

The Cultural Characteristics of and the Cooperation Ideology for City Node

【作者】 王立

【导师】 李先逵;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 城市结点作为城市路径网络的“铆固点”和空间的控制点,它在同路径网络一起决定着城市空间的骨架、形态和功能布局之时,也因结点与路径网络在城市中所表现出的“惰性”特点,导致它们成为处于动态发展中的城市“机体”一直需要面对的挑战对象。另外结点作为市民进行公共生活的主要场所和对外展示城市风貌的重要窗口,故而长期以来它都是城市文化建设的重点基地。所有这些都说明了结点对城市具有重大意义。但目前由于对结点所具有的功能与价值等存在理解和认识上的不足,致使学界对它缺乏系统和多角度的深入研究,由此影响到整个城市环境的和谐建设。基于结点空间在城市中所具有的重要性,以及针对当前理论界对它研究的欠缺,所以本文以其为对象,从文化学、社会学等多学科交叉的角度对它进行全面、深入地研究,并通过对它的空间特质进行总结,力图使我们对城市结点有一个全新的认识,以提升它在城市规划中的战略价值。文中对中外城市建设中结点空间的发展状况和研究成果进行了高度概括与梳理,并根据研究对象的内容与特征,重新对城市结点的概念进行了诠释,认为结点是指基于城市交通网络上,具有连接、交汇、聚散功能和公共空间环境特质的调控要点。本文在全面地对结点空间的构成要素进行解析的同时,又对中西方传统城市内结点空间的存在特色等进行了深入细致的分析与归纳,并找出形成这些特色差异的内在原因。论文重点是对结点空间的文化特质及发展规律等进行细致分析和总结。为了能全新认识城市结点,特对它在城市中的类型分类、功能作用及环境特性进行了全面剖析和归纳,尤其是深入分析了它在演化发展中,城市交通、经济环境、文化、生态发展要素对其产生的影响,并寻出在这些要素作用下结点空间的发展规律。另外根据结点空间作为城市中的华彩地段,提出创造其多形式美特征和全景式景观特质的途径和方法。再有还结合地域文化观,对山地环境中独具地域特色的城市结点在类型、格局、环境美学上所表现出的独特个性进行了仔细分析。论文还针对结点空间在城市中存在的问题,从现代科学方法论的高度,创新地借鉴协同学理论,提出由协同原则、整合目标、技术措施三部分构建的结点城市设计协同观理论与方法,以此来指导结点的城市设计和运作。为促进城市空间整体有序发展,在城市规划中应特别注重提升结点在其中所具有的战略价值与地位,以最终实现塑造独具特色的城市新形象目标。论文在对结点空间的研究中做了以下的创新工作:一、第一次系统、全面地从文化学、社会学等多学科角度,对城市结点的类型特性、发展规律、环境美学特征等文化特质方面进行了深入、细致的分析研究,并提出

【Abstract】 As riveted joints of city route networks and control points of the city space, city nodes, together with route networks, help determine the framework, pattern and functional layout of the city space. Nevertheless, city nodes and route networks which feature inertness have long been a challenge to the developing and changing city organism. Furthermore, city nodes have been a key base for cultural services of a city for they serve as both major public places for city dwellers and windows to city view and culture. All these prove that city nodes are of great significance to a city. However, the lack of a full understanding of city nodes’functions and values leads to the absence of a systematic theoretic research on it from multiple angles.In light of its importance and due to the deficiencies of current theoretic research on it, this thesis not only makes a comprehensive and profound study on node space from the interdisciplinary perspective of the science of culture and sociology, but also summarize its spacial features in order to have a better and deeper understanding of it, thus highlighting its strategic value in city planning.First, the thesis summarizes the present situation of node space in city construction home and abroad as well as the research achievements in this field. A new definition of city node is given according to its constituents and features, considering city node as a pivot of regulation with the functions of connecting, assembling and difusing as well as the environmental features of public space. Meanwhile, it makes a detailed analysis of the cultural characteristics of the component elements of city node and the distinctive features of traditional Chinese and Western city nodes. And the reasons of their differences are listed out.Second, the characteristics and developmental law of city node are closely analyzed, which makes the focus of the thesis. Aiming at having a completely new understanding of city node, the thesis makes a comprehensive analysis of its functions, types and environmental features. Also, it makes a profound study on the influence of city transport, economic setting, culture and ecological factors on node space in its development, the law of which has been summarized. In addition, various measures and methods are presented to create city node’s aesthetic features and the characteristics of a panorama. Besides, from the viewpoint of regional culture, the thesis makes an analysis of the special features of city node in type, pattern and environmental aesthetics in the unique mountainous region.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU984.191
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1652