

Research on Localization Technique of Pipeline Robot Based on Ultra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Wave

【作者】 李军远

【导师】 张晓华;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 随着管道运输的广泛应用,管道机器人在管道工程中正发挥着日益重要的作用,尤其是在管道无损探伤与检测领域已经进入实际应用阶段。管道机器人的示踪定位技术是确定管道机器人在管道内位置的技术,现已成为决定管道机器人有效工作的重要技术。然而,传统有缆示踪定位方式由于电缆重量、信号损耗等因素影响,它严重限制了管道机器人的工作距离;同时,由于管道及其所处介质的屏蔽作用,使得常规的电磁波技术在管道机器人“示踪定位”中的应用受到了很大限制。因此,如何实现管道机器人的无缆“示踪定位”已成为提高管道机器人工作性能和实用价值的重要课题之一。本论文以国家“863”计划智能机器人主题“X射线实时成像检测管道机器人”和“海底输油管道检测机器人”项目为背景,针对管道机器人应用中的“示踪定位”问题,提出了基于超低频电磁波的无缆示踪定位方案,并就超低频电磁波示踪定位技术中存在的“超低频电磁波传播模型”、“示踪定位数据处理”等问题进行了深入的研究。本文回顾了国内外管道机器人的发展历程,指出目前管道机器人领域中仍存在示踪定位、能源供给、通讯等问题;分析了管道机器人已有示踪定位技术的优缺点;指出了常规电磁波在示踪定位技术中应用的局限性;分析了超低频电磁波的特点,根据超低频电磁波波长很长,对金属、土层、水等介质具有很好的穿透性能的特点,提出了基于超低频电磁波的管道机器人示踪定位的方案。本文提出了管道机器人示踪定位技术中的两种基本类型:自主型和被动型;结合“X射线实时成像检测管道机器人”和“海底输油管道检测机器人”项目,建立了管道机器人示踪定位的一般模型。基于超低频电磁波(23Hz)的传播特性,本文综合了静磁场的分析方法和麦克斯韦电磁波理论,建立了超低频电磁波的“磁偶极子传播模型”,该模型既能描述超低频电磁波的物理性能,又可便于在实际的工程中应用。在对超低频电磁波磁偶极子模型进行理论分析、数值计算的基础上,给出了基于超低频电磁波进行示踪定位的基本方法,并提出了应用于海底管道机器人示踪定位的多传感器模型。本文针对管道铺设环境中的介电常数、磁导率常数等参数不确定性问题,提出了输出预测曲线方法和测试样本分类方法,有效解决了实际应用中参数

【Abstract】 In the applications of pipeline conveyance, the pipeline robot takes more important role in pipeline project, especially when the nondamage detection technique has a real application in pipeline industry. The localization of pipeline robot is a key technology which decides the application of robot in pipeline. Although the wired robot solution is now the main stream, its shortcomings, such as cable weight and signal attenuation, greatly limit its working distance. The normal electromagnetic technology can not be used in the pipeline robot localization for the steel shield. So the robot localization without cable is one of the key technologies to improve the system porformance and application level. Based on the projects“X-ray pipeline defect inspection robot”and“Seabed oil-conveying pipe inspection robot”supported by Chinese high-tech fund, this thesis presents a solution to mobile robot localization by using extreme low frequency(ELF) electromagnectic wave.The thesis reviews the development of pipeline robot and indicates the key application problems, such as localization technology, communication technology, and power supply technology. The exsited localization technology’s merit and faults are analysed. As the ELF electromagnectic wave has the characteristics of penetrating different media, such as metal, soil, water, and sludge, the thesis studies an ELF electromagnetic wave-based localiztion method.The thesis establishes a normal localization model and presents two types of localication for pipeline robot, one is the autonomous localization and the other is the passive localization.Using anysis method of magetostatic field and Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory, this thesis studies the ELF electromagnetic wave (23Hz) penetrability and builds the ELF electromagnetic transmission model, which descibes the physic performance of EFL electromagnetic wave transimission and simplifies the application.For the project“Pipe inspection robot”application, the thesis studies the multisensors-based localization problem. As the envirment of pipeline consists of seawater and sediment, the media’s dielectric coefficient and magnetic
