

Research on Condensation Heat Transfer Characteristics of HCFC123 Outside Horizontal Tubes in High-Temperature Conditions

【作者】 熊钧

【导师】 郭骏;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 能源与环境问题是当今世界各国面临的重大社会问题。我国形势尤为严峻,能源短缺,能源利用率低,能耗高,CO2和SO2排放量居世界各国前列。随着城市化进程和经济发展速度的加快,我国将长期面临能源供应和环境保护的巨大压力,采用热泵技术是减少化石类能源消耗、降低环境污染的重要措施。民用和工业燃煤(气、油)锅炉热源改造要求能源利用率较高的供热热源,高温热泵是技术和经济可行的替代热源。以市政污水和工业废热水为低位热源的高温热泵已成为极具吸引力的供热热源,受到政府和用户的高度重视。以油田含油污水为低位热源的高位热泵也是解决油田地区城市集中供热和原油伴热输送的理想热源。壳管式冷凝器是高温热泵机组的重要部件,其传热能力在很大程度上决定了高温热泵的性能。3D强化管在壳管式冷凝器中的使用极大增强了壳管式换热器的换热性能进而提高了热泵机组的运行效率,取得了显著的节能、省材、减重、紧凑的效果和良好的经济效益。为此,本文建立了高温工质冷凝换热试验台,试验研究了高温工况下高温工质HCFC123在多种管外的冷凝换热性能,为优化壳管式冷凝器及开发高温热泵机组提供理论基础。本文主要完成了以下工作内容1、建立了高温工质冷凝换热试验台。通过对工质在管外冷凝换热特性的分析确定了试验研究目标,根据试验台设计原理及关键测试参数设计了试验台结构及主要设备,介绍了误差传递理论及误差分配方案,选择了测量仪表并对试验台误差影响因素进行了分析。2、开发了高温工质冷凝换热试验台监控系统。首先确定试验台监控目标并将试验台监控系统分为高温工质蒸气控制子系统和冷却水控制子系统,其次利用C++ Builder编制了监控程序,接着介绍了试验台工作过程及监控系统运行调试过程,分析了试验台运行调试结果。3、试验研究了HCFC123光管管外冷凝换热特性。文中介绍了试验管材并确定了试验工况,讨论了试验数据处理方法及模型评价标准,试验分析了单管外冷凝换热的直接及间接影响因素并与Nusselt经典理论模型比较,

【Abstract】 Now, energy resource and environment are the great social problems that every country especially our country is faced with. Our country is being lack of energy, energy inefficient, high energy consumption and has the larger discharge of CO2 and SO2. With quickening of cities and economy development speed, China will face great pressure of energy resource supply and environment protection for a long time. Heat pump has been an important technology measure to reduce energy consumption of the fossil energy resource and environment pollution. Alternation and rebuilding of civil and industry boilers with cost, gas and oil demand higher efficiency heating source and high-temperature heat pump (HTHP) is feasible alternate one both in technology and economy. By using the municipal sewage and industrial waste warm water as lower quality heat source, the HTHP has been a sort of very commercioganic heating source and attached importance by government and users. The HTHP, which low quality heat source is waste water including oil, is also an ideal heating source to use in civil central heating system and oil transportation system in oil field.The performance of HTHP is depended on the heat transfer capability of shell-tube condenser, which is an important part of HTHP. The usage of three-dimensional (3D) enhanced tube increases greatly the heat transfer ability of shell-tube heat transferr and improves the operational efficiency of heat pump, achieving better economical effectiveness and prominent effects such as energy conservation, material-saving, weight reduction and compactness. Accordingly, the condensation heat transfer test-board for high-temperature refrigerant is established in the thesis, and the condensation heat transfer performance of HCFC123 outside kinds of tubes is researched under high-temperature condition, which providing a theoretic basis for optimization of shell-tube condenser and the development of HTHP. This thesis is divided into six chapters; the detailed content is given as following.1、The high-temperature refrigerant condensation heat transfer test-board is set up. The experiment goal is determined through the characteristics analysis of refrigerant condensation outside tubes. The structure of test-board and its main
