

Studies on the Bio-ecological Characteristics of Seabuckthorn Carpenter Moth: Holcocerus Hippophaecolus (Lepidoptera: Cossidae)

【作者】 宗世祥

【导师】 骆有庆;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林保护, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 我国是全球沙棘栽植面积最大、种质资源最丰富、人工林建设最具成效的沙棘大国,现有沙棘林面积近200万hm2,占世界沙棘林面积的90%以上。沙棘不但是我国三北地区绿化荒山荒坡、营造水土保持林最有潜力和前途的树种;同时,它还具有较高的综合开发利用价值,已成为中国区域经济发展和维护生物多样性的重要生物资源。近几年,沙棘木蠹蛾在我国内蒙古、辽宁、山西、陕西和宁夏等地沙棘林内大面积暴发,给我国的沙棘产业发展造成了巨大的经济损失。由于该虫以前从未大面积发生危害,相关的研究报道较少。为此,本文从其生物生态学特性、种群动态、可供监测和防治的性引诱剂和相应的应用技术等方面进行了系统深入的研究,主要结果如下:1、通过室内、室外对沙棘木蠹蛾生物学特性的研究,结果表明:在辽宁,该虫约4年1代。老熟幼虫5月上旬入土化蛹,成虫始见于5月末,终见于9月初,期间经历两次羽化高峰,分别为6月中旬和7月下旬。卵集中产在干部树皮裂缝、伤口等处,孵化率达90%以上,卵期16d。幼虫常常十几头至上百头聚集在一起且具有转移危害的习性。老熟幼虫在树基部周围的土壤中化蛹,化蛹深度在地下10cm左右,蛹期31d。成虫羽化集中在16:00~19:00,交配高峰在21:30左右;雌雄性比在内蒙古和辽宁分别为1:0.85和0.912:1;雌虫产卵集中在交配后的第二天20:30~22:00之间;雄虫寿命2-8d,雌虫寿命3-8d。以幼虫在树干部和根部越冬,坡向不同,危害程度不同的沙棘林地并不影响其越冬虫态和越冬场所。2、通过利用传统生物学统计方法和地统计学方法,得出其卵、幼虫和蛹的空间格局均为负二项分布,即聚集分布。幼虫的最佳抽样方法为棋盘式。3、卵和蛹的发育起点温和有效积温研究结果表明:恒温条件下,蛹的发育起点温度C=12.056±0.176℃,有效积温K=295.203±4.094日度;变温条件下,蛹的发育起点温度C=15.481±0.419℃,有效积温K=202.356±13.057日度,而卵的发育起点温度C=16.746±0.835℃,有效积温K=101.549±12.579日度。蛹发育的最适温度为21℃。变温条件下,蛹的平均发育历期为31天,卵的平均发育历期为16天。4、通过测量幼虫的头宽、体长、体宽、上颚长和宽等指标,确定其共有16龄。不同龄幼虫前胸侧毛L1、L2和L3以及腹足大小等指标可以用于幼虫龄期的划分。5、沙棘主要钻蛀性害虫种群生态位的研究结果表明:沙棘木蠹蛾和红缘天牛在

【Abstract】 China is a largest country in plantation area, germ plasm of natural resources of seabuckthorn in the whole world, and its distribution area is about 2 million hm2 and more than 90% of the world’s seabuckthorn resources. Seabuckthorn is not only the best potential and future used on a large scale to control desertification, to conserve land and water resources in Three North area , but also a significant biological resource of regional economic development and biological diversity for higher integrated exploitation and utilization values in China.However in recent years, the seabuckthorn carpenter moth Holcocerus hippophaeclus broken out in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, Ningxia Hui Autonomous region, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Liaoning, Hebei and Gansu provinces, and caused a heavy ecological and economic loss.The related researches were very few for the infestation before it’s large scale occurrence .So, the author of this paper researched systemically the bio-ecology, damage characteristic, sex pheromone and its application technologies , and the main results showed as follows.1. The research results of biological characteristics indoor and outdoor showed that a generation of H. hippophaecolus lasted four years in Liaoning province, the mature larvae begin to pupate in the first of May under the ground and the moths emerge from the end of May to the early of September with two peaks of eclosion, the middle of June and the last of July respectively. The female moth always laid eggs to the crevice and wound in stem bark, the hatching rate of the egg is 90% and egg stage is 16d. The young larvae have the habit of aggregation with several to hundreds and transfer from the stems to the roots in current autumn. The mature larvae pupate in soil around the base of stem with the depth of 10 cm and pupal stage is 31d. The moth emergence occurs in 4:00-7:00 p.m., and copulation peak appears around 9:30 p.m.; the sex ratio of female to male is 1:0.85 in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region and 0.912:1 in Liaoning; the female may laid eggs through all day and night, especially in the next night between 8:30 to 10:00 p.m. after copulation; the longevity of male moth is 2-8 d and female moth is 3-8 d. The larva overwinter in the stems and roots of seabuckthorn, and the overwintering stages and location are not influenced by the direction of slope and the degree of damage in different woodlands.2. The spatial pattern of egg, larva and pupa are all the aggregated distribution by analysis with the traditional biostatistics and geo-statistics. The most ideal sampling method is the chessboard sampling.3. The values of developmental threshold temperature(C) and effective accumulative temperature (K) of the pupa are 12.056±0.176℃and 295.203±4.094 day-degree respectively under the condition of constant temperature, and under the congdition of variable temperature they are 15.481±0.419℃and 202.356±13.057 day-degree. However, the value of C and K of the egg under the condition of
