

Search for B→J/Ψ+baryon+anti-baryon and B→J/Ψη’K at Belle

【作者】 谢奇林

【导师】 王顺金;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 凝聚态物理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文利用位于日本国家高能加速器研究机构(KEK)不对称能量正负电子对撞机(KEKB)上的Belle探测器在γ(4S)共振态获取的数据,进行了如下B介子衰变道的寻找: (1)寻找B→J/ψ+X衰变中J/ψ低动量区的反常超出的来源,寻找重子反重子奇异态和寻找更多的B介子到重子的衰变模式。我们使用Belle实验组获取的253 fb-1数据,共计275×106 B(?)事例,对B→J/ψ+baryon+anti-baryon衰变进行了寻找(包括B-→J/ψ∧(?),B-→J/ψ∑0(?)和B0→J/ψp(?)衰变道)。 对于衰变道B-→J/ψ∧(?)和B0→J/ψp(?),我们进行B介子的完全重建,即衰变产生的所有末态粒子都将用来进行B介子事例重建,这也是大多数分析所使用的方法。这里,我们使用衰变链J/ψ→l+l-(e,μ)以及A→pπ-。然而对于衰变道B~-→J/ψ∑0(?),其中∑0→∧γ,我们只进行部分重建,就是说只用衰变产生的J/ψ,∧和(?)进行重建,而不使用γ光子。这是因为,衰变产生的光子动量很低,低动量光子的重建效率很低,部分重建得到的结果更好。这样,我们对完全重建的B→J/ψ∧(?)衰变和部分重建的B-→J/ψ∑0(?)衰变使用同样的甄选条件。 这三个衰变道的衰变产物的质量都很大,接近B介子的质量,使得产生的粒子动量很低,重建效率比较低。 我们使用大量信号Monte Calor(MC)样本来研究衰变信号的效率,信号区以及确定事例甄选条件。本底分析使用inclusive J/ψ(B→Jψ+X)MC模拟数据和真实数据的sideband区域(信号区之外),inclusive J/ψMC模拟数据的数据量为真实数据的100倍。 首先,我们进行末态粒子的挑选和重建,即重建出J/ψ和∧粒子,从带电径迹中挑选出(?),再由这些末态粒子重建出B介子。运动学变量Mbc和△MB用来从本底中分离出信号B。Mbc是束流能量约束下的B介子质量,定义为Mbc≡(Ebeam2-(?)B2)1/2 、其中(?)B2是在CMS中重建出的B介子的动量。△MB≡MB—(?)B,MB是重建出的B介子的质量,(?)B是PDG中B±介子的质量。[这里没有使用常用的运动学变量Mbc和△E,△E定义为在质心系(CMS)中重建出的B介子能量(EB)和束流能量(Ebeam)之差,即△E≡EB-Ebeam。因为衰变

【Abstract】 Using a large data sample collected at the Υ(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric energy e+e- collider, we search for the following B meson decay modes:(1)To search for source of the excess in the low momentum region of the inclusive J/Ψ momentum spectrum for B → J/Ψ + X, which is not consistent with the predictions from nonrelativistic QCD calculation; to search for bound state of baryons and anti-baryons (baryonia); and search for new baryonic B decay mode. We perform searches for B → J/Ψ + baryon + anti-baryon decays (include B- → J/Ψ Λ(?), B-→ J/Ψ∑0(?) and B0 → J/Ψp(?)) using a data sample of 253 fb-1 (275 million B(?) pairs).Candidates for B-→ J/ΨΛ(?) and B0→ J/Ψp(?) are fully reconstructed with all daughters in the final states, where we use the decay chains J/Ψ → l+l- (l = e,μ) and A → pπ-. Candidates for B-→ J/Ψ∑0(?) are reconstructed partially, where only the daughters from the J/Ψ and Λ decays plus the anti-proton are reconstructed in the final state. The A originates from the ∑0 →ΛΥ decay. Partial reconstruction of B-→ J/Ψ∑0(?) without the low momentum Υ from the ∑0 decay gives better sensitivity than full reconstruction because of the low detection efficiency for soft photons. As a result, the same selection criteria are applied for fully reconstructed B- → J/ΨΛ(?) and partially reconstructed B -→ J/Ψ∑0(?).The mass of daughter particles are very large for these three decay modes, sum of these masses is close to B meson mass. It make the momentum and reconstruction efficiency very low.We study reconstruction efficiency, signal region and event selection criteria using a large Monte Calor (MC) sample. To study background, we use inclusive J/Ψ MC (100 times that of real data) and sideband region of real data.Firstly, we process event selection and reconstruction (reconstruct J/Ψ and Λ, select (?) from charged track). B meson is reconstructed by combining selected and reconstructed daughter particle. We identify B candidates using two kinematic variables calculated in the center-of-mass system: the beam-energy constrained mass

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期