

Bennettitales from Lower Cretaceous Chengzihe Formation in Jixi Basin of Heilongjiang, China

【作者】 刘风香

【导师】 孙革;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 古生物学与地层学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 黑龙江鸡西含煤盆地是我国重要煤炭基地,该盆地早白垩世城子河组为海陆交互相地层,富含动、植物化石。鸡西城子河--万人沟一带是城子河组最发育的地区之一,这里的早白垩世植物化石十分丰富,但以往对本内苏铁类及苏铁类植物化石的研究尚欠深入。本论文通过丰富的化石材料,从叶部角质层解剖研究入手,首次利用扫描电子显微镜等先进方法,对早白垩世城子河组中的本内苏铁类植物进行了较深入的分类研究,重点鉴定、描述了城子河侧羽叶(Pterophyllum chengzihense Liu)、鸡西特尔姆叶(Tyrmia jixiensis Sun et Liu)等新近发现的两个本内苏铁类植物的分类群,并与国内外相关的分类群进行了较详细的对比,提高了早白垩世城子河组植物群的分类研究水平。与此同时,通过植物群的组成及植物角质层构造等特征,运用古植物学、孢粉学、地层学及古气候学等多学科综合研究的方法,分析了早白垩世城子河组时期的古气候与古环境,提出了城子河组植物群曾处于温暖潮湿的暖温带气候;为恢复早白垩世城子河组含煤地层及鸡西含煤盆地的古地理、古环境等研究提供了新的资料。论文对推动黑龙江鸡西盆地乃至我国东北地区早白垩世植物群研究、含煤地层对比及古地理古气候等研究,将发挥积极作用。

【Abstract】 The Jixi coal-bearing basin is one of the important industrial coal bases and significant fossil sites in China. The Lower Cretaceous Chengzihe Formation well outcropped in this basin, and composed of non-marin strata alternated by marin beds, yielding abundant fossil plants and marine bivalves and dinoflagellates. The Bennettitalean plants are rich and well-preserved in compression in the Formation. However, the Bennettitalean plants from this formation have not been studied in detail on their taxonomy before.This thesis focuses on the study of the taxonomy of the Bennettitalean plants, particularly on their cuticular characteristics from the fossils collected in the Lower Cretaceous Chengzihe Formation of the Chengzihe-Wanrengou geological section in the Jixi basin. The thesis decribes in detail two Bennettitalean taxa, Pterophyllum chengzihense Liu and Tyrmia jixiensis Sun et Liu, newly found from this section, and makes correlation of the Chengzihe Formation to its coeval strata home and abroad. The study would be beneficial for putting forward the taxonomic study of Bennettitales in this area and for the biostratigraphic study of the Chengzihe Formation.Besides, the present thesis also discusses the paleoclimate and

【关键词】 黑龙江鸡西早白垩世城子河组本内苏铁类
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期