

In Utero Orgnaophosphorus Exposure Affects Rat Urethral and Genital Development

【作者】 龚春雨

【导师】 李虹; 胡渝华; 黄鲁刚;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 外科学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 目的:建立并确证有机磷农药的代表-敌敌畏诱导先天性尿道下裂的大鼠模型,探讨雄性哺乳动物先天性尿道下裂的病因,并研究广泛使用的有机磷农药具有的发育生殖毒性进行研究。 方法:(1)敌敌畏(DDVP)诱导雄性大鼠先天性尿道下裂模型的建立和确定:初孕清洁级大鼠40只随机分成4组:生理盐水对照组10只,敌敌畏高、中、低剂量组各10只。根据预实验指导,设敌敌畏5mg/kg/d、1.25mg/kg/d和0.625mg/kg/d三个剂量组。各组孕大鼠均在孕11天~18天,每晨管喂相应药物1.5ml~2ml一次,共连续管喂8次;停药后待其孕20天(d20)的下午,从一侧股血管放血处死孕鼠,剖开子宫,剔除胎盘、脐带,在肉眼、解剖显微镜观察雄性胎鼠观察胎鼠外观及外生殖器形态畸形变化,同时测量体长、肛生殖距离(AGD),检查吸收胎、活胎及晚死胎等,建成尿道下裂动物模型,对实验组畸形、未发现畸形的雄性胎鼠和对照组的生殖腺逐一确定性别并取材,对其生殖结节固定,

【Abstract】 Purpose:The etiology of the worldwide incidence of hypospadias remains unexplained. Data from many Centers for disease control and our epidemic research suggest that maternal orgnaophosphorus (OP) -dichlorvos (DDVP)exposure may be an important risk factor. The development of the rat and human urethra shows significant similarities, so as to justify the use of the rat as a suitable experimental animal model. DDVP may act as hormones disturb directly or alternatively lowering androgenic hormone by unknown way. We describe the effects of DDVP on rat urethral formation rat and take androgenic hormone analysis of maternal rats. Furthermore , immunohistochemistry technology were adopted to explore what influenced in urethral and genital development of male rat.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期