

Sustainable Utilization Study of Groundwater Resources in Circum-Bohai-Sea Region

【作者】 孙晓明

【导师】 卢耀如; 万力;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 水文学与水资源, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 环渤海地区是我国东部三大区域经济圈之一,同时又是我国水资源短缺最严重、地质环境最脆弱的地区之一。地下水长期超采诱发了地面沉降、海(咸)水入侵等地质灾害,并呈加剧趋势。缓解水资源供需矛盾,提高地质环境保障,对于支持环渤海区域经济社会发展具有重要意义。本项研究目的是探索在一定地质环境约束条件下实施地下水资源可持续开发利用的有效措施,服务于环渤海区域经济社会发展规划。研究思路是把环渤海地区作为一个整体,以最新调查资料为依据,以海岸带为重点,以减轻地面沉降、海(咸)水入侵等地质灾害为环境约束条件,对比研究北部、西部和南部含水层系统结构、水文地质与环境地质条件变化、地下水资源等,研究制定地下水资源可持续利用方案。对比分析和研究区内各地下水系统的流场、水化学场近几十年动态变化表明,多数地区浅层地下水和深层地下水流场均发生了较大变化。浅层地下水水质有较大变化,第二含水层组水质有一定变化,第三含水层组以下水质基本稳定。研究表明,因受气候、人类工程活动等影响,区内地下水天然资源近十几年来呈逐渐减少趋势。目前,地下水潜力区主要分布在辽河平原、太子河流域岩溶水分布区、天津市北部与西南部、鲁北平原引黄灌区等地。据动态监测与研究,地下水超采是诱发地面沉降、海(咸)水入侵等地质灾害的主要影响因素。在深层地下水开采的一定时期内,地面沉降与开采量呈幂指数关系。通过数值模拟计算和水文地球化学、水环境同位素对比研究,浅层地下水可越流补给深层地下水,深层地下水具有一定的可更新性。另外,第二、第三含层组地下水在近三十年大规模开采状态下,尚未造成明显的大规模咸水入侵下部淡水层,咸水底界下移目前仅影响到第二含水层组上部,粘性土具有一定的“滤盐”作用。探讨了浅层咸水越流补给深层淡水的机理。研究表明,除下辽河平原外,其它地区均不同程度缺水,缺水区主要分布在河北、天津、山东沿海和辽宁的大连、葫芦岛等地区。地下水资源可持续利用对策:优化地下水开采布局和层位,加大浅层水开发利用,适度调减深层水开采;实施跨流域调水、海水淡化、挖掘地下水潜力、建设地下水库和应急后备水源地等多元化水源开源方案;扩大咸水开发利用;利用地下空间和雨洪水资源,实施人工回灌与调蓄;推广土壤水开发利用技术示范成果;加强地质环境动态监测;建立“数字环渤海”环境地质信息系统等。

【Abstract】 Circum-Bohai-Sea region is one of three economic cycles in east of China, meantime it is one of the places where water resources is most shortage and geological environment is most vulnerable. For a long time overexploitation of groundwater, land subsidence and seawater intrusion and other geological disasters were induced and development tendency of geological disasters became serious. It is significant in supporting economic and social development of Circum-Bohai-Sea region to release contradiction of supply and requirement of water resources and strengthen guarantee of geological environment. The goal of the study is to implement effective measures in sustainable development of groundwater resources with some constraint condition of geological environment, and to serve for development layout of regional economy and societyl of Circum-Bohai-Sea region. In the study, according to latest survey data, author took Circum-Bohai-Sea as a whole, and made coastal zone as important study area, and regarded reducing geological disasters such as land subsidence and seawater intrusion as environmental constraint condition. Author studied structure of aquifer system of north, west and south, changes of hydrogeological and environment geological condition and groundwater resources and so on, and instituted reasonable development and utilization project of groundwater resources.From contrast analysis and study of dynamic change of flow field of groundwater system and hydrochemical field in recent tens years, the results showed flow fields of shallow groundwater and deep groundwater in most regions has obviously changed. Water quality of shallow groundwater had big changes and water quality of No.2 aquifer has been changed to a certainty, but water quality of No.3 aquifer and water quality of aquifers below the No.3 aquifer was basically stable.Study showed natural resources of groundwater were reducing in recent years influenced by climates and human engineering activities. At present, potential regions of groundwater mainly distribute in Liaohe plain, karst water distribution region of Taizi valley, north and southwest of Tianjin City and irrigation area of yellow river of north of Shandong province and so on.Groundwater overexploitation is main reason that induces land subsidence andseawater intrusion according to dynamic monitoring and analysis. In period of deep groundwater exploitation, there is power exponent relationship between land subsidence and production volume.By numerical simulation calculation and contrast study of hydrochemistry and water environment isotope, shallow groundwater can recharge deep groundwater by leakage,and deep groundwater has ability of refreshing in some degree. In addition, with mass exploitation of groundwater in No.2 and No.3 aquifer in recent thirty years, there is no obvious phenomenon that saltwater intrudes into under fresh water in a large scale. Movement of salt water bottom only arrives at the top of No.2 aquifer. So clay soil has function of filtrating salt. Author presented mechanics of shallow saltwater recharge deep fresh water.Study showed that most regions lacked of water resources in different degree except lower Liaohe plain, and main regions distribute in Hebei province, Tianjin city, and coastal region of Shandong province, Dalian and Huludao of Liaoning province.Countermeasures of groundwater resources sustainable development and utilization: optimization layout and layer of exploitation, increase development and utilization of shallow groundwater, moderation reducing deep groundwater exploitation; implementing multiple project of broadening water resources, such as inter-watershed water transfer, sea water desalting, exploration groundwater potential, construction groundwater reservoir and emergency stand-by well field and so on; enlarging development and utilization of salt water; utilization of underground space and rain-flood resources and implementing aquifer recovery and union dispatching of groundwater and surface water; development soil water resources survey and spread technique demonstration results of development and utilization of soil water; strengthening dynamic monitoring of geological environment; construction“digital Circum-Bohai-Sea”environmental geology information systems.
