

Primitive Decoration Art Research

【作者】 倪建林

【导师】 张道一;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 艺术学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 装饰艺术有广义和狭义之分,原始装饰艺术是原始人类藉此表达观念、显现人性的最主要的视觉艺术形式,我们只有从考古学和人类学材料的相互印证中,运用生物学、心理学、历史学、哲学、社会学等多种学科的知识对原始装饰艺术作综合的考察研究,才能真正透过现象揭示其本质。 原始装饰艺术发生的根源不是单一的,而是多元的综合。多元的综合不是诸因素的简单相加,也不是用传统的解构方式能够获得的部分之和,而是在一个有机整体的系统中的融会统一,这种融会统一是开放性的而不是自闭的,是动态的平衡而不是静止的对称。其中,象征着人的生命本质的精神意志始终起着主导性的作用。简言之,原始装饰艺术的发生并不是被动的选择,更不是其它文化现象的衍生物或副产品,而是在人类本能的需求与外在条件的相互适应下诞生的。 同样,原始装饰艺术的形式起源与思维起源也都不是单一的。无论是写实还是抽象,再现或表现,都不可能是简单的孰先孰后的问题,只有将它们纳入到一个整体的系统之中,以融会统一的观念来看待处于起源时期的视觉艺术形态,只有在这样的前提下,各个单位的元素才具有意义。 象征是原始装饰艺术涵义的主要特征之一,但不是惟一;还有叙事、纪事和审美等意义在原始装饰艺术中也属常见,特别是审美的意义始终以其特有的方式蕴涵于具体的装饰之中,有时被其主题或象征的意义所掩盖;有时则通过独特的形式感得以彰显。

【Abstract】 Primitive decorative arts could be considered as a specific kind of decorative arts. It is the main form of visual arts of primitive men by which they used to express their own ideas and feelings. For nowadays researchers who wish to explore its essence behind various phenomena, it is necessary to use archaeological and anthropological materials and evidences as well as theories and methods of different disciplines such as biology, psychology, history, philosophy and social sciences.Primitive decorative arts is resulted from multiple elements rather than one single source. The way how those elements perform their function during the coming forth of the primitive decorative arts is not like the summation of the effect of each part. Rather to say, they take effects in a unitary system which is open rather than closed and in dynamic balance rather then quiescent symmetry. And human’s spiritual factors played dominate roles during the whole process. In brief, the coming forth of primitive decorative arts is not a passive process or some ramification or by-products of other cultural phenomena. It arose from the adaptive behavior of human instinct to surrounding environment.Similarly, the form and connotation of the primitive decorative arts is also resulted from multiple elements. Whether it is realist or abstract, and whether it is representative or expressive, it is not a matter of what form comes earlier or later than other forms. It is more meaningful to observe and study those forms of primitive visual arts under a unitary background.Symbolization is one of the main characteristics of primitive decorative arts. Besides, narrative, descriptive and aesthetic meanings are also very common in primitive decorative arts. Specifically, aesthetic meaning is usually implicated in certain decorative arts, which sometimes could be covered by the theme or symbolic meaning and sometimes might be manifested in special forms.

【关键词】 原始装饰史前艺术起源
【Key words】 primitivedecorationprehistoryorigin of art
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】J525
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1792