

【作者】 查金祥

【导师】 马庆国;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,因特网和电子商务的蓬勃发展创造了新的商业行为及经济模式,也逐渐改变了人类的生活习惯,人们的购物行为从传统的实体商店延伸到新形态的网络商店或电子商店。当前,对于许多在因特网上从事网络零售的企业而言,其经营重心往往是吸引新的顾客,强调顾客的成长率,而忽略了对顾客忠诚度的建立和维系。毋庸置疑,无论是实体环境还是虚拟环境,培养和维系忠诚顾客是企业赢利的关键途径。正如Paul May(2000)的研究结果所示,顾客忠诚度才是电子商务成功的关键。因此,对于网络商店的经营者来说,如何系统性地建构顾客关系,更有效率地实现顾客满意及忠诚度的提升与企业利润的赢取,创新电子商务的经营与管理模式,是网络背景下网络商店保持竞争优势必须解决的重大问题。 在学术上,网络环境下的客户关系管理研究多源于美国等电子商务发达国家,其概念和理论能否移植到其它国家和文化环境仍有待检验。在基于B2C电子商务的顾客忠诚形成机理方面,国内的科学实证研究并不多见,很多研究只是基于初步调查的经验总结和感性判断,因此,借鉴国外已有的研究成果,在中国文化背景下科学地研究网络顾客忠诚度的形成机制和驱动因素,总结出网络背景下消费者忠诚行为的一般性规律,对网络零售商制定正确的营销策略和促进网络购物市场的繁荣发展有重大意义。 本研究以经营B2C电子商务的网络商店为研究对象,拟以实体环境下的关系质量模式(Crosby et al,1990)为基础,结合顾客价值理论(Sheth et al,1991)和交易成本理论(Williamson,1985)来探讨电子商务中网络顾客忠诚的形成机制与驱动因素。在本研究中,将电子商务顾客价值提炼为三个维度,即功能性价值、程序性价值和社会性价值,其中,功能性价值由价格优势、购物便利性、产品质量、信息质量、服务失误补救等具体因素构成;程序性价值由网站设计、操作便利性、个性化化服务、购物娱乐性、网络安全性、隐私保护和网络互动性等因素构成;社会性价值由网站声誉、社会逃避价值、B2C关系价值、C2C关系价值等因素构成。本研究架构由前因变量(网络购物顾客价值和资产专属性)、中介变量(网络客户满意度及网络客户信任)、结果变量(网络顾客忠诚)和干扰变量(个人创新性、网络涉入程度)四类变量和相应的路径关系组成,希望借此框架来解释及预测网络消费者对网络商店关系质量(满意度、信任)及忠诚度的心理历程,进而建立具有理论基础的网络商店关系质量的因果模型。 本研究的实证分析分两阶段进行,第一阶段为探索性分析,主要是通过效度及信度分析来筛选量表题目和形成最终问卷:第二阶段是验证性分析,主要是对因果模型进行SEM分析,希望找出网络商店的关系质量(e-satisfaction & e-trust)的前因及后果。通过对491份有效问卷的实证分析,本研究的主要结论如下:

【Abstract】 In recent years, the rapid development of Internet and e-commerce (EC) not only created new commercial behaviour and economic model, but changed our living customs. Our shopping behavior has extended from traditional store to Internet store. Nowadays, the management of many e-retailers is focused on attracting new consumers and increasing the growth rate of customers instead of creating and maintaining customer loyalty. There is no doubt that creating and maintaining customer loyalty is the key to earning profit, whethr under traditional or cyber circumstances. Just as was said by Paul May(2000), customer loyalty is crucial to EC success. Therefore, e-retailers are faced with such avoidable important problems as how to construct customer relationship systematically and how to improve customer satisfaction & loyalty and create new EC model, for the sake of maintaing competition advantage of Internet store.The academic studies of CRM under the Internet circumatances are mostly done in America, where the EC there is developing rapidly. Whether its concept and theory of e-CRM still work in other countries and cultures or not remains uncertain. Most studies of e-loyalty of the B2C EC are experience summary & subjective judgement in China’s mainland while the empirical studies are limited. So, for the sake of e-retailers establishing correct marketing stategies and promoting prosperity of Internet shopping market, it is of great significance to, based on foreign studies, study the mechanism and driving factors of e-loyalty under the circumstances of Chinese culture, and sum up the rules of Internet consumer loyalty behavior.Based on the relationship quality model(Crosby et al., 1990), customer value theory (Sheth et al, 1991) and transaction cost theory (Williamson, 1985), this paper mainly attempts to study the forming mechanism and driving factors of e-loyalty to Internet store. In this paper, the customer value offered by e-retailers is divided into three dimensions: functional value, process value and social value. Functional value is measured by five variables: price, product quality, information quality, convenience and service failure recovery. Process value is measured by seven variables: website design charateristics, Internet security, customization, Internet interactivity, privacy protection, Internet entertainment and operation simpleness. Social value is measured by four variables: website brand, social evading value, B2C relationship value and C2C relationship value. The frame of this paper comprises of four types of variables

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】F713.36
  • 【被引频次】357
  • 【下载频次】30293
  • 攻读期成果