

Human Settlements Risk Assessment from the Perspective of Geology Geochemistry Environment in Kangding County

【作者】 王永利

【导师】 倪师军; 张成江; 魏伦武;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地球化学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 人居环境,是人类聚居生活的地方,是与人类生存活动密切相关的空间,它是人类在大自然中赖以生存的基地,是人类利用自然、改造自然的主要场所。人居健康,即人类居住环境的健康问题,人的居住环境直接影响人的健康状况。城市地质地球化学环境是城市发展的重要基础,是人类居住的重要场所,是人居环境研究的重要内容。 城市人居环境风险性是从城市的地质地球化学环境角度出发,研究城市地质环境对人类可能造成危害或损失的不确定因素,是指城市地质环境的社会属性与自然属性相匹配的程度,匹配程度越高,适宜度越好,风险性则越小,反之,匹配程度越低,适宜度越差,风险性则越大。 本论文以康定城为例,从城市的地质地球化学角度出发,建立起城市人居环境风险性评价的理论和方法体系,在城市地质环境与人居环境“和谐”问题上做一些有益的探索。 建立了城市人居环境风险性评价系统,此评价系统由三级指标体系和三层次用户体系构成,一级指标体系反映城市人居环境风险性评价指标;二级指标体系反映城市地质环境条件基础性、城市地质灾害危险性和城市地球化学脆弱性分区评价指标;三级指标体系反映城市人居环境基本组成元素的评价指标。三个不同级别评价结果分别服务于政府决策机构、城市规划部门、城市管理和建设设计部门三个不同层次用户。 城市人居环境风险性包括三方面的内容,即地质环境条件的基础性、地质灾害的危险性以及地球化学的脆弱性。康定城地质条件复杂,地质灾害较多,利用上述理论对康定城的人居环境风险性作出了评价。 康定城地质环境条件基础性评价是人居环境风险性评价的基础,建立了地质环境条件基础性评价理论体系,定量的评价了康定城的地质环境条件,绘制了地质环境条件基础性评价图,该图反映了康定城的地质环境条件的好坏,对城市的合理规划提供地质环境依据。 康定城地质灾害的危险性评价是人居环境风险性评价的重要环节,康定城地质灾害共计25处,其中滑坡14处,崩塌3处,泥石流5处,不稳定斜坡3处,给人类的居住环境造成了很大的威胁,是人居环境评价的重要内容。从地质灾害易发性和地质灾害的社会经济易损性两个方面评价了康定城的地质灾害危险性,绘制了一系列图件,包括康定城地质灾害易发性评价图、康定城地质灾害社会易损性评价图(2005年和2020年),此图件对城市规划部

【Abstract】 Human living environment is the space closely associated with human living activities, which is not only the basis for human in nature but also the main room for human beings to make use of nature and remake nature. Urban geological geochemical environment is the important space for human living and the important basis for city development, thus an important content in human Settlements Risk Assessment study.This thesis builds the risk evaluation system in both theories and methods for city’s human Settlements from the perspective of urban geology geochemistry, thus making a useful probe in the harmony between urban geological environment and human Settlements.Urban human Settlements risk studies focus on the uncertain damaging factors of city geological environment on human beings from the perspective of city geochemistry, which is actually the study of the correlation between the social nature and the natural nature of city geological environment. The higher the correlation is, the higher the appropriateness, and the less the risks.The risk assessment system for urban human living environment put forward in this thesis plays a model role for other cities, which consists of three ratings of evaluation reports. The first rating report contains the divisional risk factors evaluation result, which mainly serves the city government. The second rating report contains the geological background, the geological hazards’ risks, and the geochemical frangibility, which mainly serves the city’s planning-making agencies. The third rating report contains the essential evaluation factors about the divisional risk evaluation for the urban environmental geology, which mainly serves the city administration and construction departments.Urban human Settlements risks include three parts, namely the geological background, the geological hazards’ risks, and the geochemical frangibility. Kangding County has complicated geological conditions and thus relatively more geological hazards, and the risk evaluation theory has its function here.The geological background evaluation in Kangding County is the foundation of the human Settlements risk evaluation system, which focuses on not only the evaluation theory system, but

  • 【分类号】P596
  • 【被引频次】4
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