

Morphological and Electrophysiological Studies on the Trigeminal Proprioceptive Pathway in the Rat Brain

【作者】 张敬东

【导师】 李继硕;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 人体解剖学, 1995, 博士

【摘要】 三叉神经本体觉的中枢通路是神经解剖学长期以来的未解之迷之一,主要是由于方法学的限制和传导本体觉的三叉神经中脑核(Vme)神经元在中枢内的分布特殊。1979年HRP跨节追踪技术的问世给这一研究提供了前提。1981年以后,Matesz、Nomura等,彭兆知等分别用此技术发现了Vme神经元中枢突投射于同侧三叉神经脊束核吻侧亚核背内侧区和邻接的网状结构(Vodm-LRF),形成“哑铃形”的分布区。1988年王百忍和李继硕以此为线索综合运用HRP标记技术,发现了一条大鼠三叉神经本体觉中枢通路,证明此通路由Vme→Vodm-LRF→”带状区”→对侧丘脑腹后内侧核(VPM)等四级神经元组成。“带状区”又分为三叉神经感觉主核背内侧部(Vpdm),三叉神经运动核腹侧区(AVM)和上橄榄核背侧区(ADO)。但此通路中的Vodm-LRF和“带状区”等两个中继部位,是否有独立的中继核团存在,在此中继的前、后两级神经元间是否形成突触连接,都还是神经解剖学中的空白,此外有关此通路的电生理学研究也是必不可少的。所以本论文的目的是用形态学和电生理学方法证明上述通路确实存在,以及最初对该通路的提法的正确性。整个论文可分两大部分:前四章节证明通路中各级神经元间的联系,以及以往未作观察的二、四级神经元的细胞构筑;后两章节主要是关于Vme神经元的传入投射,以及来自通路中第二级神经元---Vodm神经元的传入投射的意义。 1.溃变法和标记法相结合的电镜研究,将Ricin注入大鼠咬肌神经,HRP分别注入Vpdm和AVM。电镜观察证明,在Vodm区初级传入的溃变终末与HRP逆标的树突形成突触,突触后树突多为中间树突和近侧

【Abstract】 A possible proprioceptive pathway in the rat was reported by Wang and LI in 1988, the pathway was considered to be composed of four orders of neurons, those were indicated to be located in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (Vme), in the dorsomedial part of subnucleus oral is (Vodm) and adjacent parvocellular reticular nucleus (PCRt), in the "ribbon-shape area" and in the contralateral ventroposterior medial thalamic nucleus (VPM). The "ribbon-shape area" had three enlargements --- dorsomedial part of principal trigeminal sensory nucleus (Vpdm), area ventral to motor trigeminal nucleus (AVM) and area dorsal to superior olivery nucleuus (ADO).This whole dissertation was aimed at the above pathway, in order to confirm the existence of this pathway, and to prove how correct their original propose was. Thus, the whole dissertationcould be divided into two parts-part one, composed of fourstudies, was about the connections of the pathway; and part two,composed of two studies, was tend to the first order neuron -the Vme itself.1. In order to obtain fine structural evidence for the pathway mentioned above, firstly Ricinus communis (Ricin) was injected into the masseter nerve of the rats, and after about two weeks survival HRP was then injected into the "ribbon-shape area". It was observed that electron-dense degenerated terminals synapsed on HRP labeled dendrites. The synapses identified were all the type of asymmetry. The postsynaptic dendrites were mainly primary and intermedial ones.Secondly, kianic acid was injected into the contralateral thalamus. Both filamentous and electron-dense degenerated boutons were seen synapsing on HRP labeled either somata or dendrites in the three enlargements of the "ribbon-shape area".Therefor, connections between first order and second order neurons in the Vodm, and between second order and third order neurons in the "ribbon-shape area" had been electron-microscopically testified.2. It was morphologically demonstracted in the rat that Vme neurons projected to contralateral VPM through another two orders of neuron. Based upon the morphological date, the present work furthered the research by probing functional relationship between the relay neurons mentioned above. Recording micropipette was localized in the Vodm, the Vpdm and AVM, and the contalatral VPM, respectively, unite discharges were found at first. The responses with changing of discharge frequencies to lowering down the jaw, probing the masseter muscle and electric stimulating the

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