

Application of Einstein Gravity Theory to Laser-plasma Interactions

【作者】 季沛勇

【导师】 邱锡钧;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 无线电物理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 遵循Einstein相互作用几何化的思想,在广义相对论理论框架研究了光场—等离子体相互作用各种过程。论文分为三个部分。 第一部分应用光与运动介质相互作用的有效度规理论研究了三个不同的光与等离子体相互作用的系统:首先研究了激光脉冲尾随由强激光激发的电子等离子体波时所获得的加速;其次研究多光子电离过程中,激光—等离子体相互作用如何影响多光子电离率;最后研究了脉冲星表面磁层中的磁化等离子体与在其间产生并传播的射电辐射的相互作用修正了射电辐射谱的引力红移。 第二部分首次建立了光在运动的色散介质中有效度规模型,将类Einstein引力理论(即有效度规理论)从非色散介质推广至色散介质领域。其中包括三个内容:首先建立了光与运动的色散介质相互作用的有效度规模型,研究了光与色散介质相互作用中形成的电磁视界、电磁黑洞和Hawking辐射;其次研究了激光—等离子体相互作用过程中等离子体电子如何将电磁场经验为有效几何,将电磁场—荷电粒子系统之间的相互作用等效为等离子体电子所经验的有效度规场,并研究了电子的动力学方程;最后研究了荷电粒子处在引力和电磁场共同作用下的统一的有效度规描述,并研究了相应的荷电粒子动力学方程。 第三部分研究了强激光超短脉冲产生的定域、瞬时引力而诱导的时空弯曲效应。通过探针脉冲与强激光脉冲同步传输,来测量引力效应。研究了探针光极化面Faraday旋转、探针光散射和光子的Berry相等弯曲时空的效应。 本文的主要创新性研究结果归结为以下几点: 1.首次研究并建立了光与运动的色散介质相互作用的类引力模型。得出了光在色散介质中的传播等效于光在有效时空中同时经验度规场及有效势作用的结论。并发现由于色散效应光子获得了有效质量和有效电荷。 2.发现了类似于引力时空中的黑洞结构—电磁黑洞,并导出了相应的视界产生条件。研究了电磁黑洞的Hawking辐射,导出了相应的表面引力和Hawking温度。

【Abstract】 Following Einstein’s thought: interaction to be geometrizing, light interactions with plasmas are studied under the framework of general relativity theory.The dissertation is divided into three parts.Light propagating in moving media in which three different light interactions with plasmas are included is studied by using the effective metric theory in the first part: firstly photon acceleration by the electronic plasma wave induced by strong laser pulses is examined; next studies in the multi- photons ionization process, how does the laser - plasma interaction affect the multi- photons ionization rate; finally studied in how does the magnetization plasma in the magnetosphere of pulsars cause the spectrum of the radio radiation shifting and the gravitational redshift of the pulsar radiation is corrected.In the second part the effective metric model for light interacting with moving dispersive media has been established for the first time and the analogous model of Einstein gravity theory is generalized from non-dispersive medium to dispersive medium cases. Including three contents: first has established the effective metric model of light traveling in the moving dispersive media, and the electromagnetic horizon , electromagnetic black hole and the Hawking radiation generated via light interaction with moving dispersive media have been studied; next we investigate how electrons in plasmas experience the electromagnetic field interaction with charged particles in plasmas as an effective metric field and the dynamic equation for the electrons in plasmas is examined; finally we have studied how the unified effective metric is derived to describe the kinetics for a charged particle under the both action of gravity and electromagnetic force and the corresponding equation for a charged particle is investigated.The third part has studied the effects of the curved space-times induced by the local instantaneous ultra-intense energy originated from high-power and ultra-short laser

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期