

Research on KBE Based Cavity Design System for Injection Mold

【作者】 邵健

【导师】 柯映林;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文基于知识工程(Knowledge Based Engineering,KBE)技术对注塑模具型腔设计若干关键技术进行了研究,并结合汽车车灯注塑模具型腔优化设计问题,开发了车灯注塑模具型腔设计原型系统,通过使用基于KBE技术的注塑模具型腔设计系统,提高了汽车车灯模具企业的模具型腔设计质量和效率。 文章首先阐述了KBE的产生背景和定义,并对基于KBE的产品设计流程、KBE系统与其它设计系统的异同等进行了研究。在此基础上,探讨了KBE系统的结构层次、基本框架和开发工具。提出了一种基于KBE技术的注塑模具型腔设计系统的框架。围绕注塑产品和模具型腔集成特征模型建立、基于特征和几何推理的模具型腔设计、基于集成推理和优化技术的模具型腔加工工艺确定等关键技术,获得了以下研究成果: (1)系统阐述了模具设计制造各视图域间特征映射的概念,并对映射的过程进行了详细研究。提出了基于图的交互式产品特征识别方法以及基于特征分类的产品特征映射方法,由此构建了比较系统的注塑产品和模具型腔集成特征模型。 (2)基于可视图方法和原理,探讨了注塑产品特征方向的确定方法,据此可进一步确定产品优化脱模方向和侧凹特征。提出了基于有限元的模具分型线确定方法和基于几何推理的模具分型面生成方法。 (3)提出了基于集成推理的加工刀具及参数选择方法。在检索相似实例中采用了分层检索策略和相应的相似度分层计算方法,并应用多目标的优化方法对加工参数进行优化。 (4)在CAD/CAM软件平台上开发了汽车车灯注塑模具型腔设计原型系统,从编码系统的设计和实现、规则库的设计和实现、车灯模具型腔设计实例三个方面对系统的应用进行了具体分析。 文章最后在总结全文工作和创新点的基础上,指出了基于KBE的注塑模具型腔设计需要进一步研究的内容。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation, injection mold cavity design process and its key technologies are studied based on KBE (Knowledge Based Engineering) technique, and a prototyping system which is special for the mold cavity design of automotive lamp is developed. By using this system, the quality and efficiency of injection mold cavity design are improved.The development background and definitions of KBE are reviewed first. Then the KBE based product design process, difference between general design system and KBE based design system are studied. Based on these theories, the architecture, frame and development tools of KBE based design system are researched in detail. A KBE based mold cavity design system is presented, and key technologies of this system are discussed. The achievements of research on these key technologies are listed as follow:(1) The concept of feature mapping in the mold cavity design is systematically given and mapping process is researched in detail. An interactive feature recognition method and a mapping method based on feature classification are presented. With these methods, the integrated feature model of molded part and mold cavity is constructed.(2) Based on the visibility map, the orientations of features in molded part are easily confirmed. The optimization parting direction and real undercut feature are determined accordingly. A mesh based determination method for parting line and a GBR based generation method for parting surface are presented.(3) A method to determine the cutting tools and parameters in the machining process of mold cavity based on hybrid reasoning is presented. In the case retrieval, a new layered searching strategy and similarity measurement method are given. A multi-goal optimization method is proposed to optimize the cutting parameters.(4) A prototyping system which is special for the mold cavity design of automotive lamp is developed in the CAD/CAM software. The construction of product coding sub-system, rule library sub-system and two cases of mold cavity design for automotive lamp are analyzed.In the summary of this dissertation, a number of advanced topics for the KBE based mold cavity design system are addressed for the future research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期