

Eocene Palynoflora from Changchang Basin, Hainan Island and Its Bearing on the Implications of Palaeovegetation and Palaeoclimate

【作者】 姚轶锋

【导师】 李承森; 王宇飞; 杜乃秋;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(植物研究所) , 植物学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 植物作为气候环境变化的敏感指示物,能够提供许多有价值的气候环境变化信息,通过保存在地层中的植物化石和孢粉研究第三纪气候和环境变化已成为当今国际上的重要研究领域。近年来,随着许多定量化的古气候分析方法(如:叶相分析法、树木年轮气候学法、共存分析法和特有种气候分析法)的不断出现,研究精度愈来愈高,已从定性描述过渡到定量化重建的阶段。在本研究论文中,我们利用德国科学家Mosbrugger和Utescher在1997年倡导的共存分析法对海南岛长昌盆地始新世气候进行定量研究,并对盆地当时的古植被进行了重建。长昌盆地始新世孢粉植物群以被子植物花粉占绝对优势(94.5%),主要以壳斗科个体极小的三沟、三孔沟花粉为主(88.9%),其他热带-亚热带分子有枫香粉、山矾粉、棕榈粉和桃金娘粉等;裸子植物花粉含量较低(<3%),以松粉为主,铁杉粉、杉粉和麻黄粉零星出现;蕨类植物孢子含量低(<2.7%)。孢粉组合表明始新世时盆地中央的平原或丘陵地带生长着亚热带常绿落叶阔叶林,在盆地周围的山地生长着温带常绿落叶阔叶林和针叶林植被。通过共存分析获得的长昌盆地始新世气候参数如下:年均温为14.2-19.4 oC;最热月均温为24.1-29.1 oC;最冷月均温为1.7-8.6 oC;年较差为18.6-24.6 oC;年均降雨量为797.5-1113.3 mm;最大月降雨量为141.5-268.1 mm;最小月降雨量为8.9-14.1 mm。我们将长昌盆地始新世孢粉植物群和古气候与吉林珲春始新世孢粉植物群和古气候进行比较,结果表明始新世时两地虽然相距23个纬度,但南北气候差异不大,均比较温暖湿润。其可能原因是:一方面,当时我国位于欧亚大陆的东南缘,受大气环流和洋流的影响比较均一;另一方面,始新世时青藏高原抬升并不剧烈,我国大部分地区的地势较为平缓,地面大气层的密度比较均匀,气温保持匀和状态。

【Abstract】 Plants are regarded as good indicators as they are sensitive to climatic and environmental changes. Much environmental information can be obtained from plant mega-fossils, spores and pollen grains and other micro-fossils preserved in the strata when studying the Tertiary climate and environment changes, which is presently an important research area in the global sphere.With the development of many new and novel methods and techniques of study such as leaf physiognomy, coexistence approach, dendroclimatology and climate analysis of endemic species, research precision has improved for qualitative analysis and quantitative reconstruction.In the present thesis, the Eocene palynoflora from Changchang Basin, Hainan Island has been studied, and the data used for the coexistence approach established by Mosbrugger & Utescher (1997) to reconstruct the climate and vegetation in this basin during Eocene time.Palynoflora recovered from Changchang Basin, Hainan Island is characterized by the dominance of angiosperm pollen, accounting for 94.5% of the total pollen and spores. Fagaceae pollen is overwhelmingly predominant among the angiosperm pollen, constituting 88.9% of the total
