

A Study on the Estimation of Forest Resources Loss

【作者】 米锋

【导师】 李吉跃; 张大红;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 对于首都北京而言,森林与社会经济发展及人文生态环境建设之间有着密切的依存关系。然而,北京地区森林资源的人工性、人为干扰性十分突出,易遭受各种自然灾害侵袭和人为破坏,这些都会给森林资源带来重大损失。在这其中,林木损失是整个森林资源损失中一个十分普遍的问题。林木损失一旦是人为所致(如盗伐林木),必然涉及到当事人之间、当事人与社会之间的经济利益关系。根据国家相关法律和北京市《森林资源保护管理条例》第五十条规定的相关要求,需要对北京市森林资源损失做出鉴定。但从目前实际林业执法工作来看,对森林资源的损失赔偿,尤其是林木损害的经济赔偿案件的处理中始终缺乏科学、客观和系统的评估方法,也没有一种科学的衡量尺度和处罚依据,妨碍了林业执法的公正和公平。因此,迫切需要建立一套科学合理的评价体系和计量标准,对森林资源的损失,尤其对林木损失赔偿做出科学的估算,从而满足林业管理及林业执法实践的需要。本文以北京地区林木损失计量作为主要的研究内容,基于资源评价、损失评估、资产评估等一系列的理论与方法,尝试性地提出了一整套的不同森林类型林木损失额计量的办法、标准和系统,以解决森林资源损失计量的理论、方法、应用和操作问题。通过研究论文得出以下结论:(一)较为明确地界定了森林资源损失的概念和性质,系统地提出了森林资源损失评估的八项总评估思路及原则,以及不同森林资源损失类型的评估思路。(二)进行了森林资源损失和北京地区森林类型的科学划分,形成了森林资源损失的五大类16亚类的分类评估体系;构建了森林资源损失额的评估结构和估价模型。(三)以北京地区为例,分别对10种森林类型的12项功能的认可度进行了统计和计算,确定不同森林类型的主导功能。以此为依据建立了10种不同森林类型的林木损失额的计量指标体系和分计量模型;构建了林木损失额的综合计量指标体系。(四)对于计量指标体系和分计量模型中涉及的较难确定和计量的指标及因子进行了“专项研究”,结论如下:1、提出“生态价值当量”、“主导生态功能权重”的概念和计算方法。首次采用层次分析法确定不同森林类型的主导生态功能权重值(wi),通过单株生态价值当量的计算公式和单位面积生态价值当量的计算公式,

【Abstract】 Forest is highly correlated with the development of social economy, civilization and the improvement of environment in Beijing. However, it takes on the character of frequent human disturbances and the induced natural calamities, bringing on great loss of the forest. The loss of trees is a widespread problem thereinto. Human induced loss once happens, e.g., stealing timbers, it will inevitably touch the interest among parties, and between the governments and the parties. According to <The byelaw of protection and management of forest resources in Beijing>, it is required to identify the loss of forest resources, before the conflict of interest could be solved in a law case. However, there is no a scientific, objective and systematic standard of assessment in the current execution of the laws, especially in dealing with the cases of economic compensations, which hinders the impartiality of execution of forest laws. Therefore, it is an impeding need to build a set of scientific system of qualitative standards of assessment to meet the demands of forest management and execution of forest laws in practice, especially the assessment of tree loss and its economic compensations. This study was focused on the quantification of tree loss in Beijing, our objective is trying to raise a quantifying method as well as the quantitative criterions to assess the loss of trees of different forest types, based on the theories of resource assessment, loss estimation and capital estimation in order to resolve the problems in theories, methods and applications of loss of forest resources.The major conclusions are summarized as follows:1. The conception and meaning of loss of forest resources was defined. And eight items of the assessment principles were created systematically.2. The types of forest resources and their loss in Beijing were classified; an assessment system of forest resource loss, including five groups and sixteen subgroups, was formed.3. Take an example of Beijing, the approbation degree of twelve functions of ten types of forest were calculated, and the dominant functions of each of the forest type were determined. The quantitative index systems, comprehensive- and sub-models of the tree loss of the ten types of forests were built.4. The factors which were hard to define and quantify in the indicator systems and sub-models were specialized.(1) Calculation of ecological values and weights of dominant ecological functions. Analytical Hierarchy Process was adopted to calculate the weights (wi) of the dominant functions of different forest types. The ecological value of an individual tree was calculated with a quantitative model
