

【作者】 侯仰军

【导师】 方辉; 马新; 李学勤;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 考古学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 夏王朝是目前国内学术界多数学者公认的中国历史上的第一个王朝。大禹是中华民族上古时代治水的英雄,是夏王朝的实际奠基人。夏后氏究竟起源于何地,历来众说纷纭。目前主要有三说:晋南说、豫西说、河济说。 商起源于何处,山东地区有没有先商文化,有没有早商文化,商文化东进山东地区的进展状况如何,有没有到达胶东地区,一直是学术界争论不休的问题。有些学者说,商文化是随着商王朝势力的向东扩张而出现于山东地区的外来文化。果真如此吗? 本文以鲁西南为中心利用丰富的考古资料和文献记载对夏商起源问题进行了深入研究与探讨。 本文共分六个部分。第一部分绪论,讲述了本课题的缘起,对有关概念如“鲁西南”、“三代”、“先商文化”等作了界定,并对相关学术研究状况作了回顾与评介。第二部分是对20世纪30年代以来的鲁西南考古学史作了回顾。第三部分为鲁西南的考古发现与尧舜文化研究,主要内容是考古学所见四千年前鲁西南地形地貌及自然环境和考古学所见尧舜时代研究。第四部分是鲁西南考古与夏起源研究,对夏族的起源、考古学所见大禹治水、夏朝初期的政治中心进行了专题研究。第五部分为鲁西南考古与商起源研究,对商族的起源、北毫在今何地、商文化的东扩与西进进行了全方位的考察。第六部分是结语。 依据古代文献记载和考古发现的成果,笔者通过认真考察,得出以下八点结论: 一、鲁西南地区的考古活动始于20世纪30年代。科学意义上的考古挖掘则始于新中国成立后。鲁西南的文化遗存十分丰富,以北辛文化、大汶口文化、龙山文化、岳石文化为代表的一大批古文化遗址排列有序,在全国具有很大影响。 二、鲁西南地区是中华民族重要的发祥地之一,远古时代,先民们就居住、繁衍、生息在这块古老的土地上。考古发现表明,四千年前鲁西南的地形地貌及自然环境是河湖交错,林木茂密,气候湿热,水网密布,非常适合人类生存。 三、我国历史传说中的圣君,即当时的部落联盟首领尧、舜,一生虽迁徙不定,但主要活动区域都与今鲁西南地区密切相关。种种迹象表明,虞为夏朝建立前的一个朝代,至少是一个城邦国家。它的国都和疆域就在豫东、鲁西南地区。 四、夏后氏是颛顼氏族的后裔,兴起于豫东、鲁西南地区。大禹在这里治水,

【Abstract】 Most Chinese scholars agree with the idea that the Xia Dynasty is the first Dynasty in Chinese history. Yu is known as both the hero who had controlled the flood in ancient China, and the one who actually founded the Xia Dynasty. However, it has been a controversy in Chinese history as far as the origin place of the Xia tribe concerned. Today there are mainly three viewpoints among scholars: the Xia tribe originated in the southern Shanxi, in the western Henan or in the Yellow River and the Ji River basin.There are also other controversies which focus on the Shang tribe and the Shang Dynasty. Where did the Shang tribe originate? Had there been the Pre-Shang culture and the early Shang culture in the Shandong area? How did the Shang culture expand eastward to the Shandong area? Did the culture arrive at the Jiaodong area? Is it true that the Shang culture was a foreign culture for the Shandong area, as some scholars mentioned, following the eastward outspread of the Shang Dynasty?In my dissertation, I propose to give a thorough study on the origin of the Xia Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty, based on the combination of archaeological finds and document records.There are six parts in the dissertation: (1) An introduction of the reason to carry out my research, the definition of basic concepts such as the southwestern Shandong area, the three ancient Chinese dynasties and the preliminary Shang culture, and the history of relevant academic study; (2)A summary on the archaeological history in the southwestern Shandong area since the third decade of the 20th century; (3) The archaeological finds in the southwestern Shandong area and the research on the age of Yao and Shun, mainly about the topography, landscape and natural environment of the southwestern Shandong area four thousand years ago, as well as a archaeological study on the age of Yao and Shun; (4) An archaeological study on the southwestern Shandong area and the origin of the Xia tribe, including a few disquisitions on the origin of the Xia tribe, the water controlling history of Yu and the early political centers in the Xia Dynasty; (5) An archaeological study on the Southwestern Shandong area and the origin of the Shang tribe, focusing on the origin of the Shang tribe, the current location

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期