

A Survey of Shandong’s Foreign Trade in the Qing Dynasty

【作者】 赵树廷

【导师】 晁中辰;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 以前,关于清代对外贸易的研究多集中于东南沿海诸省,山东的对外贸易仍游离于学界的视野之外。其实,山东在清代对外贸易体系中占有重要的地位,有着鲜明的特点。对清代山东外贸的研究,不仅可作为区域比较研究的基础,而且有助于廓清清代对外贸易中一些悬而未决的问题。 顺治十二年(1655年)之前,清朝是否真正实行过《大清律例》中的《私出外境及违禁下海》条例,是史学界长期争论的热点之一。顺治十年(1653年),清政府在处理山东即墨女姑口私贩日本案时,其量刑依据正是《私出外境及违禁下海》条例。这说明在顺治十二年之前,清朝就已开始对外贸进行管制。顺治十二年到康熙二十三年(1684年)禁海期间,与闽、粤等东南沿海诸省相比,山东对外贸易政策呈现出明显的特殊性。一是迁海晚。福建在顺治十八年(1661年)己迁海,而山东则迟至康熙二年(1663年)。二是迁海力度小。福建等地迁海30到50里,而山东只将海岛中的居民迁入内地。三是开海早。山东开海是在康熙十八年初,比南方浙、闽、粤等省早5年。因此,禁海与迁海不是清政府的既定国策,而是为防范郑成功等抗清力量采取的临时措施。 清政府在康熙五十六年(1717年)颁布南洋禁航令的真实目的,既不是禁米出洋,也不是限制华侨在南洋聚集,而是防止在康熙帝年迈时发生骚乱。当时山东的两大事件对此决策产生了影响,一是废太子党与海寇的勾结叛乱,二是山东的礼仪之争。烟台开埠之前,登、莱、青三府海口就是商船辐辏之地。自咸丰九年(1859年)始,清政府陆续在烟台、龙口、铁门关、石岛、金家口和胶州的塔埠头开设厘局征收海税,金家口厘局下设青岛分局。此后,烟台、青岛才开埠。这说明西方国家不是为山东创造了一个新的港口体系,而是利用了原有的港口体系为其服务。1905年济南、周村、潍县的自开商埠限制了西方国家的贸易扩张,促进了山东对外贸易的发展。 清代山东对外贸易的兴盛表现在三方面。首先是山东形成了南北两个层次分明,地理分布合理的港口体系。其次是贸易范围扩大到欧洲、美洲和非洲。再次是贸易规模增长迅速。清代山东传统手工业和商品性农业的发展,为外贸的兴盛奠定了坚实的物质基础,沿海贸易又为外贸的发展开辟了新的渠道。从康熙开海到烟台开埠期间,山东通过上海、苏州、宁波等地进行的转口对外贸易尤为发达。烟台、青岛开埠后仍沿袭了这一传统的外贸形式,香港、上海和潮州成为山东对外贸易的三大中转港。1895年后,山东与日本、朝鲜的贸易额激增,使山东逐渐

【Abstract】 In the past, the survey of foreign trade in the Qing Dynasty is mostly focused on the provinces in the southeast China. However Shandong’s foreign trade has yet been taken into cosideration by the academics. In effect, with its clear-cut characteristics it plays a key role in the foreign trade system in the Qing Dynasty. A research on it is not only the basis for regional comparative study but also contributes to clarifying some moot points involed in it.One of issues under heated debate is concerned with whether the Qing Dynasty had ever implemented ’a Ban on a Private Tour Abroad’ in the ’Qing’s Statutes’ before the 12th year of emperor Shunzhi. Early in the 10th year of emperor Shunzhi, it is by ’a Ban on a Private Tour Abroad’ that the Qing government dealt with the trafficing goods to Japanese case at Nugukou in Jimo of Shandong, which suggests that adminstrative control over foreign trade had been exerted before the 12th year of emperor Shunzhi. The sea embargo period from the 12th year of emperor Shunzhi to the 23 year of emperor Kangxi found anobvious particularity in shandong’s foreign trade compared with such southeast provinces as Fujian and Guangdong. First, a late migration along the coast inland with Fujian in the 18th year of emperor Shunzhi and Shandong later until the 2th of emperor Kangxi. Second, the smaller scale of migraton, Fujian moving its people inland to 30 and 50 miles but Shandong just moving islanders inland. Third, the early opening sea abroad, Shandong 5 years earlier than the southern provinces like Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong with its opening time in the early 18th year of emperor Kangxi. Therefore, the policies of sea embargo and moving people inland were not established but provisional measures for defenses against the attack of anti-Qing forces like Zheng cheng-gong.In the 56th year of emperor Kangxi the promulgation of the south sea embargo decree is meant to prevent the possibe riot in the emperor’s twilight of life, not to ban grains abroad and limit the convergence of overseas Chinese. At that time, two big events played a decisive role in the decision-making. One is the conspired rebellion of the deposed crown prince clique with pirates. The other is the debate over etiquettes in Shandong. Commercial ships would converge in the ports of Dengzhou, Laizhong and Qingdao before Yantai’s opening its commercial ports. Since the 9th year of emperor Xianfeng a succession of tariff bureaus had been set up to collect tariff duties in

【关键词】 清代山东对外贸易商品经济
【Key words】 the Qing DynastyShandongforeign tradecommodity economy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期