

The Time Management Disposition Study of Enterprise Middle-level Governors

【作者】 张永红

【导师】 黄希庭;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 基础心理学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 时间对每一个人来说都是公平的,但人们对待时间的态度、看待时间的价值、管理和规划时间却各不相同。长期以来,时间管理问题就受到个体和组织的极大关注。国外已有的研究从方法和技术的角度对时间管理行为进行了长期的研究,并取得了大量的研究成果。但很少从人格的角度来对时间管理问题进行研究。国内从2001年开始对时间管理的人格特征开始研究,主要的研究对象是青少年学生。本研究旨在从人格的角度来探讨企业中层管理者的时间管理倾向问题。时间管理倾向是时间人格特征差异的显著体现,它是个体在对待时间的功能和价值上,在运用时间方式上所表现出的人格特质,体现在个体对时间的认知、情感和行为当中。企业中层管理者时间管理倾向研究,有助于我们深入地理解时间人格的实质,对管理心理学、时间心理学和人格心理学研究都有重要的理论与实践意义。本研究通过采用文献分析、问卷编制、相关研究和现场试验等多种方法,力图对企业中层管理者的时间管理倾向的性质、结构、机制和功能进行系统的探讨,共7项研究。首先,纵向考察了时间管理倾向的研究历程和相关的实证研究。其次,根据理论设想和前期研究,编制了具有较好信度和效度的企业中层管理者时间管理倾向问卷,并调查了企业中层管理者时间管理倾向的发展特点。再次,通过研究企业中层管理者人格和时间管理倾向的关系,时间管理倾向和工作绩效、心理健康的关系,进一步验证了时间管理倾向的人格属性。最后,通过两个模拟的现场试验和一个个案研究,考察了企业中层管理者时间管理倾向对工作表现的影响。在本研究条件下获得到了以下主要结论:1.企业中层管理者时间管理倾向是一个多维度多层次的系统,包括时间价值感(个人取向和社会取向)、时间监控能力(目标-控制、计划、优先级、反馈性和时间分配)、时间效能感(时间管理效能和时间管理行为效能)三个因素。2.企业中层管理者时间管理倾向的特点主要表现在以下几个方面:(1)时间管理倾向得分处于中值以上。(2)时间价值感和时间效能感无显著的性别差异,时间监控能力有性别差异,男性显著高于女性。(3)时间管理倾向随年龄的增加而增加。(4)企业类型不同,时间管理倾向也有所差异。3.企业中层管理者时间管理倾向与人格七因素关系密切。时间管理倾向与外向性、善良、才干、人际关系、处世态度呈显著正相关,与行事风格和情绪性呈显著负相关。处事态度、才干、外向性和情绪性能够有效预测时间管理倾向。4.企业中层管理者时间管理倾向与工作绩效和心理健康关系密切。时间管理倾向与工作绩效呈显著正相关,且时间监控能力能够有效地预测工作绩效。时间管理倾向与心理健康的九个因子均呈负相关。时间管理倾向能够有效地预测阴性项目数。5.企业中层管理者时间管理倾向影响其工作表现。时间监控能力高的被试,工作表现优于时间监控能力低的被试。时间监控能力高的被试对测验用时的估计更为精确。在公文筐测验中,时间监控能力高的被试成绩优于时间监控能力低的被试,但差异不显著。6.本研究编制的企业中层管理者时间管理倾向问卷具有较好的信效度,可以作为评鉴企业中层管理者时间管理倾向的有效工具。7.本研究进一步从理论和实证上检验了时间管理倾向是一种显著人格特征的假设。总之,作为探索研究,本研究首次将时间管理倾向的概念引入到企业中层管理者这一特殊群体中,对丰富管理心理学的理论有一定的意义。针对我国企业中层管理者的职业和时间管理倾向特点,编制出企业中层管理者时间管理倾向量表,在国内属于首创。本研究中的时间管理倾向和工作相关结果的关系、时间管理倾向和人格因素的关系将为我国企业中层管理者培训对策的提出奠定了坚实的基础,具有广泛的应用前景。本研究存在的问题是研究的样本量较小,现场研究不够丰富,缺少时间管理倾向的训练研究。

【Abstract】 Time is impartial to everyone,but it is not the same for human being to employ, value, manage and program time. Individuals and groups have paid great attention to the issue of time management for a long period. Many studies have long been done abroad on the basis of methodology and technology with large numbers of productions. However, less has paid attention to the personality traits of time management. Researchers in China began to take teen-agers as subjects to study personality traits in 2001.This study tried to employ the time management disposition (TMD) of enterprise middle-level governors on basis of personality traits.TMD is a kind of time personality traits, which can be performed by time attitude and time management. It can be represented by individual’s cognition, affection and behavior on time.It is useful to understand the essential of time personality that we study time management disposition (TMD) of enterprise middle-level governors.and there were important academic and practical meaning to management psychology ,time psychology and personality psychology researchs.In this study, TMD of enterprise middle-level governors was discussed by means of literature analysis, questionnaire workout, correlation investigation and experiment. First, the research process and related researches of TMD were longitudinally reviewed. Second, TMD of Enterprise Middle-level Governors Questionnaire was made out on the basis of assumption and previous study, meanwhile, the characteristics of TMD of enterprise middle-level governors was also be surveyed. Third, that TMD is a kind of personality traits was further proved by investigating the relationship between personality and TMD of enterprise middle-level governors, and the relationship among TMD, working performance and mental health. Finally, how TMD of enterprise middle-level governors affects working performance was also studied by two imitational experiments and one case study. In the present study, the results showed:1. TMD of enterprise middle-level governors is a multi-dimensions, multi-levies system, included the sense of time value (individual-oriented and social-oriented), the ability of time control (goal-control, plan, priority, feedback and time distribution) and the sense of time efficacy (time management efficacy and time management behavior efficacy).2. The characteristics of TMD of enterprise middle-level governors can be represented as, 1) the level of TMD of enterprise middle-level governors was above medial. 2) There was no significant difference of time value and time efficacy on sex, whereas a significantly difference of time control ability (M>F). 3) The score of TMD increased with age. 4) There was also significantly different score of TMD on enterprise types.3. TMD and seven-factor of personality was related. There was positive relationship between TMD and extraversion, goodness, ability, human relationship and walk attitude, while negative relationship between TMD and action style and emotionality. Walk attitude, ability, extraversion and emotionality could predict TMD and the ability of time control effectively.4. There was great relation between TMD of enterprise middle-level governors and working performance, mental health. Working performance could be represented by the significant positive relationship between TMD and working performance. There was negative relationship between TMD and the factors of mental health. So TMD could have effective prediction to the number of feminine items.5. the time management disposition (TMD) of enterprise middle-level govemors influence d their work behaviors.Comparing to the subjects who had the lower ability of time control score, subjects with the higher ability of time control score could do better. The results also showed that better ablity of time control subjects could estimate interval more exactly than others, subjects with the higher ablity of time control score could do better in completing In- Basket Test than the lower ability of time control subjects6. TMD of Enterprise Middle-level Governors Questionnaire made by us had high credibility and validity, and it can be identified as efficiency way to evaluate TMD of Chinese enterprise middle-level governors.7. The research validated that TMD is a kind of personality trait from theory and empiric. In a word, It is the first time to study enterprise middle-level governors with TMD as an exploring study, and it is useful for the development of management psychology. Chinese Enterprise Governors Time Management Disposition Scale is the only one to explore Chinese enterprise governors’ TMD. The results of this research, for example, the relationship between TMD and working performance and the relationship between TMD and personality factors, can be used in teaching enterprise middle-level governors with bright application foreground. The shortcomings of this study are shown as, small quantity of sample, not enough scene studies and the lack of training study of TMD.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1267