

【作者】 舒强

【导师】 李兴福;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 内科, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 目的 类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)是主要表现为周围对称性多关节慢性炎症的自身免疫性疾病。类风湿关节炎的基本病理变化为滑膜炎。滑膜成纤维样细胞(FLS)过度增生,大量T淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞浸润,以及血管翳的形成。异常增生的FLS分泌基质蛋白酶和致炎性细胞因子,促发炎症和免疫反应,是导致软骨和骨质的破坏的主要因素。抑制FLS的异常增殖或诱导FLS分化成熟是治疗RA的重要策略。 沙利度胺(Thalidomide)是TNF-α抑制剂和血管生成抑制剂,具有较强的抗炎作用,近年已作为免疫调节剂应用于RA等风湿性疾病。白芍总苷(total glucosides of peony,TGP)是从中国传统的中草药白芍根部中提取的有效成分,具有机能和剂量依赖性的免疫调节作用。基础和临床研究证实,沙利度胺和TGP对类风湿关节炎有一定疗效,改善临床症状。艾拉莫德(Iguratimod,T-614)为一种甲磺酰胺基非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs),是COX-2选择性抑制剂,国外研究表明其对RA患者有一定免疫抑制作用。全反式维甲酸(ATRA)、1,25(OH)2D3、地塞米松是已知的细胞分化诱导剂,可促进成纤维细胞的分化成熟,抑制其无限增殖特性,被广泛用于治疗皮肤、肝脏、肺脏纤维化,降低纤维组织增生,但它们对RA的滑膜成纤维细胞增殖影响却鲜有报道。本试验旨在观察RA滑膜FLS的生长特点,研究沙利度胺、TGP、T-614,ATRA、1,25(OH)2D3、和地塞米松在体外实验中对RA-FLS细胞增殖分化特性的影响,将更全面地揭示RA的发病机制,探讨免疫调节药物的不同作用方式,验证其临床疗效,寻找治疗RA新途径。 方法 1.组织来源:滑膜组织关节镜诊断治疗术、关节活检针抽取滑膜组织和抽取关节积液培养。收集膝OA(8例)和RA(5例),RA和OA患者的诊断均

【Abstract】 OBJECTIVE: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease that mainly affects multiple synovial joints. Synovitis may be present in RA. Inflammation is accompanied by an influx of immune competent cells and by aberrant proliferation of resident fibroblast-like synovial cells (FLS) . Accretion of FLS is responsible for progressive joint destruction.T-614 [N-(3-formylamino- 4-oxo-6-phenoxy-4H-chromen-7-yl) methanesulfonamide] is known as cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) inhibitor and total glucosides of paeony (TGP) are active compounds extracted from the roots of Paeonia lactiflora Pall, both are efficient in anti-inflammation and immunoregulation in arthritis via various pathways. The tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) inhibitor thalidomide is known to be a potential modulator of host immunity, a potential treatment for autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA).All trans retinoid acid (ATRA) , 1,25 (OH)2D3 and desamethasone are known as inducer for cell differentiation and inhibitor to fibroblast cells proliferatiation. The effect on FLS proliferatiation and apoptosis is still unclear.In this study, we investigate the proliferation characteristics of FLS in RA and OA patients in vitro and the mechanism of the immunosuppressive effect of thalidomide, TGP , T-614, ATRA, 1,25 (OH)2D3 and desamethasone on them.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】R593.2;R684.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】661
  • 攻读期成果