

Application and Study of a Teleconsultation System Based on Internet Using for Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery

【作者】 惠光艳

【导师】 林珠; 段银钟;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 口腔临床医学, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 现代远程通信技术、计算机及其相关技术的迅速发展,造就了一个崭新的社会生活与交流的空间——赛博空间(Syberspace)。社会的发展与进步向现代医学提出了越来越高的要求,在医学领域兴起了一门新的交叉学科——远程医学(Telemedicine)。它是信息高速公路带给人类的一项全新的医疗方式,通过为医生提供方便、快速的医疗信息通讯来提高医疗服务质量和降低服务成本。远程会诊(Teleconsultation)是基于远程通讯技术、计算机技术、图像处理技术和医疗保健技术的一种远程医学服务,近年来倍受关注。本研究根据口腔正畸学和正颌外科的特点,建立了一套远程会诊系统以及相配套的口腔正畸、正颌外科计算机化图文资料信息管理系统和与口腔正畸、正颌外科的正确诊断、治疗密切相关的计算机辅助远程颅颌定位X线头影测量分析、正颌外科手术模拟和容貌预测系统,帮助提高正畸科、正颌外科临床诊断与治疗水平。本研究共包括以下四个部分: 一、基于内容的口腔正畸、正颌外科图文资料信息系统的应用研究 口腔正畸科、正颌外科的临床信息主要包括一般的文本病案资料、模型资料和图象资料等内容,它们对于临床和科研工作具有非常重要的意义,因此管理好这些资料十分必要。尤其是图象资料,采用传统的方法管理,不仅手段落后,而且存在许多缺点,如:占用空间大、容易丢失、调用困难、不方便检索、不利于进行统计分析和远程会诊的实施等。 本研究利用计算机强大的数据库管理功能,建立了一套以图像资料为主的病案资料的数据库管理和维护系统,一是方便临床资料的管理和统计分析;一是方便临床应用,并可以为远程会诊服务。系统的功能特点是: 1.系统可以对简要的病史资料、医学图像、X线头影测量数据和手术模拟预测结果等资料进行存储、管理和方便的调用。既可以为临床诊断和矫治设计提供基本数据和图像资料,又可为科研提供和积累资料。与以往类似系统相比,本系统不单纯是对信息进行管理,而且包括对信息具体内容的记录,实现了信息管理的数字化,便于进行辅助诊断和矫治设计。 2.数据库具有完善的维护功能。修改、删除等功能均由具有一定权限的人员掌握密码。 3.数据库具有强大的检索功能,可以根据患者的ID号或者姓名进行检索,发

【Abstract】 Following the development of modern telecommunication technology, computer technology, network technology, image processing technology and medicine, a new intersection branch of science formed, it is tele-medicine. Telemedicine is a new medical way of medicine, one of its services is teleconsultation. At present, it has become extremely necessary for various big hospitals to develop telemedicine so as to meet the needs of the society and patients, and improve the hospital’s social and economic benefits. In this study, a computerized medical information system was established to obtain and manage the patient’s relevant materials in clinic of orthodontics and orthognathic surgery. In addition, as the basis of correct diagnosis and proper planning in orthodontic and orthognathic surgery clinic, a computer-aided tele-x-ray cephalometric analysis system and an orthognathic surgery operation imitating system was set up. Based on these, a teleconsultation system using for orthodontics and orthognathic surgery was developed, so as to raise the level of clinical diagnosis and treatment. This paper included four parts as follows: 1. Design and development of a content-based retrieval information system using for orthodontics and orthognathic surgeryWith the help of color scanner, employing computer technology, network technology and others, a content-based retrieval information system using for orthodontics and orthognathic surgery was designed and developed, the principle functions and features of the system mainly as follows:(1) The system could manage the information of patients subjected to orthodontics and orthognathic surgery, which included main clinical case’s records, photos, X-film,

  • 【分类号】R783.5;R782
  • 【下载频次】307