

Research on the Issue of Criminal Trial Object

【作者】 谢进杰

【导师】 左卫民;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 诉讼法学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 任何刑事审判都不能回避审判对象的问题。刑事审判对象是控辩对抗与法官判定的标的,是刑事诉讼的支柱。它不仅仅是关系审判的问题,而且是个关涉控、辩、审的刑事诉讼问题。在刑事诉讼中,正是通过审判对象,将控、辩、审的诉讼活动组织起来的。刑事审判对象不但规范着刑事诉讼的结构,而且规范着刑事诉讼的程序。控辩审相互关系的合理定位,紧紧围绕着审判对象的运作来展示,各方诉讼主体的行为建立在一个共同标的之上,实现有秩序的诉讼进程。关于“控审分离、控辩平等、审判中立”的经典表述,实质就蕴涵着控诉方提起诉讼并提示审判对象、控辩双方围绕审判对象平等对抗、法官针对审判对象中立审判这样一个刑事诉讼的构造与过程的意味。 在刑事诉讼中,审判对象的机能在于限制国家权力,保障个人权利。控诉机关以特定的控诉提起诉讼,进入审判程序以后,便成为控辩双方攻防对抗的基础与法官审判的对象,以此限定了法院的审判范围,法官不得擅自确立审判对象,审判不得及于未经控诉的犯罪,而控诉机关亦不得任意变更控诉来改变审判对象,因此,被告人就可以并且只需要根据提示的审判对象并在其设定的范围内来准备辩护和进行防御,而且,作为审判对象的控诉罪行经由审判程序作出终局裁判之后,通常便不得被重复提起而再次成为审判对象,这样,被告人亦享有了不受重复追诉与重复审判的权利。因此,审判对象具有明确指向、设定范围的功能,它界定了审判范围并规范着控诉范围,更为重要的,它使被告人进行防御和不受重复追诉的范围变得可预见、可把握。通常,控诉机关的控诉范围、法院的审判范围、被告人的防御范围、既判效力与禁止重复追诉的范围彼此间具有一致性,这种功效正是通过审判对象这个核心范畴来实现的。

【Abstract】 Trial object is a must of any kind of criminal trial. It is the subject matter for the prosecutor and the accused to debate with and for the judge to make the judgment, and also the pillar of criminal procedure. Not only is it related to the issue of trial, but is also bound up with the prosecutor, the accused and the judge in the context of criminal procedure law. All criminal proceedings are arranged around the central theme — trial object. Legal actions of all parties, including the prosecutor, the accused and the judge, should base on the same subject matter; otherwise the lawsuit could not proceed in regular order. Not only does criminal trial object guide the process of criminal procedure, but also regulates the structure of it. To some extent, reasonable relationships among the prosecutor, the accused and the judge are mainly established by the operation of trial object. The classical formulation, saying "division of prosecution and judgment, equality of prosecution and defense, neutrality of judgment", in essence contains the idea that the structure and process of criminal procedure should be as follows: the prosecutor should bring a suit against the accused and demonstrate the trial object, then the prosecutor and the accused should debate with the trial object equally, and finally the judge should conduct the trial neutrally based on the trial object.In criminal procedure law, the basic function of trial object is to confine government powers and to protect civil rights. The prosecutor should state the accused matters clearly when bringing a lawsuit, which would be the base for the prosecutor and the accused to debate with after the judicial procedure is mou(?)

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期