判、否定的政治潜能,它争取个体的自由与幸福;美学(艺术)是人的生存方式,“非压抑性生存方式”理论的确立意味着重视“回忆”的纬度。马尔库塞以文化大拒绝和审美乌托邦的感性革命思想抵抗着当代无产阶级阶级意识的丧失和现实社会主义运动的衰落。4、总体评价马尔库塞思想的价值和限度,强调重视以资本批判为基础的马克思主义实践哲学批判的当代意义。注重人的生存实践,马尔库塞把现代性条件下对理性、感性的思考从思想与事实批判回归实践层面,这对于批判理论和马克思主义当代价值的阐释有着特殊的理论贡献。资本是现代性的本质表现,在历史唯物主义的视域中,马克思的实践哲学批判正是通过资本批判而展开对现代性之批判的,这是一种整体的内在的历史批判。同时,处于全球化时代的“后发现代化”的中国,社会批判理论是必要的,重视现代科技的积极力量,也要尽量避免西方工业化道路和科技的负面效应;社会革命是全面的,重视引导和塑造人的感性意识,关注个体的具体自由和幸福,与重视经济和社会发展同等重要。

【Abstract】 The thesis, by analyzing the dialectical sports of concepts and the negation of history, attempts to get to the real circumstances of human survival, in light of which to study Marcuse’s reason and sensibility, the logic concerning development, and the Modernity questions related with it. From the perspective of reason and new sensibility, their contradiction and coordination, the author probes into the contemporary social technology reason and alienation, after which a further research is made on cultural psychology, social and theoretical foundation of his thought. By clarifying the angle of Marcuse’s criticizing theory, the thesis points out the unique status of Marcuse in western Marxism and contemporary thought circle. The significance of Marxism in contemporary criticizing thought circle is also discussed.The main points are as follows:First, the causes and significance of reason and sensibility contemporary philosophy are studied. The contemporary significance of Marcuse’s reason and sensibility is that it is a breakthrough and foothold to understand modern civilization crisis. His theory, relating to Marx’s theory of human development, connecting with ancient Hegel philosophy as well as Greek philosophy, clarifies reason and sensibility, their fission and contradiction from sports of logos and Nous and in light of Marx’s theory of alienation labor and eros instinct of Freud theory, and is a transition of whole modern western philosophy. As disciple of Husserl and Heidegger, Marcuse’ theory is not plural, its thought demonstrates three characteristics: History is preferential; stress the foundation of individual survival; denying (criticizing) way of analysis and narration.Second, the content, value and enlightenment of reason and new sensibility are studied from the perspective of the integration of historical and historicity. The thesis points out that Marcuse, through the criticism of the stage construction, regards the rational original meaning as one kind and existence reason with synonymous freedom, revolution, progressive historical strength that deny that criticize, it is in the way history this that the people survive to be perceptual. In the modern society, technological reason is that the rational alienation behaves, become alienation which has lost the sense of reality to exist perceptually, reason and have survive division at the meaning and confront with each other between being sensibility, the culture that taught beginners since enlightenment era or civilization crisis is a rational crisis. Only construct the new scientific and technological view of paying attention to the peace, harmonious natural relation, especially the one that mould and pointed to rationality that history meets is new sensibility, could find the world lost. Critique rationality and new sensibility theory are to criticize one main growing point of theory later stage.Third, the theses affirms the aesthetic and political value of Marcuse ’reason and sensibility, and his theory of "conciliate". Accepting the aesthetic thought of Kant and Schiller, and Heidegger’s artistic truth view, Marcuse points out in sensibility and morals, i.e. during people’s the two poles present, " the aesthetic dimension " is occupying the status of centre, as the soul ability of person practicing, imagine strength having function mediated and liberated to perception and reason; Aesthetic form, self-containment and truth are identical, art not merely has a function of ideology, have political latent energy criticized , denied even more, it strives for the individual’s freedom and happiness; Aesthetics (art )is the people’s life style, therefore has proposed the theory of "not constraining life style", it make up one’s mind bad smell look at latitude of "remember" emphatically really. Marcuse fills in until culture heavy to refuse, resist contemporary proletariat class lose and reality socialist decline of sport of consciousness with aesthetic sensibility revolutionary thought of Utopia.Four, evaluate value and limit of the Marcuse’s thought, and stress the significance of Marx’ criticize of capital. Existence practice to pay attention to people, Marcuse’s criticize returns to practice aspect under the terms modernity to reason, sensibility thinking from thought and fact, this has special theory contribution to explanation which criticizes the theory and contemporary value of Marxism. The essence that the capital is the modernity behaves, looking at in historical materialism is inside the country, practice philosophy of Marx criticize, criticize and launch criticism to modernity through capital just, this is criticized by a kind of whole inherent history. If find, take the place of, take after meanwhile, at globalization times, society criticize theory essential, pay attention to the positive strength of the modern science and technology, should try hard to avoid the negative effects of western industrialized road and science and technology too; Social revolution is overall, pay attention to leading and mould people’s sensibility consciousness, pay close attention to the individual’s concrete and free and happiness, with paying attention to economy as important as social development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】B089.1
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1646