

Study on the Structure and Function Changes of CP43 and CP47 Induced by Physical and Chemical Factors

【作者】 曲元刚

【导师】 匡廷云; 李良璧;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(植物研究所) , 植物学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 CP43和CP47是PSII中位于类囊体膜上的两种内周天线色素蛋白复合体,它们都是由六个跨膜的α-螺旋和五个膜外环组成。CP43和CP47的主要功能是把光系统II(PSII)外周天线色素蛋白复合体(LHCII)吸收的能量传给反应中心(RC),从而引起光化学反应。因此,研究CP43和CP47的结构与功能对于揭示植物光合作用高效吸能、传能的分子机理具有重要意义。由于CP43和CP47的分离纯化比较困难,所以相对于其它的光合膜蛋白来说,人们对CP43和CP47的研究比较少。在本文中,我们在分离、纯化CP43和CP47的基础上,采用多种光谱学和波谱学技术对CP43和CP47在GuHCl和高温作用下的变性过程及其结构与功能的变化规律进行了比较深入的研究,获得了如下结果:1. CP43和CP47膜外区的结构特点及盐酸胍(GuHCl)引起的变性研究我们用荧光光谱、园二色(CD)光谱研究了GuHCl引起CP43和CP47的变性过程及其膜外区的结构特点。研究发现:CP43和CP47的膜外区具有一定的有序结构,而不是一种没有规则的伸展状态;和CP43相比,CP47的三级结构及Chl a的微环境对GuHCl更敏感。在GuHCl作用下,从β-Car到Chl a的能量传递变化和三级结构的变化密切相关,而与二级结构变化的相关性则较小;和大多数水溶性蛋白不一样,CP43和CP47对GuHCl变性有一定的抵抗力,而且其变性过程不表现为二态过程,这些都是膜蛋白的特点。2 CP43和CP47中与芳香族氨基酸有关的能量传递研究我们用吸收光谱、荧光光谱并参照PSII的3.5 ?的晶体结构分析结果研究了CP43和CP47中与芳香族氨基酸有关的能量传递。发现:和水溶性蛋白不一样,CP43和CP47中的酪氨酸(Tyrs)并不能有效的把其能量传给色氨酸(Trps);CP43和CP47中的芳香族氨基酸能通过F?ster机制和Dexter机制把其能量传给Chl a,并且CP47中的传递效率要大于CP43;在CP47中F?ster机制是芳香族氨基酸和Chl a之间能量传递的主要方式,而在CP43中Dexter机制则是主要方式。这些结果也暗示了,太阳光中的紫外辐射对植物来说除了其伤害作用以外也有一定的益处。3 GuHCl诱导CP43和CP47变性的太赫兹(THz)光谱研究THz时域光谱技术(THz-TDS)是研究分子构型状态的一个新工具。近年来,

【Abstract】 CP43 and CP47 are the core antenna subunits of photosystem II (PSII). Both CP43 and CP47 have six transmembraneα-helices, which are separated by five extrinsic loop domains. The main function of CP43 and CP47 are to accept excitation energy that is harvested by the light-harvesting complex II (LHC II) and then transfer it directly to the PSII reaction center (RC). So, it plays a key role to study the structure and function of CP43 and CP47 for elucidating the mechanism of the efficient energy absorption and transfer in plants. Because of the difficulties in purification, relative to the other membrane proteins, few studies were focused on CP43 and CP47. In this dissertation, using some spectroscopy techniques, we further studied the structure and function changes of CP43 and CP47 by the denaturation induced by GuHCl and high temperature. The results are as follows:1 The structural characteristics of the extramembrane domains and guanidine hydrochloride-induced denaturation of Photosystem II Core antenna complexes CP43 and CP47The structure characteristics of the extramembrane domains and guanidine hydrochloride-induced denaturation of Photosystem II (PSII) core antenna complexes CP43 and CP47 were investigated using fluorescence emission and circular dichroism (CD) spectra. It was found that the extramembrane domains of CP43 and CP47 do possess a certain degree of secondary and tertiary structure and not a complete random coil conformation. The tertiary structure and the Chl a microenvironment of CP47 are more sensitive to GuHCl than that of CP43. Changes in energy transfer fromβ-Car to Chl a corresponded well to changes in the tertiary structure while their correlation with changes in the secondary structure was rather poor. Unlike most of

【关键词】 CP43CP47盐酸胍变性热处理
【Key words】 CP43CP47Guanidine Hydrochloridedenaturationheat treatment