

Study on the Efficient Spatial Allocation of the Ecological Forest System in Minjiang Watershed Based on Geomatics

【作者】 刘健

【导师】 孟宪宇;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过对闽江流域自然条件和社会经济状况以及生态公益林体系建设的资料收集,运用3S技术,辅以外业调查来获取研究数据。在分析闽江流域土地利用现状和动态变化的基础上,以防止水土流失和水源涵养为目标,分别研究探讨闽江流域生态公益林体系最佳森林覆盖率,根据两个目标的研究结果综合确定闽江流域生态公益林体系最佳森林覆盖率。将定量分析与定性评判相结合来构造层次分析的判断矩阵,确定闽江流域生态公益林体系最佳森林类型结构比例,并进行生态公益林空间分布规划,为合理经营管理闽江流域生态公益林提供了技术支持和理论保证。主要研究结果如下: (1) 森林类型专题信息提取影响因素较多,基于光谱特征,对光谱特征差异较大的森林类型信息提取可用专家分类知识库,建立分类模型,选取适当的光谱阈值,结合分层分类法对闽江流域森林类型进行划分。对光谱值较为接近的森林类型采用监督分类方法实现专题信息的提取,对局部区域采用人机交互目视解译,以提高分类精度。分类结果1986年林地分类精度为81.3%,有林地分类精度为79.5%,2003年林地分类精度达86.7%,有林地分类精度为87.3%。 (2) 在1986年~2003年间,闽江流域生态公益林林地利用变化总体上呈现为杉木、马尾松、混交林与竹林面积增加,灌木林与经济林面积减少的趋势,其中以马尾松面积增幅最大。闽江流域生态公益林动态变化的主导因素是阔叶树、杉木、马尾松与针阔混交林之间的相互转化,其它森林类型变化相对较小。 (3) 首次在植被盖度反演模型中引入可见光植被指数(VARI),有效地提高了反演模型的拟合精度,模型相关系数为0.868。经模外数据验证,总体精度达到83%。 (4) 利用ARCVIEW软件的空间分析、水文分析等扩展模块,采取权重距离递减法(IDW)进行降雨线的内插处理,获取闽江流域各季度的降雨量,结合闽江流域内多年实测的各月降雨量,将多年季度平均降雨量数据修正到各月份,经实测数据验证,总体精度高达97%。这表明了区域降雨量是相对稳定的,可以利用正式出版图件来获取相关的气象水文资料,解决了此项数据获取困难之难题。 (5) 首次提出63%的森林覆盖率为闽江流域生态公益林体系最佳森林覆盖率。这主要是基于闽江流域生态公益林以防止土壤侵蚀为目标的最佳森林覆盖率约为

【Abstract】 The data used in the paper were got through the collection of the natural conditions and socio-economic conditions and the ecological forest system construction in Minjiang Watershed with the help of survey and geomatics technology. To prevent soil erosion and keep water conservation, it defined the optimum forest coverage of Jianxi River, Hutongxi River, Shaxi River and Mingjian watershed in this paper at the basis of analysis the current status and dynamical changes of land use. The optimum proportion of forest types structure and the spatial allocation programming of the ecological forest in Minjiang Watershed was determined with the help of the analysis matrix which was built with the help of the combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative judgment. All these will provide technology support and theoretical guarantee for the reasonable management of the ecological forest system in Minjiang Watershed. Conclusion in this paper mainly include:(1)There are much factors affecting the extraction of the thematic information of forest types. Base on the spectral characteristics of forest types, the forest types which were larger differences in spectral characteristics were extracted with the help of the expert classification knowledge, the classification model with the appropriate value of spectral and the help of the stratified separation methods. The forest types in Minjiang watershed which were no notable differences in spectral characteristics were extracted with the help of supervised classification. To promote the precision of the classification, some partial forest types thmatics information were extracted by artificial interpretation. The results showed that the interpreter accuracy of the woodland of 1986 and of 2003 was 81.3% and 86.7%, the forest of 1986 and of 2003 was 79.5% and 87.3%.(2) From 1986 to 2003, the overall change of the ecological forest woodland in Minjiang Watershed is:The areas of the Chinese fir , pinus massoniana , mixed forest and bamboo increase,but the shrub and ecomical forest decreased, especially the most extent of increasement is pinus massoniana. The main factor of the dynamical change of the ecological forest in Minjiang Watershed was the mutual change among the broadleaf, Chinese fir, pinus massoniana and mixed forest, and there was relatively small change in other types.(3) The VARI was first used in the vegetation coverage model which was used to simulate the vegetation coverage in Minjiang watershed, and effectively promoted the precision of the model , the relative coefficient of the model was 0.868 .The precision of the model was 83%.(4) Spatial analysis and hydrological analysis expansion module of Arcview were used, the equivalence line of rainfall were inserted by use of IDW. The rainfall of each quarter in Minjiang watershed were gained. Combining the rainfall of each month measured in many years with quarterly
