

The Research of Digital Medical Appliance Based on Embedded Computer System

【作者】 王平

【导师】 何为;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 电气工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 医疗仪器是融合高科技内涵最多的现代化产品之一,是最能体现一个国家的科学技术水平。21世纪大量出现的微电子成果,大多数都是最先在医疗仪器领域获得应用,科学技术迅速发展使得医疗仪器进入了新的发展阶段——数字化医疗设备,而数字化医疗设备的核心技术为嵌入式计算机系统。我国是一个医疗仪器的生产大国,但是在核心技术方面一直处于国外的垄断之下。这一切都迫切需要我国有必要进行自主创新,研发出自己的核心技术。随着微电子技术的发展,超大规模集成电路技术的成熟,嵌入式计算机系统的迅速发展使得其功能越来越强大,在某些场合完全可以取代传统的工控机,并且其独特的优势在于它的体积小、功耗低、性价比高、便于携带,使得它非常适合应用到数字化医疗仪器中。本论文在嵌入式计算机系统平台的构建中做了探索性的研究工作,以数字化医疗仪器的发展和功能需求为目标,从嵌入式计算机系统的硬件设计入手,深入研究了嵌入式计算机硬件系统设计和电磁兼容性问题,成功研发出了具有良好电磁兼容性能,能够长时间(连续15天运行测试)可靠运行的嵌入式计算机主板。在软件部分,实现了嵌入式计算机系统的多种引导模式,嵌入式Linux内核的移植,内核驱动程序中bug的修正和部分新增硬件驱动程序的编写,以及嵌入式图形界面GUI系统Qtopia的移植,完成了整个嵌入式计算机系统从硬件到软件系统平台的构建。在此嵌入式计算机系统平台基础之上,研究了基于嵌入式计算机系统的无创脑水肿监护仪,在临床实验中对大量的临床数据进行统计,并且对典型病例进行了分析对比,证明了该仪器具有很好的临床效果。其次,研究了基于嵌入式计算机系统的远程多生命参数移动监护终端,并与无线GPRS模块、多生命参数模块和视频采集模块有机结合,实现了远程多生命参数移动监护和视频图片的采集与传输。本论文在基于嵌入式计算机系统的数字化医疗仪器研究中,主要完成了以下工作:(1)研究了嵌入式计算机系统的硬件系统设计,以及高频线路板设计中的信号串扰、阻抗反射、电磁辐射等方面的工程实际问题,通过三次嵌入式计算机系统主板的设计和改进,成功研发出了工作稳定、电磁兼容性能良好的嵌入式计算机主板。(2)研究了嵌入式计算机系统的启动过程,编写了bootloader启动程序,完成了uboot在AT91RM9200上的移植,并且修改了uboot中的数个bug,新增了许多uboot命令,实现了uboot对NandFlash、IIC和SPIFlash的操作,在改进与完善后的uboot上,实现了嵌入式计算机主板多种模式(IIC+NandFlash,SPI+NandFlash,

【Abstract】 Medical appliance usually contains the most advanced high-tech, symbolizing one country’s science and technology. In 21th century, a great deal of micro-electronics techniques are firstly used in medical appliance. With the development of technologies, medical appliances are silently entering into digital era and playing an important role in our daily lives. However, the vital techniques of medical appliance are the embedded computer and its operating system. As a large manufacture country of medical appliances, we do not have our own techniques, which make it necessary for us to develop our own technologies.With the development of electronic techniques, embedded computer gets a quick boom and becomes more powerful. In some cases, it can take place of industrial computer. In addition, it has many attractive characters such as its small volume, low power consumption, all of which make it suitable to be used in portable monitoring appliances.This paper makes a groping research on the platform building of embedded computer system. According to the acquirement of digital medical appliances, we have designed the hardware of embedded computer system and researched its electromagnetism compatibility during the hardware designing. The embedded computer system was designed successfully which has well electromagnetism compatibility and runs reliably (Continually test for fifteen days). In software developing, we have developed multi-startup modes, ported embedded Linux kernel, corrected bugs in LCD display drivers, and added new hardware drivers for embedded Linux kernel. In the embedded Linux GUI part, Qtopia was successfully ported. In this step, the platform of embedded computer system was successfully built.Based on the platform of embedded computer system, the non-invasive brain edema monitoring appliance had been successfully developed. Large numbers of clinic data were analyzed, which proved that the non-invasive brain edema monitoring appliance based on embedded computer can get well clinical effects when monitoring brain edema. In the field of tele-monitoring, multi-parameter monitoring appliance was also developed, which can successfully monitor the patients’ECG, SPO2, RESP, BP and body temperature. This monitor terminal can capture pictures, save them in disk and transfer the pictures to the hospital centers through GPRS module.The purpose of this paper is to build the platform of embedded computer system and its applications on digital monitoring appliance. With three years of hard work, the main

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期