

Stability Analysis of Long-span Curve Rigid Frame Bridge with High Piers in Whole Stage

【作者】 王钧利

【导师】 贺栓海;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本学位论文以国家西部交通建设科技项目《高墩大跨径弯桥的设计与施工技术研究》的子课题《高墩大跨径弯桥的全过程稳定分析》为研究背景。 本文旨在通过大跨径桥梁稳定性分析理论、稳定性试验研究以及对大量已建的典型高墩或超高墩大跨径连续刚构桥梁进行分析,对这些桥梁的设计参数进行变化,并作出一系列的特征值屈曲分析和双非线性稳定分析,寻求影响高墩大跨径直、弯连续刚构桥稳定性的敏感性参数及内在规律,以指导该类桥梁的设计和施工。 本文在分析国内外桥梁稳定理论研究发展及现状的基础上,指出稳定问题同强度问题一样,在高墩大跨径弯桥中具有特别重要的意义,引出本文的研究内容;介绍了结构的两类稳定问题,指出实际工程结构中的稳定问题多为第二类稳定问题,通过大量的对该类桥梁的特征值屈曲分析和双非线性稳定分析进一步证明:只有通过对结构几何非线性和材料非线性本构关系的研究,才能深入揭示复杂桥梁结构稳定问题的实质。运用能量原理推导等截面及变截面高墩自体稳定临界荷载和悬臂施工阶段高墩稳定临界荷载的近似求解公式;给出了高墩大跨径连续刚构桥稳定性的有限元求解方法以及基本步骤。通过大量桥梁结构全过程稳定计算分析,以研究以下问题 1.桥梁结构稳定理论研究 对桥梁结构简化模型稳定分析的经典理论研究和对实桥稳定分析的数值计算方法研究。 2.高墩稳定分析理论研究 (1)钢筋混凝土桥墩的稳定分析。 (2)钢筋混凝土桥墩的模型试验分析。 (3)高墩墩身在施工阶段的稳定分析。 (4)高墩在上部梁段悬臂浇筑施工阶段的稳定分析。分析上部施工阶段最不利状态,考虑自重、风荷载及挂篮跌落等状态。 (5)高墩在成桥营运阶段的稳定性分析。分析营运阶段各种荷载、不同构造、不同曲率对高墩稳定性影响的规律性。

【Abstract】 The research in this paper is an important part of the stability analysis in the whole stage of long-span curved bridges with high piers which is a sub-project of the national transportation scientific project in western regions, which is the research of the design and construction technology of long-span curved bridges with high piers.In this paper, The purpose is to seek the stability sensitive parameters and the inner rules of straight and curved long-span continuous rigid-frame bridge with high piers which are applied for production through plentiful numerical tests to plenty of long-span continuous rigid-frame bridge with high piers.Based on analyzing the development and nowadays conditions of stability theory in and abroad, this paper points out that the stability is as significant as intensity to long-span bridges with high piers. Consequently, the main goal of this paper is fetched out. Two kinds of stability problems are simply introduced and it points out that most stability problems come up against in practice is the second stability problem. Furthermore, we come to the conclusion that only if through studying the geometrical nonlinearity and material nonlinearity of structure the stability problems can be deeply discovered. The formula deducted by energy theory which approximately resolving critical load of self-stability and structure stability in cantilever construction of high pier with uniform section, and especially the approximate formulae of critical load of self-stability and structure stability in cantilever construction of high pier of curved bridge are deducted in detail. The deduction is briefly and prone to be operated. The way, the solution and the basic steps solving of the stability for long-span continuous rigid-frame bridge with high piers using finite element are given. Bridge B-W, a self-write special bridge program, is validated by examples. The result is compared with ANSYS, a large current calculation program, to make clear that the result by Bridge B-W is exact and the precision satisfy the need of civil engineering. The stability of several large-span continuous rigid-frame bridges with high piers is calculated and analyzed by ANSYS and Bridge B-W. As a result, the inner rules influencing the stability of long-span continuous rigid-frame bridge with high piers are initially brought forward, that is, the stability of curved bridge is not as good as straight bridge on the stage of the most cantilever cast, while the thing is reversed when a whole bridge is completed; to

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】U448.215
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】1755
  • 攻读期成果