

Institution Reproduction: Chinese Peasant’s House Division Practices

【作者】 肖倩

【导师】 李瑜青;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 本文的内容可以用一句话来概括,即,分家实践发生在一定的社会时空之中,同时也不断再生产和修改包括分家制度在内的社会时空制度。从分家实践的变迁可以看到社会结构的转型,即,从“家族本位”的家庭模式到“个体本位”的家庭模式。无论在中国传统社会还是在当代中国农村,分家均是一种普遍存在的现象。分家指的是子辈家庭从父辈家庭中独立出去的过程和状态,父辈的权威力量是分家的抑制因素,子辈的独立力量是分家的推进因素,分家就是在这两股方向相反的力量的冲突下发生的家庭行为。各种社会制度的变迁正是通过作用于这两股分合力量从而不断再生产和修改分家制度的。解放以来的一系列土地集体化运动将原先家庭私有的土地收归集体所有,传统家庭的核心财产——土地被消解,家长权力受到有史以来最直接、最猛烈的冲击。此外,集体化时期还取消了家庭的生产功能,实行一种新型的按劳分配方式——工分制,这些在削弱家长权威的同时,提高了子辈独立的意愿和能力。土改后冈村农民的两次职业分化表现出非常明显的代际特征,可以概括为从纯农民到手艺人再到打工仔。代际职业分化对分家实践的影响主要在于:子辈所从事的非农产业所具有的劳动和报酬特征使父辈对子辈的经济控制权基本丧失以及子辈独立能力和意愿增强,此外,子辈收入增多以及对家庭贡献的增大,使得父亲权威的另一大基础——房产基本被消解。中国宗族强调的是父系继嗣关系,宗祧继嗣原则在分家实践中的体现就是儿子单系继承,女儿从来就被排斥在分家制度之外。男性子孙在继承家产的同时,必须承担祭祀父祖和赡养父祖的义务,这一原则体现了中国农民权利与义务相统一的朴素法意识。民国之后的继承法均实行男女平等继承的原则,但在现实生活中女儿的平等继承权始终没有得到实现,最重要的原因就是儿子尽了主要的赡养义务。只要“从夫居”的婚姻方式仍占主流,女儿对父母财产平等继承的愿望是难以实现的。冈村婚姻习俗的变迁过程是从父母包办型的传统婚姻模式向当事人自主型的现代婚姻模式转变。在(半)自主型婚姻模式中,青年男女夫妻共同体意识的提早萌发常常导致父子代际感情的疏离和父子家庭共同体意识的削弱,同时也增强了夫妻小家庭从父子大家庭中独立出去的意愿。在婚姻习俗变迁中还有一个重要的趋势,即,男方家庭对新婚夫妇单元的直接资助以及男方家支付的彩礼转化为新娘嫁妆的比例都有很大的提高。这些物质的所有者是

【Abstract】 This dissertation concludes that house division practices may occur in certain social space and time and reproduce or modify the institutions happening in social space and time in which house division institution is embodied. We can become conscious of the transition of social structure. The transition of family model is form‘clan standard’to‘individual standard’.House division is prevalent whether in traditional Chinese society or in modern Chinese countries. House division refers to a process or state in which sons’families break away from their father’s family. The authority of the father which restrains house division and sons’desire for independence which promotes house division are in conflict with each other and result in house division. Various changes of social institutions are reproducing and modifying house division system through exerting power on the two conflicting forces.Since the foundation of PRC, a series of campaign of land collectivism made family-owned land into collectivity-owned land. As the family land, the nuclear property of a traditional family, was lost, the authority of the father was challenged for the first time in such a direct and violent way. In addition, in the collectivism period, the producing function of a family was replaced with Gongfenzhi, a new mode of distribution according to amount of work done. Therefore, authority of the father in a family was further weakened while sons’desire for independence and ability to be independent were all strengthened.The two differentiation of occupation of farmers in Gang Village after the Agrarian Reform characterize the two generations. That is, the former generation was converted from farmers to craftsmen while the latter generation changed from craftsmen to employees. The two differentiation of occupation between the two generations influenced house division practices in the following ways: for one thing, sons’payment from non-agriculture work makes their father’s financial control impossible and sons’desire for independence stronger; for another, the increase of sons’income and their financial contribution to family almost destroys the base of their father’s authority, house property. Chinese clans emphasize the principle of paternal succession, which means it is sons but not daughters who have the right to inherit properties in house division. Besides, male offspring have to be responsible for supporting and offering sacrifice to paternal ancestors. This principle represents Chinese farmers’simple awareness of unity of right and duty. Though The Inheritance Law in the Republic of China emphasized the quality of inheritance between males and females, daughters never enjoyed equal inheritance right. The reason for that was it was sons who were chiefly responsible for supporting their parents. Thus, it was impossible for daughters to have equal inheritance right so long as virilocal marriage was dominant in the society. The marital custom of Gang Village transformed from traditionalparents-arranged marriage to modern self-controlled marriage. In semi-controlled

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期