

The Study of the Router Internet Resource Management Based on Game Theory for Internet Survivability

【作者】 张惠娟

【导师】 周利华;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 网络可生存性是网络基本能力的保证,是网络提供服务质量(QoS)的前提和保证。随着网络业务流量日益增大以及网络业务类型多样化,研究网络存在性问题成为目前网络研究的一个热点,也为构建下一代互联网奠定基础。 网络可生存性通常是以网络连通性以及网络性能、业务容量等性能来度量,影响网络可生存性因素很多,网络可生存性研究方面涉及问题也比较多。本文研究了影响互联网可生存性的关键部件路由器,分析了其网络资源管理方法和现存技术对网络可生存性问题的影响,提出了公平有效的网络资源分配方法,避免或控制了网络拥塞现象发生,从而提高网络可存生性的研究思路。 本文主要从路由器队列管理技术和路由选择技术两个方面,运用博弈论思想,研究路由器网络资源管理机制,提出了基于路由器的网络资源公平有效分配方案,从而提高网络可生存性。 具体来说,本文主要研究内容和贡献如下: 1.研究了网络生存性的相关问题,分析了影响网络可生存性的关键部件,表明保障这些关键部件正常、有效地工作是网络可生存性的基本保证。在此研究基础上,表明针对网络关键部件路由器,寻求其公平有效地网络资源分配方法,避免或控制网络拥塞现象发生,是保证和提高网络可生存性的关键所在。 2.介绍了博弈论相关概念和知识,着重介绍了博弈问题的解,即Nash均衡存在条件以及最优性等相关问题,分析了博弈论在路由器资源管理中的应用情况以及相关研究状况,为本文提出的解决方案奠定了基础。 3.介绍了目前路由器资源管理的方案和思路,并针对其中的路由器队列管理方法和路由选择技术进行了分析和研究;基于博弈论思想,提出了将路由器队列管理看作是路由器网络资源管理过程的概念,构建了路由器队列管理博弈模型,确定了该博弈问题的Nash均衡条件;运用上述博弈模型的Nash均衡条件,从理论上证明了目前典型路由器队列管理技术的非均衡性,并表明这种非均衡性将导致网络资源分配的不公平。4.在实时业务和非实时业务等多种业务类型共存的网络环境下,研究了路由器网络资源的公平性分配问题,提出了基于博弈论思想的路由器实吋队列管理新方法,该方法提高了网络资源分配的公平性,有效控制和避免网络中拥塞现象,最终提高了网络可生存性。 文中首先介绍了基于博弈论思想的网络资源管理方法在路由器队列管理中的研究状况;介绍了路由器队列管理博弈模型,研究了基于博弈论的路由器队列管理方法的均衡性条件以及任务流条件;其次,研究了路由器队列管理中的两种关键技术,即丢弃算法和调度算法,提出了基于博弈论路由器丢弃算法和调度算法。另外,针对目前网络,尤其是下一代网络中多媒体等实时任务广泛应用情况,研究了路由器排队算法,提出了一种适合实时特性路由器的排队算法;再次,在结合上述路由器队列管理关键技术基础上,提出了一种基于博弈论思想的路由器实时队列管理方法;最后,构建了算法实例,设计了实验模型并用实验方法仿真了算法结果,同时对算法结果进行了分析和比较。 5.分析了路由器路由选择技术对影响网络可生存性的影响,表明了路由器将业务均衡地转发网络各个路径上,能避免大量业务集中在最短路径或处理能力强的路径上,导致网络拥塞现象,影响网络可生存性。文中针对IPv6协议中任意播路由中的均衡路由问题,提出了基于博弈论思想的优化路由算法,即均衡的路由算法,从路由角度提高网络连通性和效率,保证网络可存生性。 文中首先介绍了网络路由均衡性选择的研究状况;介绍了合作参与者间的博弈理论;其次,构建了合作参与者间的博弈模型,提出了基于合作博弈的均衡路由算法,并用实验方法仿真了算法结果;再次,在合作博弈模型基础上,进而研究了实际网络路由状况,构建了非合作参与者间的博弈模型,提出了一基于非合作博弈的均衡路由算法,并用实验方法仿真了算法结果。

【Abstract】 Internet survivability ensures the internet basical ability,and it is the premise and guarantee of QOS. With the increasing of traffic and many kinds of traffic,the research in Internet survivability is becoming a focus problem at present. Internet survivability is also a basic problem in the next generation internet(NGN).Generally, Internet survivability is measured by connection,capability and traffic efficiency. Internet survivability is affected by many factors and there are many questions involved in the research. In this paper,the router which is a major components affecting the Internet survivability is studied, the internet resource management and the influence of current technology to Internet survivability is analysed, a fair and effective method to distribute the internet resource is presented. This investigation can avoid or control the internent congestion,and improve the Internet survivability.The main content of this paper is: discusses the management mechanism of the router internet resource, presents a fair and effective method on the router to distribute the internet resource with game theory in two ways, that is router Quene Management and router election technology,which improve the Internet survivability.The importment content and contribution is described in detail as follow:1. This paper discusses the relative problem with Internet survivability,analyse the major parts which affect Internet survivability, indicates that the major parts running normally and effectively is the basical guarantee of Internet survivability. Based on this investigation, the paper indicates that it is the key to ensure and improve Internet survivability on the router to looking for a fair and effective method to distribute the internet resource, avoiding or controlling the internent congestion.2. This paper introduces the relative concept and Nash on emphasis of the game theory, including the relative problem of Nash equilibrium survival condition and the best information. In this paper, the game theory appliance and relative research statusin router resource management is analysed, and the basical solving scheme of this paper is established.3. This paper introduces the scheme of current router resource management, analyses the router Quene Management and the router path selection technology.Up to the game theory, this paper presents the concept that the router Quene Management is considered as a process of router internet resource management, builds the router Quene Management game model, and conforms the Nash equilibrium condition of the game. Due to the Nash equilibrium condition of the game model, the unequilibrium of the current typical router Quene Management technology is proved in theory, and this is considered that will lead to unfair resource distribution.4. This paper discusses the fair router internet resource distribution in internet with real time traffic and nonreal time traffic, and presents the new method of router queen management based the game theory. This method can improve the fair internet resource distribution,control and avoid effectively internet traffic, and improve the Internet survivability finally.Firstly, this paper introduces the research of internet resource management by game theory in router Quene Management, and also introduces the router Quene Management game theory model, studys the equilibrium condition and task condition of the router Quene Management with game theory. Secondly, two important technologies that is the drop and schedule arithmetic in the router queue management is discussed, and the drop and schedule arithmetic by game theory is presented. Moreover, this paper presents a real time router quene method for internet with real time traffic and non real time traffic. Thirdly, based the research of the major technologies, a real time router queue arithmetic based game theory is presented. At last, this arithmetic and the experiment mode are built,this experiment result is compared with the other typical methods.5. In this paper, the influence of the router path selection to the internet survivability is analysed, and the conclusion indicates that the equilibrium router path selection can avoid more traffic in the shortest path, which may lead to internet congestion and affect internet survivability. To the equilibrium router in Ipv6 anycast,This paper optimize the router arithmetic, that is a equilibrium router choicemethod,which can improve internet connection and efficiency, ensure the internet survivability,In this paper, the research of the equilibrium router choice is introduced and the basic of the cooperative player game theory is studeid firstly. Secondly,the game model is built, a cooperative player game arithmetic on the equilibrium router is presented, and the experiment indicates the performance of this arithmetic.Thirdly, based on the cooperative player model,the internet router in practice is studied, a noncooperative player model is built, an equilibrium router path selection arithmetic with this model is presented, and the experiment indicates the performance of this arithmetic.
