

The Research on Geographical Understanding of Western Region of China in Tang and Song Periods

【作者】 马强

【导师】 郭声波;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 历史地理学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 地理认识,就是人们对一定区域自然地理、人文地理现象、资源与及特征的观察、了解、熟悉与认知过程,它是人类认识自然、改造自然以及区域开发的知识前提。也是人类用以产生知识和了解周围世界的方法和途径。中国西部幅员广袤,地理条件复杂,自然地理方面具有地貌、气候、生物、水文多样性特征:人文地理方面,西北关中平原为华夏文明重要发祥地之一,又是周、秦、汉、唐等诸多王朝建都之地,长期具有重要的地缘政治意义;同时西部也是民族分布众多的半环形地带,民族地理特色突出,民族社会风俗异彩纷呈。然而,与历史时期西部地区的重要的历史地位及极为丰富的地理学积淀相比,学术界专门对西部地理认识史的研究却十分薄弱,从总体上说目前还是一个学术空白领域。基于这样的基本思考,本篇博士论文选取处于发生重大历史变迁的唐宋时期西部地区为时空对象,以中国地理学史为审视角度,在占有大量文献资料和一定的实地考察的基础上,将西部地区地理认识作为历史地理研究单元,就这一时期人们对西部自然地理与人文地理的考察、感知、特点、意义作了综合探讨,试图对一个长时段、大区域的历史地理空间认识作以尝试性研究。 本篇博士学位论文除绪论外由七部分构成,主要内容如下: 第一章《唐宋时期西部地理之学的兴盛及原因》首先追述先秦至南北朝时期的西部地理认识的发展过程、成就的局限,重点概括了唐宋时期西部地理之学繁荣的几大标志如西部考察活动的自觉与增多、西部方志的繁荣、西部生物地理分类的显著、记载西部民族风情文献的增加、西部都邑地理学的异军突起等,同时探讨了唐宋西部地理学繁荣的时代背景和原因;本章认为唐宋时期中

【Abstract】 Geographical understanding is a process of human’s observation, learning, familiarity and cognition for a certain regional physical Geography, humanistic Geography, resources and features. It is the premise of people’s knowing and remolding the nature and regional development, and it is also the method and approach of human’s gaining knowledge and recognizing the surroundings. There is vast territory in western region, and geographical conditions are various. In the aspect of physical Geography ,it diversifies the physiognomy , climate biology and hydrology , while, in the aspect of humanistic geography , Central Shaanxi Plain is one of the birthplaces of china ,and it is the place in which many dynasty’s capitals were built ,such as Zhou ,Qin and Han Dynasties . So, in a long time, it is of great importance in geopolitics. And Central Shaanxi Plain is the semi-ring region where there are different nationalities, the national geographical features are obvious, and the national social custom are in varied colorful splendor .However, on the contrast to the importance of the historical standing and rich geographical sediment of the western region in historical times, it is weak in the special research on the history of geographical understanding. Generally speaking, it is still an academic black space at present. So this doctoral thesis ,by selecting the western region in Tang and Sung period when there are many historical changes as the target of time and space ,also making the history of geography as a view point ,on the base of lots of historical

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期