

【作者】 何涛

【导师】 刘慎权; 唐卫清;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(计算技术研究所) , 计算机应用, 1999, 博士

【摘要】 工厂管道设计遍布于石油、化工、轻工、医药、纺织、核工业、建筑、市政建设等众多行业。工厂管道设计的一个重要成果是绘制出ISO(isometric)图纸。ISO图是工厂设计中管道在等轴测视向上的投影图,它描述了工厂管道系统的所有细节,包括元件的标准、规格、位置等各种信息,是管道系统进行施工和安装所必需的关键图纸。自动生成ISO图是工厂管道设计系统中必不可少的功能,也是配管CAD软件研究的一个难点。本文主要针对工厂管道设计中ISO图的自动生成进行了深入的研究,主要的研究内容包括: ● ISO图绘制规则的分析总结:ISO图是在三维工厂管道模型的基础上生成的,它的图形表达都必须与拓扑关系一致,同时它又必须是无比例绘制的。在分析了ISO图生成规则的基础上,提出了基于元件模板的ISO图生成方法,以模板形式描述出不同元件的特征,对不同的模板元件给出相应的ISO图生成方法。 ● ISO图模型的建立:针对ISO图的自动生成时所需的工厂管道的三维模型和二维图纸模型的统一性要求,提出了一种基于点线关系模型的二三维一体化模型解决方案,把三维空间中工厂管道模型和二维图纸空间中的管道图形统一起来,为二三维模型中的各种功能提供了基础。 ● 自动生成的算法:基于管道的二三维一体化模型,针对ISO图绘制的特点,提出了基于管道拓扑结构图有限变形的图绘制方法,自动生成ISO图。基于上述模型和概念,提出了自动生成布局方程的方法;提出了布局方程的简化方法,为ISO自动布局的快速求解奠定了基础;基于线性规划,提出了求解方程的算法。 ● 底层算法的研究:投影矩阵计算、投影曲线的拟合、轮廓的快速识别等。 ● 其它软件技术如模型的遍历方法、快速的统计方法、集成方式、编辑的功能设计等。 上述研究成果都在商品化软件PDSOFT Piping中得到了实现,该系

【Abstract】 Piping design is needed in many industrial areas including petrochemical, chemical, light, pharmaceutical, nuclear, power and civil industry. Isometric drawing is one of the important documents in plant piping design. Isometric drawing is the isometric projection of pipe systems in the process plant. While describing all the details in the pipe systems, isometric drawing becomes the key drawing for the construction and fabrication of pipe systems. Because of its importance in plant design and large amount, the automated isometric drawing is absolutely necessary and also difficult in the research and development of computer aided plant design system. The paper focus on the thorough research of automated isometric drawing, including: Analyzing the rules in isometric drawing: The three-dimensional piping model is the base of isometric drawing. The graph in isometric drawing must be consistent with the topology relations in the three-dimensional model, but not be drawn in one uniform scale. Based on the result of analyzing the rules in isometric drawing, the template-based method is proposed for representing the different and unrelated drawing rules in an uniformed way. The template-based rule representation describes the characteristics of piping items and allows the user to configure the parameters in the template to generate automatically isometric drawings of various industrial standards. Modeling of isometric drawing: Aiming at the integration of models in two-dimension and three-dimension as needed in automated isometric drawing, the line-node connection model is proposed as an integrated piping model scheme in two-dimension and three-dimension. The line-node based integrated piping model enables the integration of modeling and engineering graph generation, and satisfies various and complicated requirements of modeling and
