

Research on Pan-Yellow Sea Economic Cooperation and Building Jiaodoong Peninsula Manufacturing Industrial Base

【作者】 于金镒

【导师】 郑少锋;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 经济全球化和区域经济一体化,是当今世界经济发展的两大主题。经济全球化表现为商品、服务和生产要素等跨国界流动规模的不断扩大和形式的不断多样化。而区域经济一体化除此之外,还表现为成员国之间在经济、社会各个领域的更紧密的分工合作;在产业、投资、技术、财政以及货币政策上的协调统一。由于同一区域内社会文化历史渊源的同根性、经济社会体制的相似性和各成员国利益的一致性,区域经济一体化的发展速度大大快于经济全球化。相比较而言,东北亚或环黄海区域(主要指中国、日本、韩国和朝鲜)内各国之间的经贸合作起步虽晚,但发展速度迅猛,成为促进亚太地区乃至世界经济增长的最主要推动力。由目前以贸易和投资为纽带的经贸合作,走向更宽领域、更深层次的经济一体化,将有助于本区域内各国迈向新一轮更有重大战略意义的新的增长期,加快全球经济重心向亚太地区转移。以“环黄海经济合作与胶东半岛制造业基地建设研究”为选题,目的是在研究世界范围区域经济合作状况、剖析其对环黄海经济合作及环黄海经济圈构建的借鉴意义的基础上,提出构建环黄海经济圈的战略思想及其对山东经济发展的促进作用,进一步分析山东省参与环黄海经济合作的机制,提出胶东半岛城市与日韩产业对接的措施以及加快建设胶东半岛制造业基地对策选择,为政府决策部门和企业参与环黄海经济合作提供有价值的参考。本论文的研究共分七章,具体研究内容如下:第一章导论。本章阐明了论文的选题背景、研究目的和意义、研究思路和方法,详细总结、评述了本论文的国内外研究动态以及本论文可能创新之处。第二章全球区域经济合作状况及对环黄海经济合作的借鉴。本章研究了全球区域经济合作的发展历程、一般特点及发展趋势。重点总结了欧盟(EU)、北美自由贸易区(NAFTA)、东盟(ASEAN)和亚太经济合作组织(APEC)这四大区域经济合作组织的发展特点、经验及其对我国参与区域经济合作的启示。研究认为,欧盟、北美自由贸易区和东盟等区域经济一体化组织的成立和成功运作,为环黄海区域内中、日、韩、朝等四国探讨和成立具有自身特色的区域经济一体化组织,提供了极具价值的经验借鉴。超越经济社会体制差异,发挥区域地缘优势、历史文化传统优势,以及各国在产品、技术、成本上的“比较优势”,从资源、产品、技术、人才、市场等方面的“互补性”,积极寻求各方“共赢”的利益结合点,不仅使环黄海区域经济一体化成为可能,而且将推

【Abstract】 Economic globalization and regional economic integration are the main issues or subjects of the world economic development nowadays. Economic globalization represents the continuous exaggeration of the scale and the continuous diversification of the form of articles, service, and production factors and so on. So does the regional economic integration. Moreover, it also shows the closer division and cooperation in every field of economy and society among member countries and the coordination and integration of industry, investment, technology, finance and monetary policies. Because the nations located in same region share the similar history, culture, and social system, and have common economic interests. Regional economic integration develops much faster than economic globalization.Comparatively speaking, business cooperation among countries in Northeast Asia or the Pan-Yellow Sea (mainly refers to China, Japan, South Korea and North Korea) starts later, but develops rapidly. It has given the main impetus to the economics of Asia-Pacific area and even the whole world. The business cooperation linked by trade and investment will aim at broader and deeper economic integration. This will help countries in this district to head into the new period of increase and speed up the transfer of the global economic center to Asia-Pacific area.In order to become a strong province in economy, Shandong provincial government overviews the overall situation of economic globalization, adapts to the trend of the development of district economic integration, initiatively carries on the transfer of national industry, speeds up the opening of Shandong economy, and constructs“Jiaodong peninsula manufacturing industrial base”. The economic cooperation around the Yellow Sea goes deeper day by day and moves towards district economic integration gradually, and this will advance to the construction of“Jiaodong peninsula manufacturing industrial base”greatly.The regional economic integration organizations such as EU, NAFTA and ASEAN have been established and they have operated successfully, thus provides valuable experience and lesson for China, Japan, South Korea and North Korea around the Yellow Sea to discuss and
