

Study on Rheological Properties of Soft Rock with Large Deformation and Its Application in Tunnel Engineering

【作者】 齐明山

【导师】 孙钧;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 结构工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 岩石流变与岩石工程长期稳定与安全密切相关。岩石流变力学试验是了解岩石流变力学特性的重要手段。进行室内三轴流变试验研究了风化破碎软弱岩石的流变特性。在考虑岩石流变时效特性的基础上,运用理论解析和数值模拟手段对收敛约束法进行了较系统深入的研究。并利用正交试验设计方法探讨了隧道支护结构的优化设计。 论文主要研究工作集中在以下几个方面: (1) 采用全自动三轴流变试验机对厦门东通道海底隧道风化槽/囊地段岩石进行了三轴压缩流变试验,研究了岩石在不同围压和不同应力水平作用下轴向应变随时间的变化规律。通过对试验数据的拟合,表明幂律型蠕变模型可以用来较好的模拟该类岩石除第三阶段蠕变以外的蠕变行为。 (2) 分别从围岩特征曲线和支护特征曲线出发,对收敛约束法进行了较为系统的研究。总结给出了围岩特征曲线的确定方法,包括理论解析法、数值方法和现场实测法。利用数值方法,分别对厦门东通道海底隧道进行了二维弹塑性、粘弹塑性、考虑应变软化的粘弹塑性和三维粘弹塑性分析,得到相应的围岩特征曲线,并比较了它们之间的异同之处。在假设支护材料行为符合弹性—理想塑性的前提下,总结给出了喷射混凝土支护、锚杆支护、钢拱支护和组合式支护的支护刚度方程,讨论了构成组合式支护的各单一支护的设置时间和边界条件发生变化时,组合式支护刚度的计算方法。在此基础上,给出了支护效果的评价方法。针对收敛约束法中初始位移(支护设置前的洞壁径向位移)难以确定的问题,给出了利用LDP线确定初始位移的方法以及LDP线的计算方法。 (3) 通过对乌鞘岭隧道开挖过程中洞室围岩变形、围岩压力、支护应力等监测数据的分析,探讨了乌鞘岭隧道围岩“挤入型”大变形的机理、成因。将模拟乌鞘岭隧道实际开挖过程的三维粘弹塑性数值分析结果与现场实测结果进行比较,论证了采用幂律型蠕变模型描述乌鞘岭隧道围岩流变的可行性。 (4) 隧道开挖后,影响围岩应力、变形状态和洞室稳定性的因素主要就是围岩自身物理力学性质、开挖洞室的大小和形状、以及支护设置时间和支护刚度。本文利用统计学中的正交试验设计方法,综合考虑初次、二次支护的支护时间

【Abstract】 Rheology of rock is closely related to the long-term stability and safety of rock engineering. Rheological mechanical experiment of rock is an important means to know about the rheological properties of rock. Triaxial rheological experiment is done to study the rheological properties of soft rock which is rotten and cracked. With considering the rheology of rock, the comprehensive method of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation is adopted to study convergence-confinement method, and the method of orthogonal experimental design is used to discuss optimization of tunnel support system.In this dissertation, the main investigation work focuses on the following several aspects.(1) In order to know about the rheological properties of rock specimens in Xiamen Undersea Tunnel Project, A series of triaxial compression rheological experiments were carried out on the rock servo-controlling rheology testing machine. Based on the experimental results, the variance law of axial strain of specimens with time under different confining pressures and different deviatoric stresses is investigated. By comparing the experimental results and the results predicted from the use of power law creep model, it is shown that power creep model can be used to simulate the primary creep and the secondary creep of the rock specimens.(2) Ground Characteristic Curve (GCC) and Support Characteristic Curve (SCC) are both investigated to know about convergence-confinement method comprehensively. Methods of determining GCC are being given, which include theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, and field measurement. By 2-D and 3-D numerical simulation with different material models, the corresponding ground characteristic curves of Xiamen Undersea Tunnel are obtained and compared each other. Under the hypothesis that a support has an ideal elastic-perfectly plastic behaviour, the expressions of the stiffness of shotcrete lining, radial anchored bolts, steel sets and compound support are given. Furthermore, the stiffness of compound

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期