

China’s Urban Planning System and Its Institutional Innovation

【作者】 高中岗

【导师】 陈秉钊; 陈晓丽;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 中国已经进入了城市化快速发展的时期,今后一段时间将是我国城市发展的关键时期,城市化将推动国家的经济结构、社会结构和空间结构发生深刻的变化,城市发展正面临着前所未有的复杂性和矛盾性,面对这种全新的挑战和机遇,城市规划的制度和方法必须作出调整和改进,进行完善和创新,才有可能适应城市发展的要求。 论文针对我国城市建设目前和今后一个时期存在的问题,基于对我国城市规划工作无五十多年历程的系统回顾和分析总结,着重研究快速城镇化进程中我国城市规划的内外部制度环境及规划制度创新问题。通过比较研究和分析发达国家的城市规划制度建设的经验、方法和成果,基于制度及其创新的视角,借鉴制度经济学、公共行政学、行政法学等相关学科的研究成果和技术方法,从城市规划的地位作用、城市规划编制技术体系、城市规划行政管理、城市规划实施管理与监督、城市规划法规体系、城市规划政策手段、机构设置与人员构成等方面入手,进行理性的研究和梳理,探讨适合于中国国情的城市规划制度,提出我国城市规划制度发展和创新的基本方向和架构模式,研究市场经济条件下中国城市规划工作的整体框架,为城市规划工作的改革和完善提供参考。 在系统研究的基础上,论文明确了新形势下中国城市规划工作所应持有的指导思想和整体思路,论文提出:要转变观念,正确认识市场经济条件下城市规划的地位和作用,充分发挥城乡规划的综合协调和宏观调控能力,确立城市规划工作的指导思想和整体思路;尽快建立和完善我国的地域空间规划体系,并以编制体系的改革为突破口,推动城市规划制度的创新步伐;尽快建立决策和执行相对分离的城市规划行政管理框架,逐步建立和推行以通则式控制为主导的开发管制制度,开展城市规划管理体制的改革试点工作,探索新的城市规划管理制度;要进一步加强城市规划法规体系建设,尽快出台《城乡规划法》并完善配套法规;要重视和加强城市规划的研究工作,加强规划队伍的自身建设,提高从业人员的职业道德和整体素质。 论文分十章(不包括绪论),包含四个部分,构成了论文的整体框架和基本结构。 第一部分是关于制度及其创新问题的理论研究,为整个论文的研究视野和分析框架提供必要的理论支撑和知识储备(第一章)。 第二部分是基础研究(第二~四章),作为进一步展开论文核心内容的前提性和背景性研究,包括建国以来城市规划制度轨迹的回顾分析、城市规划制度创新的外部环境和动因分析、中外城市规划管理体制的对比分析。第三部分是论文的核心内容(第五~九章),在前面两大部分研究的基础上展开。提出了城市规划制度创新的若干个方面,包括城市规划编制技术制度的创新、城市规划行政管理制度的创新、城市规划实施管理制度的创新、城市规划法制体系的创新、城市规划支撑体系的创新。 第四部分是进一步的思考和若干建议(第十章),对城市规划的作用加以进一步的思考和认识,并提出关于推进城市规划制度创新的若干建议和意见。着眼于为城市规划的现实工作提供参照,将制度创新落实为若干结论性的建议和意见。

【Abstract】 China is witnessing the rapid development of urbanization. Urbanization will boost the dramatic changes in China’s economical, social and spatial structures. Since the future period would be crucial for China and the urban development would be faced to the unprecedented complexity and contradiction, urban planning system has to be reformed and innovated so as to meet the needs of the new social and economic situations.Based on the systematic retrospection upon the development of urban planning in the past five decades, this dissertation probes into the internal and external environment for the transformation and innovation of planning system. Through comparative studies on the planning experiences of some western countries, it carries out a rational research and sort-out planning system from the aspects of the function, technical system, administration, inspection, legal system, institutions, etc., with a reference to institutional economics, public administration, administrative law and other related social sciences. The author thus discusses the urban planning system suitable for socialist market economy, and further puts forward the framework and direction for the system’s development and innovation under this condition, for the sake of providing references for reforming and perfecting urban planning.This article clarifies the principles for China’s urban planning under new conditions, pointing out that we have to change our viewpoint and have a correct understandings of the role and function of urban planning in market economy so as to building up its capacity in comprehensive coordination; Secondly, we should establish and improve our spatial planning system and boost the innovation of urban planning system; Thirdly, we should set up the framework for urban planning administration with separating decision-making from implementation, and then establishing and promoting the development control system on the basis of general rules and exploring the new administration system; Fourthly, we ought to further our construction of legal system for urban planning, drawing up urban planning regulations and perfecting related laws as quickly as possible; Finally, it is suggested to emphasize and strengthen the research work for urban planning, enhancing the ethical moral and overall quality of professional planners.This dissertation is composed of four parts with ten chapters. The first part is about the theoretical research of system and its innovation, serving as the necessary theoretical preparation for the analytical work of the whole thesis.The second part is fundamental research (from Chapter 2 to 4), acting as the preconditioned and background research for the core of the thesis. The retrospective analysis on the development of urban planning system since the year 1949, the analysis on the environment and driving factors for the innovation of urban planning system and the comparative analysis on administrative system of urban planning could be found in this part.The third part is the core of the whole thesis (from Chapter 5 to 9). Based on the previous research, the author points out certain aspects related to the innovation of urban planning system, including the innovation of organizational system, administrative system, implementation system, legal system as well as supporting system.In the fourth part, some suggestions for boosting urban planning system innovation (Chapter 10) are put forward, in order to offer references for the planning practices.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期