

Assessment of Eco-Environmental Quality and Analysis of Sustainable Development in the Rivers Sources of Yellow River and Yangtse River and Lantsang River

【作者】 任广鑫

【导师】 杨改河;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 生态学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 江河源区独特的生态地位在于作为我国主要河流的“江河源”和生态系统运行过程的“生态源”,水安全问题是江河源区生态环境保护的首要目的,草地畜牧业是江河源区的经济支柱。同时,保护生物多样性是区域建立自然保护区的主要目的。“江河源”生态系统的保护所产生的生态效益,不仅直接影响到当地的经济和社会发展,对促进长江流域、黄河流域和湄公河流域的经济、社会可持续发展,对民族地区长治久安具有重要的现实意义、深远的历史意义和政治意义。在大量实地调查和资料统计分析的基础上,采用系统分析、定性和定量相结合的研究方法,系统地论述了区域的自然资源、社会资源和经济状况,归纳总结了生态环境质量评价的基本原理、方法和原则,并着重对江河源区的生态环境质量进行了分类评价和综合评价,同时采用生态足迹分析方法,对区域可持续发展能力进行了翔实的计算和分析,并系统地总结了江河源区主要生态系统的恢复途径。其主要结果与结论如下:(1)江河源区生态环境质量评价江河源区的生态环境质量评价以草地基质为主体、以草地环境为中心、以区域水资源安全为重点、高原面独特的气候启动器和对人为干扰足以重视的原则。分类评价认为:①草场总的来说没有超载,但是局部地区的超载对生态环境的恶化起了“催化剂”的作用。②受气候暖干化的影响,区域产水模数减小,地表水资源数量减少。③1 964年到2000年的36年中,黄南州和海南州的人口密度迅速地增加,而果洛州和玉树州的则变化不大。④1 996年较1985年区域土地利用中减少面积最多的是牧草地,而减少幅度最大的则是耕地,其余用地都有不同程度的增加,特别是未利用土地的增加,主要是荒草地、盐碱地和沙地面积的增加。(2)江河源区生态环境质量指标体系和综合评价确定了生态环境质量评价指标体系,因素层包括气候、植被、土壤和水文,指标层包括≥0℃积温、降水量、森林覆盖率、可利用草地面积率、天然草地可食牧草比例、产草量、草地盖度、鼠害面积发生率、沙化面积率、黑土滩面积率、水土流失面积率、水域面积率、径流量、沼泽湿地面积率共14个指标。筛选出综合指数法、层次分析法和BP神经网络分析模型。应用一套评价指标体系,采用3种评价模型,对江河源区进行了生态环境质量综合评价。层次分析法和综合指数法评价得出区域的生态环境质量属于一般水平,而用BP神经网络分析法评价得出区域的生态环境质量属于较差水平,但江源区的生态环境质量相对较好。根据序号综合理论,BP神经网络分析法与真正位序的相关性较强,最好选用BP神经网络分析法。(3)江河源区生态环境可持续发展评价

【Abstract】 As the“river sources”of Chinese main rivers and the“ecology sources”during the development of the eco-system, the river sources of the Yellow River, the Yangtse River and the Lantsang River have a very special ecological status and its ecological functions and effects have a holistic significance in Chinese survival and development. Water security is the chief purpose of the environment protection in this area while Stockbreeding is the main economy. The pasture is not only the physical basis of stockbreeding but also the principal part of the local eco-system and an important ecological barrier, so protecting the bio-diversity is the main purpose of establishing a nature reserve in this region. The ecological benefits from the protection of the eco-system in the River Sources can influence the sustainable development of midstream and downstream areas of the Yangtse River, even the Southeast Asia directly as well as the local economic and social development. So far, protecting the environment of the River Sources has already produced a realistic, historic and political significance by improving the sustainable development in the Yangtse River basin, the Yellow River basin and the Mekong River basin and the long-term stabilization in the minority areas.On the basis of a large number of field investigations and statistical analysis of data, by adopting the method of systematical analysis and combining the qualitative and quantitative analysis, the research described the natural resources, the social resources and the economic conditions systematically, summarized the basic principle, method and theory of the quality assessment of ecological environment, also classified and appraised the ecological environment in the River Sources. Meanwhile, by adopting the ecological footprint analytical method, which prevailed universally, the research calculated and analyzed the ability of sustainable development in the River Sources, combined the sustainable development with the evaluation of the main ecological factors which could influence environmental quality, evaluated the present conditions of environmental quality and summarized the main methods of restoring the eco-system in the River Sources. The main results and conclusions are as follows:1. The environmental quality assessment of the River Sources
