

Study on the Synthetic Transportation System about the Three Gorges Reservoir in Human Settlements Construction

【作者】 李泽新

【导师】 赵万民;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 在三峡工程整体人居环境建设中,库区综合交通体系占有十分重要的地位,对三峡库区乃至更广大范围城乡社会和谐发展、经济和文化进步、城镇体系与城市化发展,有着重要的价值作用。论文选题力求紧扣三峡库区可持续发展的热点问题,着眼于解决存在的实际问题并探索解决问题的办法,在相关实践积累基础上,结合导师所主持的国家自然科学基金项目“西南地区流域开发与人居环境建设研究”(项目批准号:50578164)、教育部博士点基金项目“三峡库区城市建设的工程技术研究”(项目批准号:20030611022)工作,作为项目研究的骨干人员,论文选择对库区的区域交通与城市交通进行研究,从纵横两方面分析库区综合交通体系建设的发展规律以及理论及其实践的技术方法:在纵向方面,总结三峡地区交通建设的历史变迁及库区现代交通的发展态势,在横向方面,研究三峡库区规模和性质的城市综合交通体系建设与发展的技术对策。在库区的区域交通研究方面,论文从三峡周边地区、泛三峡区域、三峡库区三个地域入手,对铁路、公路、水运、航空运输这四个具有常规交通规划与建设类型体系,进行比较研究,提出结合流域经济开发、人居环境建设而引发的区域协作与多种运输方式协调发展的综合思考与措施;在库区的城市交通研究方面,针对道路及交通建设中存在的问题进行分析,结合三峡库区及山地城市特点,对不同规模与形态的城市、城镇,从对外交通与内部交通两方面,结合移民迁建和道路交通设施建设等技术内容,提出解决问题的思路和规划与设计的技术性思考。论文研究内容分为:第一章为绪论,包括选题的依据、研究的目的与方法、支撑的学科体系等内容。作为迄今为止世界上最大的水利枢纽工程项目,三峡工程百万移民带来的库区城市迁建与交通工程系统建设是十分复杂的,论文介绍了国内其它流域水利工程移民迁建的基本情况,以及三峡库区综合交通体系建设的典型示范价值。第二章为三峡库区自然环境、社会经济与交通建设的关系研究,提出适应库区与山地环境的交通体系建设的总体思路。从地形、地貌、山脉、水系等方面,总结三峡库区城市与交通建设的地域特点;分析三峡库区的资源条件、人口与城镇分布、移民迁建特征,提出库区交通体系建设与社会经济发展的互动机制。第三章为三峡地区交通建设的历史变迁研究,将交通建设成就融入三峡地区历史文化范畴。包括三峡地区古代的水陆交通与城市发展关系、桥梁建筑成就、街道空间格局等,从历史唯物主义观点,剖析交通建设历史遗产保护对三峡库区城市发展的积极意义。

【Abstract】 The construction of the traffic system in the three gorges reservoir is very important. It is directly connected to the traffic net、the towns system in the region. and effects the urbanization、shaking off poverty of the three gorges reservoir district too. There are 7 parts in the dissertation studied the regional and urban transportation. it introduces the contents and the targets of the study in the first part .In the 2nd part of the dissertation it summaries the relationship between urban planning and traffic system in the three gorges reservoir district by analysis the nature environment condition(such as terrain、relief、mountain、river etc)、the social and economical factor (such as population、GDP、building of migrated towns) in the region. The aims of the analysis are to find the regularity in towns and traffic net and get a total knowledge about the synthetic traffic system in the three gorges district. It studies the vicissitudes of the roads、bridges and streets in the past and considers as a historical heritage of the three gorges culture in the 3rd part of the dissertation.It is the study about regional transportation system in the 4th and 5th part of the dissertation. It analyzes the relationship between transportation of the rivers、roads、railways、aviation and towns system in the region,the action to the development of the cities from transport .It compares the three gorges reservoir region with the Yangtze-River delta and the Zhujiang-River delta in the construction of the transportation .and rises some suggestions about the construction of the synthetic traffic system in the different range such as increasing the density of highway and railway . and strengthening the highway connection in the South-north direction in the three gorges district. It is necessary assorting with the traffic net of the neighborhood provinces such as Sichuan、Guizhou、Hubei and Hunan .The article studies the transportation in Chongqing too. and discusses the metropolis’s action to the three gorges district traffic system.It’s the study about urban transportation in the 6th part. Some important problems are discussed in the section such as traffic demands in the future、the policy of development about urban communication in the cities beside the reservoir .There are some conclusions about the development of the urban transportation in the three gorges reservoir. It predicts the increasing tendency of the demands on the communication and studies the relationship between the urban frame and the road system. It rises some

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】TU984.191
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1177