

Study on Extension, Strike-slip Structure and Reservoir Distribution in Xinzhuang Oilfield, Biyang Depression

【作者】 杨铭

【导师】 汤达祯;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 新庄油田是位于泌阳凹陷北部斜坡带东段的一个复杂断块油田。之所以复杂,砂岩过于发育,砂泥比过大(60%以上),岩性横向变化大,标志层不明显,从而造成地层对比极为困难是其原因之一。但更主要的原因在于构造的复杂。新庄油田断裂之发育、断裂体系之多变,不仅为南襄盆地之首,即使在我国东部油田中也不多见。正因为如此,研究其构造特征,探讨其构造样式才更具理论意义和实际价值。本文依托新庄油田现有的钻井、测井、地震、录井、试油及生产资料,紧密结合实际的生产需要,以现代石油地质理论为指导,应用地球物理勘探新技术、新方法及各种计算机模拟、预测技术,综合各种资料和研究成果,从伸展、走滑角度对泌阳凹陷新庄油田的构造面貌特征进行解剖、分析其形成机制;在构造研究基础上,结合新庄油田沉积研究成果,进行油气藏形成条件、成藏控制因素及油气成藏作用过程的各要素时空配置关系分析,探讨油气运移、聚集机理和动态演化规律,总结新庄油田油层分布规律并研究其形成的合理性与必然性;针对不同地区油藏分布模式,选取合适的配套技术进行整体勘探开发部署;系统分析有利区勘探潜力、评价勘探目标,有效指导下步油气勘探;另外,借“泌阳凹陷新庄油田伸展、走滑构造特征分析及油藏分布规律研究”项目这个窗口,对新庄油田所在的泌阳凹陷的形成机制进行有益的探索性研究。取得以下成果:①在掌握大量基础地质资料的基础上,运用伸展、走滑理论对泌阳凹陷新庄油田的构造特征、形成背景和原因进行了充分论证,认为伸展运动形成了新庄油田的基本构造格局,走滑运动最终奠定了新庄油田当前的构造面貌,伸展—走滑是新庄油田构造形成的基本机制,也是造成新庄油田现今油藏格局的重要原因。②从新庄油田断层封闭的广泛性和相对性,论述了新庄油田油层多、含油高度较小的原因所在。对新庄油田油层纵向上沿断层高部位呈“屋脊状”分布,平面上南、北两带呈“叠瓦状”展布,中带沿断块高部位集中叠加展布的必然性从构造、断层封闭性角度进行了论证。③根据对新庄油田的构造和油层分布规律分析,探索该油田的勘探开发前景;④新庄油田与河南探区相似油田类比及意义。⑤泌阳凹陷内部构造的成因探讨。

【Abstract】 Xinzhuang Oilfield is a Complex Fault Block Oilfield which is situated the east of the Northern Slope area , Biyang Depression. It is very complex, one of the reason is where the sandstone is very developed, the percentage about the sandstone is very high(more than 60%), the rate of the lithologic alternation is very quick, and the marker horizon is very indistinct. All that cause the stratigraphic correlation is extremely difficult. But the more major reason is it’s complex geological structure. it’s fault density and it’s diverse fault system is seldom seen not only in NanXiang Basin but also in the east of our country. So the study on it’s structural attitude and structural style is valuable both in theory and practice.This paper has demonstrated and analysed the structural attitude and formation of Xinzhuang Oilfield from the extension and strike-slip theory relying on it’s existing datum about well drilling, logging , seismic, well test and means of production. guided by the modern petroleum geology theory, using geophysical exploration of new technology and the computer simulation and forecast, integrating different information and study results. After the conformational study, use the outcome of deposition research in Xizhuang Oilfield, this paper have analysed the formation condition, the controlling factor and the relationship of all different key element on form oil pool, researched the migration, accumulation mechanismand the law of evolvement,extrapolated the law of reservoir zonation and advanced the rationality and necessity. Different areas reservoir distribution model, the selection of appropriate technology supporting the overall exploration and development plans. By analyzing favorable exploration potential, evaluating exploration targets, effective guidance to further oil and gas exploration; moreover, depended on this item, writer has a beneficial advanced research about the formation mechanism to Biyang Depression, where Xizhuang Oilfield located.The study results are as follows:①In the possession of basic geological information, a full proof was made about structural attitude, structural Background and its cause, that the extend movement formed Xizhuang Oilfield basic structure pattern, and the strike-slip motion ultimately laid the Xizhuang Oilfield current structure outlook. Extended and strike-slip movement is Xizhuang Oilfield tectonic the basic mechanism,is also present in Xizhuang Oilfield reservoir pattern of important reasons”.②D iscussed why Xizhuang Oilfield have many Oil Layer and smaller Reservoir height from universality and relativity of Fault sealing.③According to the analysis of Biyang Depression Xizhuang Oilfield structure and reservoir distribution, exploring the oilfield exploration and development prospects.④Exploring the genesis of Biyang Depression internal structure.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【下载频次】581