

Investigation into Food Safety Management System and Authentification Rules in China

【作者】 张惠才

【导师】 郑丕谔;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文从监管视角研究了我国的食品安全管理体系认证的制度。首先,从理论角度分析了食品安全管理体系认证的实施过程,为审查已经建立的体系制定了检查重点,并通过一个获证的冷冻虾仁生产企业为例,实际演示了关键的操作环节,验证了食品安全管理体系认证的系统性与科学性。其次,利用大规模的调查研究,对目前我国食品安全管理体系的实施情况进行了详细的统计,给出了整体的概况信息。最后,利用信息经济学的信息不对称理论和博弈论、公共管理学的公共物品理论和政府公共行为理论、信用经济学理论等研究了该项制度运行中存在的问题,并据此提出了如何建立政府长效监管机制的政策建议。本文力求在承继和融合现有相关研究的基础上,在理论和实证研究上都有所突破。主要的创新之处体现为三个方面:一是初步建立起作为公共制度的食品安全认证制度的理论框架。从信息经济学的角度分析了食品安全认证制度的制度特征;从认证的一般概念出发,对食品安全认证制度从概念到运行进行了清晰的界定;从信用机制方面,分析了食品安全认证制度有效运行的制度机理,为发展和完善食品安全认证制度提供了初步的理论依据。二是运用理论模型对食品安全认证监管进行制度分析。在基于现实食品安全认证制度体系及管理研究的基础上,论文从理论上剖析了建立市场化的食品安全认证管理机制所涉及的重要深层次问题,并在信用体系建设、认证机构管理以及认证市场监管等保障市场运行的长效机制方面,提出思路性、指导性的政策建议,从而提高有关食品安全认证制度设计的科学性和前瞻性。三是首次对全国范围内的有资质认证机构和获证企业进行了全面的调查,取得了大量的资料和数据,填补了我国这一领域基础数据库资源的空白。因此,实证研究是本论文的一个重要特色,也是论文在研究方法上的创新。由于我国社会整体的信用水平还很低,建立一个完善的食品安全管理体系认证制度将是一项长远的任务。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation Chinese food safety management system is investigated from the perspective of supervision. Firstly, from the theoretical point of view the implementation process of food safety management system certification, the key check-points for the review of an existing system are developed, and a case study of a frozen shrimp manufacturer is carried out to demonstrate the key operational step and verify the systematic and scientific features of the system. Secondly, based on a large amount of investigation surveys, some detailed statistical analyses of the current operation situation of food safety management certification in China are made, showing a whole picture of it. Finally, using asymmetric information theory of information economics and game theory, public goods theory and public behavior theory of the government, problems arising from the operation are analyzed, and, thus, the policy proposals on how to establish the long-term effective supervision mechanism are made.In this dissertation an effort is made to carry out the present investigation, resulting in some innovations in theory and practice. This dissertation is different from existing studies in the following three areas: (1) Basically a framework for public administration of the food safety management system certification is set up. In term of the information economics, the character of the food safety certification is analyzed; In consideration of the general concept, has a clear definition of the food safety management system certification from the concept to operation is clearly defined; In regard to the credit mechanism, the principle for an effective operation and development is detailed and a preliminary theory evidence is provided. (2) Using a theory model, the administration system is analyzed. Based on the current supervision mechanism, some key and deep-rooted problems related to setting up market-oriented supervision system are taken into account, and guidance policy proposals to set up a long-term effective aspect are made to ensure the market operation such as to build up the credit system and supervise the certification bodies and the certification market. It is in this dissertation that the food safety management system certification is made more operational and forward-looking. (3) For the first time a complete survey of the qualified certification bodies and certified enterprises is conducted,

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期