

【作者】 刘宝贞

【导师】 孙伟;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中西医结合临床, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 目前,虽然随着疾病谱的变化,糖尿病、高血压等内科疾病导致的肾脏损伤比例日益增加,但由于中国大陆的人口众多、地区经济条件发展不平衡,慢性肾小球肾炎在大陆的发病率仍然很高。而在台湾,由于“肾炎、肾征候群及肾性病变”导致的死亡占台湾地区十大死因之第八位,且其死亡年增长率为0.47%,仅次于心脏疾病的0.48%,因此,可以说慢性肾小球疾病仍然严重的威胁着人类的健康。 慢性肾小球肾炎是临床常见的多发病,因其病程长,易反复,同时其又是慢性肾功能衰竭的主要原发基础病。且目前尚缺乏可根治的药物,因此在积极药物治疗的同时,能辨证提供最适合的食疗配方,则可有助于疾病的控制,延缓慢性肾炎的进展,推迟相关并发症的发生,提高生活质量。 中医食疗学有着悠久的历史和丰富的内容,其中四气五味学说、归经理论、饮食宜忌的整体辨证观等,均是经过千百年实践总结出来的精华。同时,在“药食同源”理论的支撑发展下,更而孕育出特有的药膳文化,并在中药的理论下,以食借药之力,药助食之功,将中药与某些具有药用价值的食物相配伍,对慢性肾炎患者,审因施膳,辨证施食,从而取得了独特的疗效。 慢性肾炎患者,西医饮食多以低量优质蛋白饮食,并供给足够热量、低盐饮食为主,而中医食疗方法,则采用诸如“少而精”、“血肉有情之品”、“盐入肾”等法,既起到了补充蛋白、消肿利水的作用,同时又能补益脾肾,提高了机体的免疫能力,加速了病情的良性转归,是一种较为安全可靠的临床辅助疗法。本文通过对中国食疗历史的追溯、中西医对慢性肾小球肾炎的认识、导师治疗慢性肾小球肾炎的经验以及常用肾小球肾炎的食疗方介绍等多方面阐述中医食疗在慢性肾小球疾病治疗中的重要地位和作用。 随着时代的发展,中医食疗学理论也应接受现代科学的研究成果,与现代营养学理论相联系,通过展示各自的优势和特长,体现辨证辨病相结合的“中医食疗双重干预方法”的建立,增进优势互补,推动科技创新,努力提升中医食疗在慢性肾小球肾炎临床治疗中的实际运用价值。

【Abstract】 There are different major causes of chronic renal fauilure (CRF) in Taiwan and in China’s mainland. Due to over population and unequal economic development in various geological locations,chronic nephritis remains to be the major cause of chronic renall failure in China. On the other hand,DM and Hypertension has grown to match chronic nephritis to be the major cause of chronic renal failure in Taiwan. In turn, CRF has become the eighth highest cause of death in Taiwan, and continues to grow at an annual rate of 0.47%(only 0.01% growth rate less than heart failure, which is the number one cause of death). Therefore, we can assume that chronic nephritis continues to be a threat to human health.Chronic nephritis is a common immune disease, due to its long duration and fickle symptoms after infection, and mostly because it is the fundamental cause for CRF. Yet,there is no medication at present that will cure the disease entirely. Therefore, when the patient is under treatment, if coupled with dietary supplement, the disease can be controlled ant delaying the infection period.Chinese traditional medicine is backed by long history and enormous content, among which the theory of food and dietary supplement was also developed at the same time. Knowing what kind of food is better to have with certain disease and others should be avoided has proven to be effective after years of actual practice. Therefore, taking herbal medicine and having dietary supplement actually compounded the treatment effect. Herbal medicine will alleviate current symptom, and dietary supplement will help the body fight the disease with necessary nutrition. Applying the same theory, dietary supplement together with herbal medicine has produced unique results to help control the chronic nephritis’ condition.For chronic nephritis patients, their diet consisted mostly with low protein, high calories, and low salt diet. However, using dietary supplement methods, "little with concentration," "equal balanced food," "salt to renal" will help the patient reduce distended body, increase protein and immunity,and protect internal organs, is a more effective and beneficial way of treating the disease. The content of this thesis will include the following topics:trace the history of dietary supplement in Chinese traditional medicine, Sino-western understanding of chronic nephritis, suggested dietary supplement for chronic nephritis and common treatment for it, and explaining the importance of dietary supplement to its current treatment.With current technological advancement, food and dietary supplement theory should accept modern research and collaborate with nutrition theory to help chronic nephritis patients, but alse to promote the practicality of "prevention vs treatment."

  • 【分类号】R247.1
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1707