

Research on Quercus Aquifolioides Forest of Balangshan Mountain in West Sichuan, Southwest China

【作者】 刘兴良

【导师】 马钦彦; 刘世荣; 杨玉坡;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 生态学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 (1)硬叶常绿阔叶林在世界植被上是一个很重要的类型。在地中海沿岸澳大利亚西南部北美西南部北非南部等地都有分布,群落主要树种具有硬叶、常绿、多茸毛等旱化的典型特征,反映了分布地气候在一定季节具有温暖干燥的特点。世界各地的硬叶常绿阔叶林的发生发展、分布生境及组成植物区系成分有很大差异。我国的硬叶常绿阔叶林是我国亚热带西部和西南部青藏高原东南线及横断山脉地区所特有的一种森林类型,主要分布在海拔2600~3300m之间,也是我国西南部亚高山山地植被垂直带上的一个特有类型。中国的硬叶常绿阔叶林由高山栎类组成,高山栎类是第三纪残遗植物经多次地史变迁物种繁衍分化,至今有20余种,构成森林群落的硬叶栎类约16种。 (2)在川西山地巴郎山阳坡有维管植物共73科219属436种中,其中蕨类植物8科12属14种,分别占巴朗山阳坡的10.96%、5.48%和3.21%。裸子植物2科4属4种,分别占巴朗山阳坡的2.74%、1.83%和0.92%。被子植物63科203属418种,分别占巴朗山阳坡的86.30%、92.69%和95.87%;双子叶植物56科174属368种,分别占巴朗山阳坡的76.71%、79.45%和84.40%;单子叶植物7科29属50种,分别占巴朗山阳坡的9.59%、13.24%和11.47%。在川滇高山栎林分布的植物科数具有低海拔比高海拔少的特点,在海拔3100m以上,分布的植物科数没有变化,在各个海拔梯度仍然以世界分布科占主要地位,其次为热带分布科和温带分布科。热带分布科随海拔的升高具有递减的趋势,温带分布科随海拔的升高出现2个峰值,与环境条件的梯度变化密切相关;组成川滇高山栎林植物属的分布型,按大小排序为温带分布属(TempG)、世界分布(PG)、热带分布属(TG)和15中国特有分布属(ECHG)分别为165属、28属、23属和3属。在温带分布型165属中,以北温带分布为主要分布属,占78属,占47.27%,而在热带分布属28属中,热带亚洲和热带美洲间断分布型(TATAG)占13属,为温带分布型的46.43%。川西山地巴朗山阳坡维管植物区系成分的海拔梯度格局,从属的分布区类型来看,整个垂直梯度上,地位最重要的植物区系成分是北温带成分,占80.00%以上,显示了川西山地巴朗山阳坡植物区系的基本性质;其次是东亚、旧世界温带、东亚—北美温带成分和世界分布;热带、亚热带区系成分以泛热带和热带亚洲分布型为主。中国特有属见于整个垂直梯度。植物温带分

【Abstract】 (1) Sclerophyllous forest is an important vegetation type, extensively distributed in Mediterranean coasts, southwestern Australia, southern North America, and southern North Africa as well. The communities are characterized by drought tolerant features such as sclerophyllous leaves, evergreen and hairs, indicating warm and dry environments in distributed regions. The flora, distributional environment and development of communities across the world vary greatly. The sclerophyllous forest is a typical forest type in western sub-tropic and southeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, distributed mainly from 2600 to 3300 m a.s.l. It is also the endemic type of subalpine vegetation in montane vertical belts in southwestern China. The sclerophyllous oak forests are relics of Tertiary and develop and evolve through several geological changes. There are more than 20 species of sclerophyllous oak in China, of which 16 species can constitute sclerophyllous oak forests.(2) There exist 436 vascular plant species, belonging to 219 genera and 73 families in the sunny slope of Balangshan Mountain. Of all the vascular species, ferns share 14 species, 12 genera of 8 families, accounting for 10.96%, 5.48% and 3.21% of the total respectively. Gymnosperm has 4 species, 4 genera of 4 families, making up 2.74%, 1.83% and 0.92% of the total respectively. Angiosperm has 418 species, 203 genera of 63 families, amounting to 86.30%, 92.69% and 95.87% of the total. Dicotyledon plants occupy 368 species, 174 genera of 56 families, accounting for 76.71%, 79.45% and 84.40% respectively of the total. Monocotyledon plants have 50 species, 29 genera of 7 families, occupying 9.59%, 13.24% and 11.47% respectively of the total. The number of plant families in lower altitudes is less than in higher altitudes. The number of plant families increase little above 3100 m elevation. World-widely distributed families dominate the flora of the Balangshan Mountain, followed by tropically and temperately distributed families. The number of tropically distributed families declines with the increase of elevation. Temperate families present double peaks along the altitudinal gradient, corresponding closely to the environmental gradient. The distribution types of plant genera in Quercus aquifolioides communities follows the order: TempG (168 genera) > PG (28 genera) > TG (23 genera) > ECHG (3 genera). In the temperate genera, northern temperate genera cover 78 genera, accounting for 47.27%. In the tropical genera, TATAG occupies 13 genera, making up 46.43%. In the flora of sunny
