

Research on the Movement and Control of "θ" Letter Type Overlying Milti-Strata Spatial Structures of Face Surrounded by Mined Areas

【作者】 汪华君

【导师】 姜福兴;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文依托国家自然科学基金面上项目“采动覆岩空间结构及其与应力场动态关系研究(50074021)”和国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目“煤矿覆岩破裂灾变的机理、监测与控制研究(50320120001)”,运用相似材料模拟、现场实测、数值模拟和理论分析等方法,对采场“θ”型覆岩多层空间结构的形成、演化规律、与支承压力分布的关系及其控制技术进行了研究。 本文提出了四面采空采场“θ”型覆岩多层空间结构理论。覆岩多层结构的形成过程存在岩梁结构和拱结构转换的过程,是动态的。在非充分采动阶段,采场覆岩的整个空间结构是由最大结构拱及其掩护下成对小结构拱共同组成的。在充分采动阶段,整个采场覆岩多层空间结构分为两个相对独立的较小的多层空间结构。 提出“θ”型覆岩多层空间结构是由上向下逐步形成的。 研究揭示“θ”型覆岩多层空间结构演化及矿山压力分布规律为:当孤岛煤柱剩余走向尺寸为L≈2hcot δ(h为拱结构最高层覆岩顶部到开采煤层的平均距离,δ为岩层移动角)时,采场上方两个“C”型空间结构开始产生力的关系,开始形成一个“θ”型空间结构;该结构的支承压力开始叠加,此后孤岛煤柱上支承压力明显增大。 “θ”型覆岩多层空间结构下的孤岛煤柱开采,可能出现的主要灾害为冲击地压或煤柱快速变形。本文提出利用煤层应力计压力读数规律预测煤柱的破坏形式。针对可能出现的灾害,本文提出利用分阶段控制顶煤放出率来控制顶板运动激烈程度的方法;并提出了不同阶段的顶煤放出率和工作面覆岩结构稳定性关系的判据。对积水、瓦斯以及煤炭自燃等灾害提出了防治措施。 最后,通过鲁西煤矿井下微地震覆岩空间结构监测和河南义马矿务局常村矿四面采空采场开采工程实践,验证和应用了本文关于四面采空采场“θ”型覆岩多层空间结构的理论。

【Abstract】 Supported by project of national science fund "the study of spatial structure of overlying strata due to mining and the dynamic relationship with stress field " and project of national science fund for international significant cooperation " the mechanism of disaster rupture of overlying strata in mines" , the paper studied the forming , evolution laws , relationship with abutment pressure distribution and controlling technology of "θ" letter type multilayer spatial structure of overlying strata by way of similar material simulation, theory analysis, field exploring and numerical simulation ."θ" letter type overlying multi-strata spatial structure theory of coal pillar surrounded by mined areas is put forward in this paper. The process of overlying multi-strata structure forming is dynamic and constitutes the transition of rock girder structure and arch structure. In the unsufficient mining stage, the whole spatial structure of mining field is made of the largest arch structure and smaller arch structure in twins under it. In the sufficient mining stage, the whole spatial structure of mining field is divided into two smaller spatial structures relatively."θ" letter type overlying multi-strata spatial structure comes into being from top to bottom.Evolution of "θ" letter type spatial structures and abutment stress distribution laws are: when the residual strick size of isolated coal pillar is L=2hcostδ ( h is the average distance between roof of the toppest overlying strata and the top of mining coal seam, 5 is displacement angle of strata). The first "θ" letter type spatial structure is formed on the top of mining field ; the abutment pressure of the structure begin to accumulate, then the abutment pressure of isolated coal pillars increases obviously.Bumping pressure or fast deformation of coal pillar may be the possible disaster when mining isolated coal under "θ" letter type multiplayer spatial
