

Chinese Traveled to Japan in Tang Dynesty Recorded in Japanese History Book-‘续日本纪’

【作者】 葛继勇

【导师】 张涌泉; 王勇;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 自和铜三年(710,唐睿宗景云元年)从藤原京迁都平城京之始,日本进入了奈良时代。奈良时代的日本依托飞鸟时代构建的律令国家基架,对内推行律令制度,巩固中央集权;对外积极拓展,在竭力缔造“东亚小帝国”的同时,派遣赴唐使节,如饥似渴地汲取唐朝的先进文化,努力跻身于文明国家的行列。与此同时,经历则天武后的专制皇权统治后的唐王朝,随着先天元年(712)玄宗皇帝的登基,混乱政局结束,国力渐趋强盛,对外频繁与各国交往,成为亚、非各国经济、文化交流的桥梁和中转的枢纽,大唐盛世气象磅礴于世。至八世纪后半期,由于安史之乱的爆发,各种政治势力重新分化组合,对外交往也呈现出新的趋向。奈良时代的赴日唐人现象就是这样一个历史发展的过程中形成并发展起来的。 《续日本纪》乃是记录整个奈良时代的一部正史,由于以诏书、敕文之类的资料为基础编撰而成,记事简洁,资料丰富,信笃性较强,是研究奈良时代最基本的史料之一。其中有关奈良朝对唐、新罗以及渤海交往的内容极为详细,一些记事可以弥补国内唐研究之所阙,是盛唐对外交流史研究不可缺少的重要资料。本论文以《续日本纪》为中心,爬梳整理有关奈良时代赴日唐人的史料,进行宏观把握,尝试构架奈良时代唐人赴日的整体轮廓。同时也以《续日本纪》所载的唐人为个案考证对象,对奈良时代赴日唐人的个性进行追踪,力图复原当时赴日唐人的真实原貌。 第一篇首先对《续日本纪》编纂的指导思想及其所载的唐人记事进行分析,考证了唐人记事史料的来源、特点以及今人有关赴日唐人记事的谬误之处。其中有关“萨”与“薛”、“行官”与“判官”的校异乃是笔者着力之处。其次以日本六部国家正史为中心,从“唐人”用语的复杂性、时代性、地域性、广泛性以及社会血缘性等五个方面,对“唐人”概念进行了限定。 第二篇首先梳理了笔者所能见到的有关奈良时代赴日唐人的史料,对这些资料的可信度以及唐人何时赴日的问题进行了考察。不求有功,但求无过。在此基础上,展开对整个奈良时代唐人赴日现象的形成、动力阻力因素和赴日后的活动、获得的待遇以及在传播唐文化方面的历史贡献。文中认为赴日唐人多搭乘遣唐使船赴日,整个奈良时代如饥似渴地吸纳唐朝的先进文化是这一现象的原动力。日本政府的“事大主义”思想不仅在迎接唐使的宾礼中,而且还在对在日唐人的改赐姓中体现出来;虽然对在日唐人有所优待,但只有专业技能者才得以获得厚遇。唐人赴日对日本古代的国家支配产生了深刻的影响。 第三篇从俘虏、僧侣和专业技能人员三个方面,对《续日本纪》所载的赴日唐人进行追踪考察。首先指出,唐俘续守言、薛弘恪二人赴日后被任命为音博士与大伴部博麻等日俘在唐被视为奴隶,乃是唐日两国文化巨大落差的充分体现。接着考察了唐僧法进的出身、扬州白塔寺及法进参与鉴真东渡的活动,指出法进为申州义阳人,其很可能撰写了《进记》;法进被派往福州揭示了鉴真东渡赴日的路线。最后探讨了唐人袁晋卿的出身、学识以及在日的仕途生涯,指出春秋陈国人袁涛途为袁氏一族的祖先;擅长音韵的袁晋卿赴日乃是吉备真备等人的招请。基于唐人集团意识,袁晋卿推动了沈惟岳等唐人入籍日本,并把自己的女儿嫁给了赴日唐人。从其子净丰的遭遇来看,赴日唐人的第二代并没有受到优待。 包括鉴真等在内的唐人赴日,可以说是日本遣唐使“虚往盈归”的一个组成部分。这些在奈良时代赴日、不同阶层的唐人在与异国人交往、共同活动乃至通婚的过程中,无疑会更进一步地推动唐日文化的交流与融合。探讨奈良时代的赴日唐人不仅对于研究唐文化在日本的传播具有重要意义,而且对于国际人口迁移频繁的当今社会也颇具现实意义。

【Abstract】 Since 710 years, when the capital was transferred from Fujiwara Kyoto to Heijokyo, Japan entered into the Nara Age, and began, based in the framework of the legal system established in the Asuka Age, to enforce regulations and laws at home to consolidate the centralization of the state, and at the same time to get contacts with the outside world, aiming at the foundation of the " small empire of east Asia". Envoys were dispatched to China (then in Tang Dynasty) to absorb its advanced culture avidly, in the hope of being labeled as one of the civilized countries. At the same time, the riotous political condition of the Tang Dynasty, with the termination of the authoritarian reign of Queen Zetian and the enthronement of Emperor Xuanzong (玄宗) in 712 years, came to a close. China revived, and with the frequent international exchanges became the bridge and center of politics and economy among nations in Asia and Africa. The prosperity of the Tang dynasty loomed large in the world. In the 2nd half of the 8th century, the outbreak of the Insurgence of An Lushan and Shi Luming caused the rearrangement of power in different cliques. New trend took shape in the international communication. On this background the Tang travelers to Japan appeared in the Nara Age.《续日本纪》, a biographical history book recording the development of the whole Nara Age, is compiled in accordance with the imperial edicts and orders, succinct, rich in materials, and with high credibility. In great details are the records on the communication between The Nara Imperial Court and Tang, Silla, and Bohai, some of which can make up for the blanks in the domestic study on Tang dynasty, and are indispensable materials for the study on the history of international communication in Tang dynasty. This thesis, centered on 《续日本纪》, combs and tidies up the materials about the Tang travelers to Japan in The Nara Age, and tries to present an outline of the event. Also, this thesis makes a case study, in which the Tang travelers’ individual features are traced, in order to reconstruct their true selves.In part one, the analysis is given to the guidelines of the compilation of this book and the recorded biographies of the Tang travelers. Then the thesis examines the origins and features of these stories and some errors in the current versions of them. The study made on the differences between "萨"and "薛", and between "行官" and " 判官" took a few drops of my heart-blood. Second, the thesis, centered on the Japan’s six national biographical history books, analyses the complexity, extensiveness, the social blood relationship, and uniqueness in time and locality of the usage of "Tang people", and thus gives a definition of Tang people.In part two, first the thesis combs the historic materials wherever they can be found about the Tang travelers to Japan, and examines the credibility of these materials and the exact time when these Tang people traveled Japan. I hope I didn’t make errors here. Based on this examination, I make a research on the formation of this phenomenon, the factors that help or hinder the travel, the activities after they arrived Japan, the treatment they received, and the historic contributions they made in spreading the Tang culture. I find that most travelers take the envoy’s ships of the Tang dynasty, and that the drive is the Japanese starvation for the advanced culture of the Tang dynasty. The thinking of "respect for the superior"in Japan is reflected not only in the ceremony of meeting the Tang envoys, but also in granting new surnames to the Tang people in Japan. True, they get some preference, but only those with

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】K313;K242
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】862