

Theory Study and Engineering Application of Intergrated Tracer Methods for Leakage from Embankment

【作者】 樊哲超

【导师】 陈建生;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 岩土工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 堤坝渗漏探测是一个复杂重要的研究课题。传统的基于地球物理勘探手段的渗漏探测的各种方法,由于都有其条件性、局限性和多解性,特别在埋深大而空间尺寸相对小的渗漏通道探查方面显得无能为力。基于地下水流场、温度场、化学场等的示踪法可以弥补地球物理勘探的不足。本文在分析总结前人的堤坝渗漏探测的示踪法的基础上,对示踪方法做了一些理论和工程应用上的进一步探讨,研究内容和结果如下: 1.讨论了测温仪器的种类和精度,及钻孔温度的影响因素和除地下水活动外的其它因素的消除校正方法。介绍了线热源作用对地层温度的热源函数。将堤坝集中渗漏通道中的渗漏水流概化为持续线热源,基于热传导的热源法,建立集中渗漏通道的持续线热源模型,并结合一定的边界条件,推导出计算水平渗速公式。在工程实例中,应用钻孔测温资料,用推导的公式计算出的渗透流速与放射性同位素示踪方法测出的渗速基本一致。 2.由于单孔中计算水平渗透流速的传统的点稀释公式和前人推导的广义示踪稀释公式存在着问题和不足,在钻孔中存在垂向流的情况下,在合理的物理模型的基础上,考虑了渗透流速是示踪剂稀释时间的函数,重新推导了示踪方法测流速的稀释公式。通过3个公式的实例计算比较和误差分析,在钻孔中存在垂向流干扰时,含水层上下垂向流速差的越大,新推导的公式与传统点稀释公式计算出的渗透流速的相对误差也越大,这一点与实际情况相吻合,因此新公式的计算结果更加可信。并对国内外同位素测流速示踪仪进行了论述和讨论。 3.利用稳定同位素、水化学的方法研究堤防渗漏,是一种十分有效的方法。但是人们大多只是定性的分析判断。本文尝试将稳定同位素和水化学值作为特征指标值,并根据在实际判断中的参数重要程度的不同赋予不同的权重,应用模糊聚类的方法进行聚类分析,在北江大堤石角段的渗漏探测和高水河堤防渗漏探测的两个工程实例中,其聚类结果与稳定同位素和水化学的定性分析结论一致。 4.将综合示踪方法应用到小浪底左坝肩渗漏调查中,通过在不同季节多次测量左坝肩的排水洞各排水孔中的排水的温度电导率,测定绕坝观测孔中的地下

【Abstract】 Detection of the leakage from embankment is a complex and important study problem. There are condition, limitation and multi-results with the traditional detection methods, which are based on geophysical exploration. Especially the traditional detection methods are helpless when dealing with the leakage passage, whose depth of burial is great while spatial sizes are small. The tracer method, which is based on flow, temperature, and chemistry fields, can make up the shortage of geophysical exploration. The paper analyses and summarizes the tracer method, which was formed by predecessors to detect the leakage from embankment. Then the tracer method is further discussed on some theories and engineering application. The content and result of study are as follows.1. The paper discusses the species and accuracy of the instruments for measuring temperature, influential factors of temperature in the borehole, and the elimination and adjustment methods of the influential factors except the groundwater motion. The heat source functions of formation temperature, which is affected by line heat source, are expounded. Leakage water, which is in the leakage passage, was taken as continuous line heat source. Based on heat source method of heat conduction, the continuous line heat source model of embankment’s leakage was made, combing definite boundary conditions, and a formula for calculating seepage velocity was derived. In the engineering case, based on the temperature measured in the borehole, the value calculated of seepage velocity by the formula is very near to the one measured directly with the method of radioisotopic tracing.2. Because there are some questions about the traditional point dilution formula and the generalized dilution formula deduced by predecessors, a new dilution formula was derived to calculate seepage velocity with tracer method, based on the condition that there existed vertical flow in the borehole and a reasonable physical model was adopted, considering the seepage velocity as a function of tracer dilution time. When there was vertical flow in borehole, by the comparison between results of three formulas and the error analysis, it was shown that the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期