

Study on Bond-Slip Relationship between Steel and Concrete and Seismic Behavior of Steel Reinforced Concrete Walls

【作者】 董宇光

【导师】 吕西林;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 结构工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 型钢混凝土(SRC)构件是由钢与混凝土两种材料组合起来的构件,这种组合构件不仅能更好的发挥各自的材质优点,避免单一材料的弱点,同时由于构件中型钢、钢筋(箍筋与纵筋)、混凝土三位一体地工作,材料元件之间具有相辅相成的作用:组合截面中的混凝土对型钢和纵向钢筋的整体和局部稳定性提供保证,增强了刚度以使其强度和变形能力充分发挥;型钢及周围的箍筋对截面内混凝土的约束作用,使其处于程度不同的三向受力状态,混凝土极限压缩变形有所增加,这种相辅相成作用的结果是型钢混凝土组合构件的承载力超过了两种材料承载力的简单叠加,同时构件又具有良好的变形能力及延性。正是由于以上优点,近些年来,型钢混凝土结构在我国高层及超高层建筑中得以广泛运用,而且具有很好的发展趋势。然而关于型钢混凝土结构性能研究的试验和理论比较缺乏,制约着这种新型结构形式的推广,本文的研究内容围绕型钢混凝土受力性能展开。本文研究了型钢混凝土粘结滑移性能。有关型钢混凝土粘结滑移性能研究还非常少,制约着型钢混凝土构件的推广以及数值仿真分析研究。本文在参考钢筋混凝土粘结滑移研究的基础上,设计了一种新型型钢混凝土粘结滑移试件及相应的加载装置,实现了型钢与混凝土粘结面之间的破坏,避免了混凝土的劈裂破坏和受压破坏,同时还实现了包括单调加载、重复加载、反复加载在内的多种加载形式。本试验共测试了18件型钢混凝土粘结滑移试件,研究了在单调及反复荷载作用下,混凝土强度、粘结长度、箍筋配箍率等因素对粘结性能的影响,设计了3个对比试件,用以考察型钢翼缘内侧、翼缘外侧、腹板与混凝土的粘结性能的区别。最后在试验的基础上,提出了单调加载条件下的型钢混凝土粘结滑移模型,此三线形模型较好地反映了试验特征,同时形式也比较简单,有利于运用于实际数值分析;所建立的反复加载条件下型钢与混凝土之间粘结滑移模型包括骨架曲线以及滞回规律两部分内容。运用本文所建立的模型进行数值模拟实际试验构件,数值模拟结果与试验结果比较相符。所建立的模型为对型钢混凝土构件进行精细有限元分析奠定了基础。进行了型钢混凝土剪力墙的抗震性能试验。共测试了16片型钢混凝土剪力墙,研究了混凝土强度、高宽比、试件端部箍筋配筋率等参数对型钢混凝土剪力墙抗震性能的影响;同时提出了一种新型构造的剪力墙,在型钢混凝土剪力墙中部配置型钢,考查了这种配置方式对型钢混凝土剪力墙抗震性能的影响。用CANNY软件仿真分析型钢混凝土剪力墙的滞回受力性能,用程序提供的3D纤维墙元分别分析了高宽比为3.75的高墙,和高宽比为1.5的矮墙。同时为CANNY软件在实际工程分析的运用,提供了必要的分析参数,并为软件升级提出了建议。运用ANSYS程序对一型钢混凝土剪力墙构件进行了非线性精细有限元分析,在仿真模型中考虑了粘结—滑移关系的影响,在分析构件整体受力的同时,也分析了型钢与混凝土间的节点粘结力的分布情况。分析了不考虑粘结滑移关系的数值分析模型,将两种数值分析结果与试验测试进行了比对,结果表明,考虑了粘结—滑移关系的分析模型的模拟结果更加贴近试验实测。在中国混凝土结构设计规范中,轴压比是混凝土结构竖向构件(柱、墙)设计计算中一个很重要的参数。然而对于型钢混凝土剪力墙结构,轴压比及其限值的研究还是一个空白。本文通过试验实测与数值仿真相结合的方法,分析轴压比计算公式及其限值,为进一步推广型钢混凝土剪力墙结构作基础性的研究工作。最后本文对要进一步研究的方向进行了展望。

【Abstract】 The studies on Steel Reinforced Concrete (hereafter as SRC) structure has widely undertaken in China since the beginning of 1980’s. Deriving benefits from combining the structural steel and reinforced concrete, the composite structures possess large load-carrying capacity and stiffness owing to composite action. Further, the surrounding concrete can serve for fire protection. Therefore, SRC structures built with structural steel encased in reinforced concrete are widely used in high-rise buildings and other systems requiring a large lateral-load resistance and considerable strong axial load capacity. Unfortunately, the study on SRC structure is not enough, which restricts significantly the application of this composite structure, so this thesis focuses on the property of SRC structure including bond-slip relationship between steel and concrete, seismic property of SRC walls, numerical simulation of SRC walls.In this thesis, a new type bond-slip experiment was designed which can realize real bond failure between steel and concrete. 18 specimens with different parameters were tested under monotonic pullout and cyclic loading. These parameters are concrete strength, steel volume ratio of stirrup, bond length respectively. In addition, in order to analyze bond effect at different positions of structural steel, three partially bond specimens were designed, in these three specimens, flange inside and web plate of steel skeleton were isolated from concrete by wrapping plastic membrane and consistent lubricant on the structural steel.According to the experiment results of these specimens, numerical constitution model of bond-slip of steel reinforced concrete under both monotonic loading and cyclic loading were concluded. The numerical simulation derived from these mathematical models coincided with the experiment results well.16 specimens of steel reinforced concrete (SRC) walls with different parameters such as height-width ratio, axial compression ratio, concrete strength, and steel volume ratio of stirrups respectively were tested. And then, the effects of these parameters on SRC walls were evaluated. In addition, a new type wall which steel was assembled in the center of SRC wall section was tested. From the experiment results, this scheme can effectively improve seismic behavior of SRC wall.Then, the seismic behavior of SRC wall was simulated by numerical analysis program CANNY. Two specimens with different height-width ratio were simulated, and analysis results were compared with experiment results.In order to verify the proposed analytical model of bond-slip under monotonic loading, a SRC walls were tested under monotonic loading, and was analyzed by 3D nonlinear finite element method. Two different simulation models were used to analyze the SRC wall. In one of the two models, bond-slip property between structural steel and concrete was ignored so that two materials kept perfect-bond. In the other model, bond-slip relationship proposed by this article was considered.According to the comparison with experiment, the simulation model considering bond-slip relationship agreed with the measured response better than the model assuming perfect bond. So as a conclusion, simulation model considering bond-slip is more accurate than traditional perfect bond simulation model. It is essential to study the bond-slip relationship for grasping the mechanical property of SRC wall furthermore.In Chinese code for design of concrete structures, axial compression ratio is an important parameter, which is used in design of some vertical components such as column and wall. Unfortunately, there is little research about axial compression ratio and its limited value of SRC walls until now. So, researches about axial compression ratio and limited value of SRC wall were taken in this thesis by a method of combining experiment and numerical simulation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU398.9
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1544