

Separation of the Dominant Factors Working on the Regional Ecological Environment Evolvement and Their Intension on the Enviroment

【作者】 冯永忠

【导师】 杨改河;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 生态学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 自然因素和人文因素对区域生态环境演变的研究是当前地学界、生态学界和乃至全球关注的焦点问题之一,科学的判断、分析自然因素和人文因素对区域生态环境演变机理和效应强度,对客观评价自然和人文因素各自在生态环境演变中的作用意义重大。本论文以江河源区为研究对象,通过2002年8月、2003年7月、2004年8月和2005年8月先后4次对江河源区海南州、果洛州、玉树州、黄南州、青海湖环湖区、青藏公路和青藏铁路沿线等的畜牧业、农业、人口、宗教习俗等社会经济发展情况和水文系统、草地生态系统、地形地貌、气候、土壤类型和生物多样性等自然生态状况的系统调查,结合遥感资料、树木年轮、孢粉、考古文献资料分析和模型构建等手段,对江河源区生态系统演变因素、演变过程、自然因素和人文因素对区域生态环境演变程度、效应强度进行了系统研究。主要研究内容如下:1.区域生态环境演变的因素分析通过查阅文献和相关的地质资料,利用系统分析的方法,根据区域生态环境演变的驱动机制,将自然因素分为外因和内因,即以地球表层系统以外的因素和地球表层系统内部的因素。通过对地球表层内气候、地形、土壤、水等自然因素和农业生产、战争、科技教育、宗教等社会因素的系统分析,建立区域生态环境演变的自然因素和人文因素体系。2.区域生态环境演变过程分析根据青藏高原生态环境演变过程中有无人类干扰,将其演变过程划分为单一因素作用阶段和双重因素作用阶段;单因素阶段青藏高原区域生态环境演变划分为高原隆升过程和高原形成之后两个阶段。3.自然因素对江河源区生态环境演变的机理以温度和降水为主的气候因素是江河源区域生态环境演变的主要驱动因子,本部分主要分析了气候因子对江河源区植被时空演变、土壤形成及演化、水文系统和生物多样性演变的作用机理。4.人文因素对江河源区生态环境演变的机理从历史和考古学的角度出发,系统分析了以战争和战争遏制手段的政治活动、以农作制度为主的农业生产活动、畜牧业生产活动、人类水事活动、公路建设等人类活动对该区土壤、植被、冰川冻土、水文和生物多样性的影响机理。5.区域生态环境演变主导因素分离理论及分离模型的构建根据自然因素和人文因素对区域生态环境演变的作用机理,提出了区域生态环境演变主导因素分离的整体性、主导因子和易识别原则。系统介绍了波动理论、痕迹学和生

【Abstract】 The source regions of Yangtze River, Yellow River and Lantsang River lies in the east longitude 89°24′~102°41′, north latitude 31°39′~36°16′, located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the principal part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is could be divided into the region of Yangtze River and Lantsang River and the region of Yellow River according to their area and topography, area of both parts covers for 194578 km2 and 123612 km2 respectively. It is the main water source area of our National Rivers and the International River, Yangtze River in the area of water supply which amounted to 25%, the Yellow River reached 49%, up to 15% Lantsang River. Due to the influence of the natural factors and the human activities, the ecosystem structure and function is being significantly deteriorated, and impact of the hydrological system, grass ecosystems, glaciers permafrost ecosystems and biodiversity, which has a seriously effect on the sustainable socio-economic development, water resources and ecological security in the Yellow River area and the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River area. Therefore, analyzing the mechanisms of the ecological environment evolution drawn by the natural factors and human factors in the area, determining the dominant factors working on the environmental evolution, by the establishment of mathematical models, separating the influence of the natural factors and human factors on the ecological environment evolution, which is provided the theoretical basis and the scientific method to scientific assessment of the human factors and natural factors on the evolution of the ecological environment in this area, and correct understanding the regional ecological environment evolution of the role of mechanisms.Since the selection of doctor papers subjects in 2002, I have visited the Hainan state, Huangnan state, Yushu states, Guoluo state, the region of Qinghai lake, the Qinghai-Tibet Highway and Qinghai-Tibet railway, and other places during her visits in August 2002, July 2003, August 2004 and August 2005 respectively, and making detailed investigation the livestock, agriculture, population, religious civilization, such as socio-economic development in Maduo, Qumalai, Yushu and Angqian, surveying the hydrology, grasslands ecosystems,
