

Study on Some Key Problems of Synthetic Aperture Radar Antenna Technologies

【作者】 肖疆

【导师】 朱敏慧;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(电子学研究所) , 信号与信息处理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 合成孔径雷达(SAR)是一种机载或星载微波成像雷达,具有全天候、全天时、高分辨率、作用距离远等优点,因而在军用、民用上都被广泛应用。SAR天线是决定合成孔径雷达系统性能的最重要、最复杂和最昂贵的子系统之一。在多波段、多极化、多模式、高分辨率宽测绘带的SAR研究中,天线的研究和设计工作占有举足轻重的地位,对SAR天线开展研究是非常有意义的,同时也很有挑战性。 本文正是在SAR的新技术新体制不断提出的背景下,以SAR天线为主要研究对象,重点围绕天线的波束赋形技术、双极化微带天线单元设计、共罩双频段天线阵仿真与耦合分析、天线加权下的模糊比和增益优化技术、宽测绘带天线方向图综合技术等方面开展了具体研究。 论文在分析宽测绘带机载SAR回波特点后,推导出了天线距离向辐射赋形方向图的表达式。通过对比常用的几种赋形方向图综合方法,给出了谢昆若夫单位圆结合零点填充法和现代进化算法(遗传算法和粒子群优化法)综合而得到的五单元和六单元直线阵列的激励幅度和相位,分别设计和加工了两种不同介质配置的五单元微带天线实验样阵,并进行了实验测试,证明了整个综合和阵列实现过程的正确性。 在对比现有微带天线单元实现双极化方法的基础上,提出了一种新型高极化隔离度和低后向辐射的双极化口径耦合微带贴片结构。并在分析了其关键结构参数后,选定一个几何结构进行了实验单元的加工和电性能参数的测试,得到了满足实用需要的高隔离度和高效率的双极化辐射单元。 结合实验室在研课题研究了在现有载机平台上实现的L/X双频段机载SAR系统天线方案,通过设计各自频段天线阵的紧凑结构布局和电磁全波仿真,得到了满足要求的天线指标。针对两天线在同一天线罩电磁耦合问题,从两个方面分析了其电磁耦合效应。 根据星载SAR接收到的回波组成,分析了模糊信号来源,并给出了模糊性能评估参数。通过分析,得知天线加权可抑制干扰信号的幅度,从而能改善星载

【Abstract】 Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a kind of airborne or spaceborne microwave imaging radar. Its all-weather, day and night imaging capabilities coupled with the achievable high resolutions make it a fundamental instrument for planet observation from far distance in military and civilian fields widely. In practice, antenna is one of the most important, complex and expensive parts in SAR system. It can say that, the study of antenna is the most fundamental, also the most important work, for the development of multi-band, multi-polarization, multi-modes, high resolution and wide swath SAR systems. Therefore, the investigation of SAR antenna is very significant and challenging.With the new technologies and new modes being successively proposed in the field, the SAR antennas are mainly investigated in the thesis. It includes the design of shaped beam of antenna array, the design of the dual-polarization microstrip patch of dual-polarization SAR, the simulation and analysis of dual-band arrays and their electromagnetic coupling in the same radome, the optimization of antenna gain and Ambiguity-to-Signal Ratio (ASR) of spaceborne SAR based on the antenna array weighted technology and the radiation pattern synthesis of wide swath SAR antenna array.After analyzing the radar echoes of wideswath airborne SAR, the expression of radiation shaped pattern in the range plane is induced. The exciting magnitude and phase of five elements and six elements in the linear array are obtained with the Schelkunoff’s unit-circle method combined with null filling and modern evolutionary
