

Research on Optimization Method of Setting Urban Curb Parking Facilities

【作者】 梅振宇

【导师】 王炜; 陈峻;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,特别是近10年来,我国国民经济的飞速发展加剧了城市化、工业化进程,出行需求的增加和生活水平的提高推动了小汽车进入家庭的步伐,居民出行方式的机动化趋势日益显著,道路通行能力相对道路交通量已显得不足;而另一方面,尽管中国城市的停车设施有了较快的发展,但与呈几何级数不断增长的停车需求相比,存在着明显的供应缺口,特别是随意设置路内停车已经开始严重影响道路交通并趋于严重,这些使得很多城市的静态交通矛盾凸现。路内停车对道路交通的影响是不可避免的,如何科学、合理地设置路内停车,寻求设置路内停车的定量条件,可以使得整体停车效益达到最大化。本论文课题将依托国家自然科学基金资助项目“新形势下城市车辆停放关键方法研究”(编号:50308005)开展研究工作。论文通过全面概述国内外路内停车研究、实践的历史和最新动态,简要归纳了国内外研究存在的不足,提出了从宏观、中观和微观角度分别对路内停车供需关系、对交通流运行影响和延误、路内停车带规模与路内停车设计方法几个方面进行深入研究的方法,使得设置路内停车带对社会整体效益达到或接近综合最优。通过问卷现场调查和现场观测记录方法对路内停车调查分析的基础上,进行综合归类研究分析,从路内停车需求和供给两个方面,分析路内停车的形成机理。结合已有的城市交通调查数据,通过综合考虑影响路内停车需求的各种因素和路内停车供应的各种约束条件,在供需平衡的基础上构建非线性优化模型,并设计了可行方向法来估算最优的路内停车宏观比例。对本文主要研究对象、内容、影响因素和变量选择进行了分析,构建了设置路内停车前后交通流模型。在调查的基础上考虑了城市不同道路横断面形式下设置了路内停车泊位前后,在不同流量条件情况下的影响参数,并做微观定量分析,从路段车流运行速度等方面进行建模分析。对设置路内停车带后的影响因素,在对路内停车带设置形式和停放车辆的驶入驶出频率进行了细致的分析的基础上,将这些因素聚类为空间障碍率和时间障碍率两个变量进行回归分析;在得出设置路内停车前后速度模型的基础上,引入延误作为反映设置路内停车带对路段交通流影响的依据,分析在连续流和不同的间断交通流达到情况下,推导了路内停车带设置后车辆运行的减速-加速延误模型和跟驰延误模型,并对这些模型参数进行了标定,在此基础上确定路内停车带设置前后对路段影响参数和形成设置路内停车带的定量依据。综合考虑路内、路外停车场之间的匹配关系,在建模中假设车辆停放者首选路内停车带,当停车场停满车辆时,后来的汽车就另外寻找路外停车场,不会排队等候空位,由此可以将路内停车带看成泊松分布/负指数分布/N个服务台的损失制排队系统,从而分析车辆停放者选择停车场关系,由此为基础分别分析路内车辆停放者和路外车辆停放者的成本,以社会总效益最大进行表征,从路内、路外停车场匹配关系入手,综合考虑路内停车带对道路交通流的影响、绕行距离以及个体时间效益的基础上确定停车带的最优规模模型,并设计了内点法作为求解模型的算法,最后通过实例验证了模型。在路内停车设计研究中,提出了城市路内停车设计技术流程。对路内停车设计的各个设计步骤进行了详细的分析,分别从路内停车的道路和交通量条件、路内停车带合理位置选择和泊位设计方法3个方向展开研究。路内停车的道路条件主要包括道路宽度和道路横断面形式,交通量条件主要包括路段机动车流量、非机动车流量和行人流量;路内停车带合理位置选择主要包括分别

【Abstract】 The Rapid development of the country economy accelerates the course of urbanization and industrialization since implementing the police of open and reform, especially in the past 10 years. The increase of traffic demand and the improvement of living level promote the step of people buying cars. The trend of using personal cars is becoming more evident and the road capacity can’t meet the demand of road traffic. On the other hand, although the parking facilities in China cities have developed rapidly, there is an evident gap between the demand and the supply, especially optional setting curb parking has affected the road traffic seriously, which has made the static traffic problem in many cities become more and more outstanding.The influence of curb parking on road traffic is inevitable, how to plan the curb parking scientifically, set the curb parking reasonably, and seek the ration criterion to set curb parking, can maximize the whole parking benefits. The research work of this paper will relay on the national natural science fund project“Research on key means about vehicles parking in cities under new situation”(serial number: 50308005).This paper summarizes the history and the trend of curb parking theory both in home and abroad to briefly conclude the shortage. The method of analyzing the relation between demand and supply of curb parking, the impact and the delay the curb parking put on the traffic flow, and the scale of curb parking and setting method from macro-view, median-view, and micro-view aspects is brought forward. Through the analyses, the whole benefits of setting curb parking are maximized.With the enquiry and observation on the spot means of curb parking, the survey data are classified to be analyzed. The form theory of curb parking is analyzed from the two aspects of curb parking demand and curb parking supply. The non-linear optimal model is proposed under the restrictions of demand and supply in term with the traffic data surveyed in the cities. With the design of viable aspects method, the optimal macro-proportion of curb parking can be worked out.With the analysis of study objects, research contents, effect factors and variables selection, the traffic flow models before or after setting curb parking are established. With considering the different road transects and flow conditions, the velocity models of road traffic flow are analyzed from micro-view aspects. The setting form of curb parking and arrive - leave frequency are analyzed detailedly to cluster these factors into space obstacle rate and time obstacle rate. With the basis of establishing velocity model before or after setting curb parking, delay is introduced to reflect the criterion of setting curb parking. The decelerating-accelerating delay model and follow delay model after setting curb parking are educed, and the model parameters are assured to ensure the affecting factors and form the ration criterion of setting curb parking.The parking choice relations are analyzed with considering the matching relationship between the curb

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期