

Ecological Engineering of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes) in the Watershed: Control and Utilization

【作者】 陈彬

【导师】 赵由才;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 环境工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 水葫芦于20世纪30年代传入我国,近年来由于流域水体的富营养化使其蔓延速度极快。它侵占水道,干扰水生生态系统平衡,影响当地的经济生产,成为一大公害。 生态工程是一种全新的技术和方法,它在无需投入大量能源的情况下,保护生态系统和非再生资源,而且将污染物转化为人类可以利用的再生资源,避免污染的转移。本研究遵循生态工程设计的基本原则,首先通过野外观测和实验室实验研究,摸清流域水葫芦的生长规律,并在此基础上提出水葫芦生长控制的对策建议;随后应用水葫芦生长模型和剩余生产模型,定量研究了通过水葫芦打捞净化水体中营养盐的效果;对于所打捞的水葫芦,则结合研究区的实际情况,对研究区原有的沼气发酵工艺进行适当的改进,进行水葫芦厌氧发酵中试实验,并提出了发酵产物的综合利用途径;最后则采用能值分析与技术经济分析的方法,定量分析了所设计水葫芦生态工程的生态经济效益及其可持续性。 论文所取得的主要成果和研究结果如下: (1) 流域内水流较缓及水体营养盐含量较高的内河道、引水渠、池塘等地是水葫芦的主要生长分布区,在适宜条件下,水葫芦植株可在8~10天内可翻一番。水葫芦较耐瘠,在无外来营养补充的情况下,大的植株在将近一个月的时间内仍能正常生长。TN和TP是水葫芦生长的主要限制因子,当水体TN浓度小于2.0mg/L或TP浓度小于0.05mg/L,水葫芦的生长状况与蒸馏水空白对照之间的差异不显著,该浓度值可作为野外控制水葫芦疯长的参考阈值浓度。 (2) 畜禽废水对水葫芦的生长有着明显的促进作用,在中等浓度的畜禽废水中,水葫芦的植株数在6~7天可增一倍。与此同时,水葫芦对中高浓度的畜禽废水有很强的净化能力,在自然状态下,25天内对CODcr、TN、TP的去除率分别在60%~88%、50%~90%及50%~60%之间。水葫芦对畜禽废水中的CODcr、TN及TP的去除速率,均符合一级动力学方程,且具有很好的相关性。 (3) 水葫芦吸收营养盐用于光合作用,当植株被收获时,在水中的营养盐将包含在植物组织中而被去除。水葫芦的生长特征可用罗辑斯蒂方程表示,在野外阳光充足的条件下,其生长速率主要受温度和营养盐的影响。论文通过野外实验和文献查询,建立了九龙江流域水葫芦生长数学模型和剩余生产模型,并利用该模型计算了研究区6000m2的水体实施水葫芦打捞策略后所能去除TN和TP的最大理论值,其结果为每年最大能去除214.4kg TP和966.6kg TN。 (4) 接种率、破碎程度、温度等是影响水葫芦厌氧发酵产气效率的主要因素。

【Abstract】 Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), introduced into China in 1930’s, spreads very quickly in recent years because of water eutrophication in watershed areas. It has become a social problem as it occupies waterway, disturbs aquatic ecosystem equilibrium and impacts local economics.This work follows the basic principles of ecological engineering for the control and utilization of water hyacinth. Firstly, the state-of-the-art growth pattern of water hyacinth was field investigated while the causes of rapid spread of the plant were probed at the laboratory. Based on the study, measures for water hyacinth control were proposed. Secondly, the efficiency of nutrient removals in the eutrophication water by water hyacinth harvest was calculated based on the models of growth and surplus production. Thirdly, anaerobic fermentation of water hyacinth for biogas production was developed for water hyacinth, at both laboratory and pilot scales. Finally, the ecological and economical benefits and sustainability of water hyacinth ecological engineering were assessed by ways of emergy analysis and technical economics analysis.Main findings and results of this study are concluded as follows.(1) Water hyacinth is found mostly in stagnant and eutrophication waters of inner-waterways, channels and ponds. Its populations double as fast as in 8-10 days under favorable conditions. It shows by nutrient-exhausting experiments that water hyacinth may endure the condition of nutrient deficient and that larger plant can grow well without any nutrient supply for one month. The limiting factors of the plant growth are TN and TP, and there is no significant difference for the plant growth between distilled water groups and the experimental groups whose concentration of TN and TP are less than 2.0mg/L and 0.05mg/L respectively. That means TN of 2.0mg/L or TP of 0.05mg/L in the water may be the threshold concentration of rapid spread of the plant.(2) Waste water from livestock could promote the growth rate of water hyacinth remarkably. The plants double in 6-7 days in livestock waste water with moderate concentrations. Meanwhile, the plant has significant purification ability. For example, the removal rates of COD, TN and TP in 25 days may reach 60%-88%, 50%-90%, and 50%-60%, respectively. The purification rate of water hyacinth for moderate

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期